One example was more effective than a thousand counsel. And, verbal act is more eloquent than the spoken word. An exemplary example of Ali ibn Abi Talib shows how exemplary it is very effective to create social institutions that aspire to Islam.
Syahdan, one day came to Ali Aqil ibn Abi Talib, he welcomed the arrival of his brother. When it was dinner time, Aqil did not see anything on the table in addition to bread and salt. He was surprised to see this fact because of his arrival to request assistance to Ali for the sake of covering debts.
Ali said, "Wait a minute, I'll get my possessions. 'Aqil was annoyed and said," Is not Baitul Mal is in your hands? Why do you give of your possessions yourself? "He replied," If you want, take your sword and I will take my sword, and then we go out together to the area in which there is Hairah merchants wealthy, we entered the house of one of we take them and their wealth. "
Aqil refused and said, "What did I come to rob". Ali replied, "Stealing the wealth of them were still better than you steal the treasure belongs to all Muslims." Thus the exemplary leadership of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
To achieve a high degree in terms of ideals, Allah recommends us to always pray, "Our Lord, Grant to us wives and offspring who became tranquilizers heart for us, and make us priests forthose who are righteous. "(Surat al-Furqan [25]: 74)
Al-Qurtubi said if someone has a wife who collected her admirable qualities, such as chastity intelligent, gentle, obedient to their husbands, or have children who are obedient to God and devotion to his parents, then his heart will not be attracted again to glance at a woman or someone else's child. It's called the 'heart tranquilizer ", which can only be achieved if what he has got a blessing from God.
The intention of "priest for those who do right", namely a role model for them in terms of goodness. A person will not be a good role model for others unless he has been doing good to others, and fear Allah.
The relevance of piety and leadership here is described by Ibrahim an-Nakha'i, that pious Muslims who do not desire to ask the leadership to God, but expect a good example of him.Because by example, leadership will come by itself.
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