The first prerequisite is a so-called Muslim when he pronounces syahadatain (two testimonies). Testimony that there is no God of truth worship except Allah alone, and also testimony that the Prophet Muhammad.
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله, وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله
His testimony of God is to deny the worship-worship in others.And his testimony against the Prophet means obedience completely against everything that passed by him.These two things are an integral unity that would be impossible, any person to obey the Messenger of Allah then he is obeying God's commandments. Vice versa.
من أطاعني فقد أطاع الله ومن عصاني فقد عصى الله ومن أطاع أميري فقد أطاعني ومن عصى أميري فقد عصاني (رواه البخاري 6718)
Now those who submit to me then he has been obedient to God, and whoever is immoral to me then he has been adulterous in God. And those who obey the amir then he has been obedient to me, and whoever is immoral to engage in immoral amir then he has me (Reported by Bukhari 6718)
The meaning of obedience to Allah is to obey everything that was taken by him. Exceed or reduce the Shari'a is brought by the Prophet is a form of disobedience to it. And this is what is called heresy. Odds of affection and a love for His Messenger will hurt the Shari'a had brought with making false Shari'a.
Legal defense of the Prophet
Defense of the Prophet is part of the demands of a witness.Because the testimony without works is accompanied by a 'deception' against Islam.In defense of the Prophet's encyclopedic book (mausu'ah ad-difa '' an Rosulillah) by Ali bin Naif said Imam Ishaq ibn Rohawaih Praise be to Allaah said: "The Islamic Ummah has agreed (ijma ') Praise be to Allaah denounce whoever Allah or His Apostle denounce or defend something that falls not from God, or kill the Prophet he was an infidel "Al-khaththabi said: "I do not know if any one of the Islamic Ummah in dispute regarding the obligation to kill him"This above was based on the hadith of the Prophet:
عن جابر عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال من لكعب بن الأشرف فقال محمد بن مسلمة أتحب أن أقتله قال نعم قال فأذن لي فأقول قال قد فعلت (رواه البخاري 3032)
From Jabir, the Prophet SAW said: "Who would kill Ka'b ibn Ashraf, Muhammad bin Maslamah said 'Do you like it if I kill him?' The Apostle replied 'yes' then Muhammad ibn Maslamah said then give me permission to kill him . After that he said: 'Have I carried out' (Bukhari HR 3032)The friend has many an example of fidelity to the Prophet. Among the patriotic story of the war occurred at full moon, two little boys aged 13 years, Muadh bin Amr and Mu'adh bin Afra is a heartwarming story in which a child armed with a love of the Prophet is able to cut the calf Abu Jahl and pick up his life with an unsheathed sword. It all happened just because they heard that the Prophet had made a bloody face by Abu Jahl.
Refutation of words Azyumardi Azra
In a private television event in the Professor said "Why should angry, the Prophet was silent when the unbelievers mock and hurt him" how do we answer?
1. This happens when Muslims are in Mecca, jihad sharia has not lowered. Because the command of jihad falls when the Apostle was the second year in Medina.2. Who is personally insulted Muhammad, not denounced his apostleship (Islamic law).
Because the Jewish children of Qainuqa 'was already determines what risk insulting the Islamic Shari'a. One time one of them pulled the veil Muslim women, knowing it's Apostle ordered to collect troops and drove out the sons Qainuqa 'of Medina.
3. The story-led combat troops Maslamah and Abu Muhammad bin al-Anshori Nailah on orders Apostle fight al-Ka'b bin Ashraf who with his verse he blasphemed God and His Apostle.
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