islamic world

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

tears from HEAVEN

Arguments from the Qur'an and Sunnah:- God says, "And they fall down on their faces weeping, and they grow khusyu. '" (Surat al-Isra': 109).
- "Then let them laugh little and weep much, as a retaliation of what they were doing." (Surat At-Tawbah: 82).

- "They are people who have been given by God mat` ni, ie the prophets from Adam, and of those whom We carried with Nuh, and of the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We have We guided and chose. If recited the verses of Allah, Most Gracious to them, then they fall down in prostration and weep. "(Surah Maryam: 58).- "Then the heavens and the earth wept not for them, and they were not given respite." (Surah Ad-Dukhan: 29).- "And that He it is that makes people laugh and cry." (Surat an-Najm: 43).- "And ye laugh and not cry?" (Surat an-Najm: 60).- Messenger of Allah said, "Seven group that gets the shade of Allah on a day that there is no shade except the shade of Allah ... (and mentioned among others) a person who dhikr (remember) to God in solitude and tears" (Narrated by al-Bukhari, other-Muslim and others).- Messenger of Allah said, "It will not enter into hell fire someone who's crying out of fear of God up to breast milk (which was taken by his son) returned to their places of origin (breast-pent)." ( no.2311 , sanad hasan)- Word of the Prophet, "Those who remember Allah and then she was crying so the tears fell to earth surely he will not soon punished on the Day of Resurrection" (Narrated by al-Hakim and he said sanadnya saheeh).- From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said, "All eyes on the Day of Judgement will cry unless (there are some eyes that do not cry), first: the eye is kept of the things that are forbidden of God, the second: eyes that used to guard ( at night) in the way of Allah, the third: eyes that something out of it (crying) though (the tears that came out) only as small as a fly's head for fear of God "(HR.Ashbahani).- From Ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet said, "Every believer who shed a tear for fear of Allah even if only as small as a fly's head, and tears were rolling down her cheeks Allah forbid hell to touch it." (HR.Ibnu Majah, al- Bayhaqi).- From al-Abbas Bin Abdul Muthallib, the Prophet said, "Two types of eyes that are not touched by the fire of hell, (first) crying eyes (in the middle of solitude) at night for fear of Allah, and (second) currency that is used to guard (at night) in the way of Allah. "(Narrated by At-Thabrani).- From Uqbah bin Amir, he said, "I asked, 'O Messenger of how to keep safe? Prophet said: 'Control lisanmu, your house should make you feel comfortable (for worship), and weep for your sins. "(HR: At-Tirmidhi, hasan hadeeth, and classed as saheeh by al-Albani).- From Zaid Bin Arqom, he said, "Someone asked the Prophet," O Messenger with what I fortify myself from the fires of hell? He replied, "With your tears, because the eyes are crying out of fear of Allah, hell will not touch it for ever" (Narrated by Ibn Abi Dunya and Ashbahany).- From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said, "Do not you laugh a lot, because a lot of laughter deadens the heart." (Reported by Al-Bukhari in Adabul simplex, and Ibn Majah with a sanad jayyid).

TEARS Rasoolullah:- It was narrated from Abdullah ibn Syukhair he said, "I went to the Prophet who was praying, and (I heard) of the chest cavity there are such thundering roar from the pot of boiling water which is above the fiery furnace (caused) because he's crying" (Narrated by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi).

- Anas bin Malik reported, at one time until the news to the Prophet about his friends. Prophet then said, "I offered Heaven and Hell, but I never saw about good and evil as I see today. If you all know what I know, surely you would laugh little and weep much. "Anas continued," So no day heaviest experienced by the friends apart from that day. Their heads bowed, weeping. "(HR: Muslim, no.2359).

- Ubaid bin 'Umar once said to' Aisha, "Tell us the case of the most remarkable of which you saw in the Prophet." Ubaid said that 'Aisha paused then said, "Once on a night the Messenger of Allah said,' O 'Aisha! Let me worship my Lord tonight! 'I said,' By Allah, I want to close with you and make you happy. "'Aisha said, then the Prophet performing ablution, prayed and cried until her tears wetting the beard. He continued to cry until moistened soil.Then came the Fajr Adhan of Bilal echoed. When he saw the Messenger cried, Bilal said, 'O Messenger of Allah! Are you crying, when Allah has forgiven your sin yangh past and future? 'Messenger of Allah said,' Do not I deserve to be a grateful servant?! It has been revealed to me one verse, then woe to those who read but do not want to think about, 'Verily in the heavens and the earth panciptaan and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people who have sense.' (Al-Imran: 190). "(See Ibn Hibban, 523 and At-Targhib, 2 / 372).

- From Ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet said to him, "Read the Qur'an for me." Ibn Mas'ud replied, "O Messenger of Allah! Will I read the Qur'an for you, but padamulah the Qur'an was revealed. "Prophet said again," Verily, I want to hear it from someone else. "Ibn Mas'ud recited Surat an-Nisa 'until verse 41, the Prophet said: , "Quite right there!" Ibn Mas'ud said, "I then turned to him.Suddenly his eyes smeared with tears. "(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).- From Ali, "One day we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque. Suddenly Mus'ab bin Umair. No one except him wear black blankets full of patches. When the Prophet saw it, he wept.He compared when Mus'ab became affluent before his condition now. Then the Prophet said, 'What if one of you in the morning already available clothing, also in the evening then laid before him a delicious meal. After that, the dish re-appointed. Then you cover your house like a fabric covered Ka'bah? "The friend replied, 'O Messenger of Allah. At that time, we were better than now because it can worship in peace and not busy looking for the necessities of life. 'Messenger of Allah said,' No! You are currently better than it was. "(HR: At-Tirmidhi, 2476).

- From Abu Hurairah, when it fell subsection (An-Najm: 59-60), the Expert Suffah (companions of the Prophet who lived in the courtyard of the mosque because of the poor and have no family-pent) wept until tears streaming down their cheeks. When the Prophet heard the sobbing of meeka, the Prophet cried with them, so we began to cry with the Prophet (ket: Abu Huraira including expert Suffah). Then the Prophet said, "Not going to hell those who weep for fear of (doing) immoral, if you do not commit sins, Allah will bring a people who do it (sin-pent), so they ask for forgiveness, then God will forgive them." ( HR: Al-Bayhaqi 1 / 489, no. 799 and the book Syu'ab al-Iman).

- Ibn Saad said, Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Al-Abdari Syarhabil told us of his father, "Mus'ab bin Umair carry the flag on the day of Uhud. When the Muslim armies were scattered on all sides, Mus'ab stayed with the Prophet. Then came Ibn Qumai'ah who rode and so decided to slash at his right hand. Mus'ab and then read the verse: "Muhammad was nothing but an Apostle, have passed away before some people Apostles." (Al-Imran: 144). His left hand took the flag and replaced it with his right hand.Musuhpun continue to approach it, then cutting up his left hand cut off. Do not stop here, with both arms he hugged tightly and merapatkannya flag on his chest. He continued to read the verse.The third enemy came and shot an arrow which penetrated his heart. He collapsed and fell with the flag of the Islamic forces. So Mus'ab repeating verse. After the war, the Prophet and his companions around the battlefield to identify and search for the martyrs who died. When it came to the bodies of Mus'ab, bercucuranlah tears Prophet and the Companions. Khabbab bin Al-Art said, "We emigrated with the Prophet by Allah's favor and expect a reply from him. While some of us have died and did not enjoy his world. Among them was Mus'ab bin Umair who died at the battle of Uhud. At that time no one can be used as a shroud for him besides the clothes he wore striped. If you want to cover his head, then terlihatlah feet. If you want to close her legs then terlihatlah head. Then the Prophet said, 'Make it as a cover fabric head and feet with vegetation cover adzar (scented plants). "Allah Bercucuranlah tears. With a sad heart, he looked at the clothes worn by Mus'ab as kafannya as he said, 'I've seen you in Makkah with all the beauty of the clothes you wear. Nothing can equal your appearance. But on this day your hair is irregular and berkafankan Burdah. "(Al-Ishabah no. 6 / 98).TEARS righteous ones

- From Salim ibn 'Ubayd said, "The Prophet never had fainted in pain. Once he realized, he said, 'It's tibakah prayer time?' The people answered, 'Yes.' He said, 'Tell Bilal for a call to prayer!Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people to pray! "Salim said," Then he passed out, then realized. He said, 'It's tibakah prayer time?' The people answered, 'Yes.' He said, 'Tell Bilal for a call to prayer!Also ordered Abu Bakr to lead the people to pray! "Aisha said, 'Behold my father was a man who asiif (ie easy to be sad), when he occupies that position (ie as a priest-pent), he would cry, so it can not (continued prayer as many cry-pent). What if you get someone else? "Salim said," Then he passed out, then realized.He asked, 'Tell Bilal for a call to prayer! Also ordered Abu Bakr to lead the people to pray! Surely you guys like the women friends of Joseph! "(HR: Ibn Majah, An-Nasa'i and Ath-Thabrani with a saheeh sanad).

- From Ibn Abbas that Umar bin Khattab told, "I went to the Prophet. When he was on a mat. I also sat down and it turns out he only wear cloth, without the other. Apparently the impression mat on his back. Then I saw a handful of wheat, plants which have been tanned (kiriz) at the corner of the room, as well as animal skins hanging. I also shed tears. Then the Prophet asked, 'What makes you weep, O Ibn Al-Khattab?' Umar replied, 'O Messenger of Allah! How can I not cry?! This mat has made an impression on your back. And the closet there is nothing in it other than what I saw. Then there were kings and emperors bermewah luxury with fruits and rivers. Though you are a prophet and messenger of Allah his best servants, but this is all you got? 'The Prophet replied,' O Ibn al-Khattab if you are not satisfied if we get the afterlife while they get the world? '"(HR: Ahmad 1 / 301, withsaheeh sanad).

- From Anas, the Prophet said to Ubayy ibn Ka'b, "Allah told me to read to you all Al-Bayyinah." Then Ubayy said, "Is God calling you my name?" The Prophet said, "Yes." And Ka'ab was crying. "(HR: Bukhari no. 3809, 4959).- It is reported that when people come to visit Yemen (to Medina-pent) during the reign of Abu Bakr and hear the reading of the Qur'an, they instantly cry. Abu Bakr said, "That's our first. And then be careful of this man to be hard. "(See Al-Kanz Ummal, 2 / 203).

- Anas bin Malik said, is the Messenger of Allah was berkhutbah beside a lump of wood, he rested on the wood. When the number of people started a lot, the Prophet said, make me pulpit, pulpit has two flights of stairs. 'When the Messenger of Allah stood onstage for berkhutbah, wood groaning longing for Allah. "Anas continued," I was in the mosque, while the timber was voicedsounds like a little child. "Wood continued to speak to the Prophet and then held her down, then the wood was silent.Fadhalah bin Mubarak said said, "When Hasan narrated this hadith, he cried, then said, 'O servants of Allah, the wood groan because of missed the Messenger of Allah because the position of his hand, when you have more right to missed seeing him."(HR: Ahmad and others. History origin in the Ash-Shahihain).

- Anas bin Malik said, "Umar said to Abu Bakr after the death of the Prophet, 'Let's go visit Umm Aiman ​​as Allah visited him once.' After we met Um Ayman, he cried. Abu Bakr and 'Umar said to him,' What makes you cry? Do you not know what's on the side better for the Messenger of Allah? 'Umm Ayman replied,' I weep not for lack of knowing that what was the sight of Allah is better for the Messenger, but I cried because revelation has been disconnected from the sky. 'Remark It encourages Abu Bakr and Umar wept, until they cried together Umm Ayman. "(HR: Muslim).- Similarly, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, he very easily touched by reading the Quran and always cry when reciting the Quran. Umar bin Khattab also be a priest when Isha and Fajr prayers, he often read the letters of Joseph, and every time you read this letter then he cries and cries a voice audible to the very back row. Abdullah ibn Isa said, "There is in the face of Umar bin Khattab two black line marks the crying (because there were so many tears-pent)."- Qatadah said, "Ala bin Ziyad was a lot of crying until her eyes became myopic, if he wants to talk or read, his eyes began to shed the water."CONCEALING CRIESBy hiding the tears will be able to relieve someone of Riya 'is finally able to remove all righteous deeds, and also can protect themselves from their special nature (pride), which dragged the culprit at the boastful nature. Most major and nothing can match it is the salvation of one's religion (of all things that destroy it).

- A'masyi said, "Hudhayfah crying in his prayer, when he finished he looked back, it turns out there was someone behind him, he said, 'Do not you tell this incident to anyone."- From Bastham bin Huraits said, "Ayyub (Ayyub ibn Abi al-Sikhtiyani Tamimah-pent) never felt so touched and tears began to flow. But he tried to hide it from his companions by holding his nose as if he was cold (in another narration, as he said, 'What a cold severity of this'). If she could not restrain her tears, she stood up. "- From Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad, he said, "We traveled a lot with Ibn al-Mubarak. Often I said in my heart, 'For what is more important person than us (ie Ibn al-Mubarak-pent), until he was in the midst of such famous people? If because of his prayer, yet also the same with our prayers. Even if he is fasting, we also fasted the same. Even if the war, we are also at war. Even as pilgrims, we also perform the Hajj as he was. 'One night when we were having dinner at a home in Sham, suddenly the lights went out. So some of us got up and took the lamp, and went out to light again. Not how long he returned with a lamp. I looked into the face of Ibn al-Mubarak and his beard, which was already wet with tears. I said to myself, 'Out of fear like that he's more mainstream than we do. Perhaps when the lights went out until the atmosphere becomes dark, then he too remembers the day of Judgement. "Al-Mawarzy said," I heard Abu Abdullah, Ahmad ibn Hanbal said, 'Allah Ibn al-Mubarak did not raise but because he kept secret. "(Shifatush Shafwah , 4 / 27).

- From Rabi 'bin Shabih, when Hasan was giving advice, there is someone who is crying. Hasan said, "Truly Allah on the Day of Judgement will ask you later, what do you want from what you did that?"- Hasan ibn Rabi 'said, "When Ibn Mubarak touched his heart and would not if it is known by others, he stood up or change the subject."- Ma'mar said, "There is someone who is crying beside Hasan, he too said, 'Once there was someone who when he was crying then the next friend does not know that."- Muhammad bin Wasi 'said, "I have been hanging out with various people. Among them are some who slept with his wife on a pillow, the pillow was wet with tears, but the wife did not realize it. Many are also prayers and tears fell down her cheek next to them are people who do not know. "According to the author (Shaykh Salih ibn al-Hasawi Shuwailih-pent), stories like this-maybe-who referred to is himself. Similarly, people who tell, when in fact it was himself. They tell it to others by way of obscure their identity, or they only see the marks of weeping even if not directly witnessed him crying. Therefore, it is advisable for a person to hide the tears according to capabilities.Conversely, someone kind enough thought to know someone else who was crying. Makhul said, "I witnessed someone who was setting up prayer, each time bowing and prostration he cried.I accused him as one who does Riya 'with the prayer that, after that I can not cry for a year. "(Al-Khasyyah wal Open" by Shuwailih bin Salih Al-Hasawi).

Unlike the case with assemblies or dhikr cries made by some people who claim themselves scholars or sheikhs or kiai or other religious teacher and then followed by the general public. They gathered and then perform certain rituals as dhikr and in congregation wept. They decorate the beautiful remembrance and tears, so beautiful as if people think they are the best and the most pious. That is very much contrary to the Sunnah and the righteous ones manhaj earlier. So such actions could fall into heresy matters that dhalalah and riya '. Ibn Jawzi said: "The devil has made a trick to most laymen. They are present in the assemblies of dhikr, crying and quite with it. In the present state of thought that's their purpose and crying. This is because they know the virtue present in the assemblies of dhikr. Had they known that the real purpose is to practice and if they do not practice what they hear will be the stronger proof (reasons) against them (to punish them). "Wallahu'alam.

(Taken from the book "Al-Syamaa'il Mukhtasar Muhammadiyah" by Imam At-Tirmidhi, summarized and Nashiruddin ditahqiq by Muhammad al-Albani. Also the book "Al-Khasyyah wal Open '" by Shuwailih bin Salih Al-Hasawi. And the book " Dumu 'Ash-Righteous "by Abul Fida' Izzat M. M. Arif)

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