islamic world

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

6 things that are hidden GOD Almighty

 After Allah created the Gabriel finished with the form as beautiful, and God made him too long 600 wing, the wing was between east and west (there are other opinions expressed 124, 000 wings). After that sees himself as Gabriel and said: "O my Lord, is there anything you create a better creature than I?." Then Allah says that intend .. "No." Then Gabriel as standing and praying two rak'ahs kerana thanks to God Almighty. and it cycles every 20.000 years old.
After completion Gabriel as prayer, then Allah says intentioned. "O Gabriel, you have to worship me with worship that is serious, and no one who worships me like you worship, but at the end of the world will come a most noble prophet who I love, the name Muhammad. 'He has sentiasa people who are weak and sinful, if they were working on two cycles of prayer our other features only briefly, and their in straitened circumstances and forgotten, their thoughts drift vary and their sins were great as well.

 So for me and the height of my glory , their prayer was actually more like me than solatmu it. Kerana they do praying over my commandments, while you work on prayer instead of commandments. "Then Gabriel as saying:" My Lord, what you had given to them in return they worship? "And God said to intend. "Yes Gabriel, will I give surga Ma'waa as a place to live ...

"Then Gabriel asked as i zin to God to see syurga Ma'waa. After Gabriel IZI n as received from Allah so as to go Gabriel spread his wings and fly, every time he developed the two wings he must travel a distance of 3000 years, fly angel Gabriel as long as 300 years so that he felt tired and weak and finally he dropped downshelter under the shade of a tree and he bowed to Allah and he said in prostration: "O my Lord if I had traveled a distance of half, or third, or fourth? "
Then Allah says that meant. "O Gabriel, if you can fly over 3000 years and though I give unto you power like the power that you have, then you fly like you've done, nescaya you will not be up to a tenth of a tithe which I have given to the people of Muhammad to return praying two rak'ahs that they do .... .
Let us sama2 Think and try to do. Verily Allah has hidden six cases namely:
1. Allah Almighty has His Redha hide in obey.2. Allah SWT has to hide his anger at the immoral.3. Almighty God has hidden His name Supreme Court in Al-Quran.4 Allah SWT has hidden Laylat al-Qadr in the month of Ramadan.5. Allah had hidden the main prayer in the prayer (five times).6. Allah SWT has hidden (chronicle the occurrence of) the Day of Judgement in all day.
May we be blessed than this science. Wallahualam.

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