islamic world

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

facts about islam

The name "Muhammad" is the name of the most popular around the worldand ranks number two in the English to name a baby boy (the first sequence is occupiedby the name 'Jack')

Albania is the only country in continental Europe that 90% of the population are Muslims

The following words are absorbed from ArabicAlgebraZeroCottonSofaRice,CandySaffron, Balcony

 The word "man" and "Womenin the Qur'an are both numbered 24

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world according to many sourcesis expected to be a religion of the number 1 in 2030

Prophet Muhammad perform the Hajj only once in his life

If the Qur'an is now physically lost, then the Arabic version of the Qur'an will soon berecovered by the millions of Muslims, called Huffaz who had memorized the words inthe Qur'an from the beginning to start with the final verse.

Muslims increased 2.9% per yearThis growth is faster than the growth of the population of the earth itself is only 2.3per year.

As many as 8 million Muslims who now exist in the U.S. and 20,000 Americansconvert to Islam every year after the events of 9 / 11

The bodies of Pharaoh (Ramses IIwho drowned in the sea of redNewly discovered
by the archaeologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni in 1817after 3000 years under thesoil and sand.

Qur'an is the only holy book that can be memorized millions of people (Hafidz /penghafal Qur'an) so that the authenticity / purity is always maintained.

If other religions can have more than 4 different versions of the scriptures with one another, the Quran there is only one and there is no contradiction in it.

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