islamic world

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Muslim and Christian Dialogue

Christian: "It may ask? Why did you marry the Prophet 11 or 12 women? This shows that he is a person who likes indulgence in lust (sex). "Muslim: "First, Please tell me, people who marry for lust (sex) would choose a girl or a widow?"Christian: "He will choose the girl."Muslim: "The first woman whom he married Khadijah bint Khuwailid Messenger is the status of widows and aged 40 years.

Second, at what age explosive sexual appetite? "Christian: "Less is more starting from the age of 16 years to 40 years, as the age of perfection of manhood and maturity of mind."Muslim: "Our Prophet did not marry another woman after Khadijah, except after he reaches 50 years of age. So, the problem is for the benefit of establishing shari'ah and wisdom, not lust / passion. "Christian: "Well ... If it was not lust, why should marry as many women as it is, 11 or 12 women? Why not one, two or four? "Muslim: "Why do you question the Apostle us? While the apostles permasalahkan you do not you too?!Are not you believe in Prophet Sulayman? Whereas in the holy book you mentioned that Prophet Solomon was married to 1000 women. (Mentioned in I Kings [11:2-3]: "... Liver Solomon had been adrift to them with love. He had seven hundred wives of the nobility and three hundred concubines ...").So also with you that the Prophet Rehoboam who has 78 wives.(Mentioned in 2 Chronicles [11:21]: "Rehoboam loved Maacah, daughter of Absalom more than all the wives and mistresses, he took eighteen wives and sixty concubines ...").Then compare with the number of wives of the Apostles we are only numbered 12 persons, where the most?How do you denounce polygamy and mencacinya our Prophet?And you think this is a disgrace to the position of prophethood?While the book you yourself have mentioned the polygamy of the great prophets of you, and you consider it reasonable? "Christian: "Hmm ... Then why did you marry a girl Apostle also minors, whom he married Aisha at the age of 6 or 9 years? Is not that a disgrace, too? "Muslims: What about your own life, in which women have a lot of you guys having sex outside of marriage at the age below 10 years? This has been recognized by various media. So why are you concerned about our Prophet married women under age, whereas women are very much your own commits adultery under age? Which is more disgrace? "Christians: "Let our women are persons, so it can not serve as the foundation. As for your prophet is a holy and noble, but to do so? Look at the difference in age is very far when the Prophet married Aisha your 6-year-old prophet while you are aged 50 years, the difference in 44 years! "Muslims: "Do you forget or do not know the history of Mary 'The virgin saint'? At what age did he marry in your history?Mary was married to Joseph when the age of 12 years! Is not it also underage? While the time Joseph was 89 years old (mentioned in the Catholic Encyclopedia). Their age difference of 77 years! The difference is very much at all compared with our Prophet. "Christian: "Well ... We gave up on you in the context of your Prophet, then why would you (Muslims) to marry 4 women? This is an insult to women? "Muslim: "Western society today, a man marries one woman only, but having sex is illegal (haram) or having an affair with a woman, whether friend or lover. Statistical data show that contemporary Western population of women more than men. Intimate relationships are made of men to make women only as a outlet for lust alone. Then after the male libido channel, then the woman becomes worthless to him. An insult to women such as what is more awesome than that?!While our religion requires us to treat all wives are doing good (good) and give their rights equitably. In addition, women should also be positioned as part of the male, because women are his home, where he lived and his clothes. That is a strong bond in which a woman can find her dignity and to realize her femininity.So, what is more noble and more exalted, O all the doctors? "Christian: .... (Glek ...!)

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