islamic world

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012


Islam is built on five principlesnamely Pillars of IslamLike a housePillars of Islamis the pole-pole or a support person's Islamic buildingsIn it covered by Islamic lawsthat govern all aspects of human life"Verily Islam is built on five casesin fact bear witness there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger, establishprayer and pay the obligatory almspilgrimage to the House and fasting inRamadan buIan(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). For anyone who has been working on the five pillars of Islam, not to mean that he has totally entered into IslamHe hasbuilt the foundation for other charity-charity.

Pillars of Islam is the operational basis of the Five Pillars of FaithNot enough is said to believe just by megerjakan Pillars of Islam without any attempt to enforce it.Pillars of Islam is the training / training for the Muslims to mardhotillah / keridhoanGod.

 Creed is the agreement (agreement) between a Muslim with Allah [7172]. A person who has declared La ilaha ilallaah means have been ready to fight (fight)against all forms of god beyond God in his life da1am [29:2].

 Prayer is the trainingas an exercise for every Muslim in his life is in order toprostrate (worship) to Allah [6:162]

 shaum is training, that as an exercise in physical control habitsie eating anddrinking and spiritual, that is lust[2:185]

 Zakat is the trainingie as an exercise for his wealthbecause every property of a Muslim is God's. [57:7, 59:7]. "You take the zakat from the rich people they are and you return it to those poor people(HR Mutafaqun 'alahi).

 Hajj is the trainingie as an exercise in sacrifice life and property in the way of Allah, the practice of unity and equality with his fellow men[22:27-28]

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