Some days it just played the 2012 film that tells about the destruction of the earth. And the End of the end of this emerging issue of major disasters will occur on earth. Some people regard the Day of Resurrection will occur. Sebgai believers we must always return the issues to guide our eternal namely the Koran.
Here is a translation of some of the Koran verse that informs about the Day of Resurrection.
7. Al A'raaf187. They ask thee about the Hour: "When will it happen?" Say: "Verily the knowledge about the end it is on the side of my Lord; no one can explain the time of his arrival but Him. Judgement is very heavy (hurly haranya for the creatures) in the heavens and the earth. Judgement will not come unto you but with a suddenarriving. " They ask you as if you really know. Say: "Verily the knowledge of nautical Hour is with Allah, but most people do not know."
56. Al Waqi'a1. In the event of Judgement Day,2. no one can lie about what happened.3. (It was) condescending (one class) and raise (other groups),4. When the earth is shaken violently sedahsyat-,5. and the mountains destroyed luluhkan seluluh-luluhnya,6. He then be scattered dust,7. and ye into three groups.8. Namely the right. How glorious it was the right group.9. And leftists. What a miserable group that left.etc. ..
69. Al Haaqqah1. Judgement Day2. whether it's doomsday?3. And what will explain to thee what the Day of Resurrection?4. Thamud and 'Aad belied the Hour5. As for Thamud, they were destroyed by extraordinary events6. As for the people of 'Aad, they were destroyed by a very cold wind again very fast,7. that God laid on the wind to them for seven nights and eight days continuously; then you see people of 'Aad at that time lay dead as if they were palm tree stump that has been empty (weathered).
101. Al Qaari'ah1. Day of Judgement,2. what the Day of Judgement is?3. Do you know what the Day of Judgement is?4. On that day the man is like a termite-strewn,5. and the mountains are like a feather being squandered.6. And as for those scales are heavy (goodness) it,7. then he was in a satisfactory life.8. And as for those whose balance (of good deeds) it,9. Will have his home was hell Hawiyah.etc. ...
75. Qiyama1. I swear by the Day of Judgement,2. I swear by the soul and very sorry for (himself)3. Does man think that We will not collect (back) bones?4. Not so, in fact we power up (again) with perfect fingers.5. Even the man was about to make immoral continuously.6. He said: "When will the Hour?"7. So when the wide-eyed (fear),8. and when the moon was eclipsed,9. and the sun and moon were collected,10. on that day the people said: "Where a place to run?"11. Nay! There is no shelter!12. Only to your Lord alone in the back that day.13. On that day preached to man what he had done and what dilalaikannya.14. Even the man became a witness against himself15. although he presented his excuses.
39. Az Zumar65. And indeed it has been revealed to you and to the (prophets) are before you. "If ye ascribe (God), He will wipe away amalmu and surely you are one of the losers.66. Because of that, then let you worship Allah alone, and be thou of the thankful. "67. And they did not glorify God with the proper reverence of the earth entirely in the hands of Him on the Day of Judgement and heavens rolled up in His right hand. Glory to God Most High and He from what they associate.
6. Al An'am31. Really people are losers who deny their meeting with God; so that when doomsday comes to them suddenly, they say: "What a regret us, against our negligence about the end of it!", While they bear the sins of the above back. Remember, an evil of what they endured it.
27. An NamlSIGNS OF Day of Judgement and riot doomsday COME IN TIME82. And if the words have fallen upon them, we remove a type of creeping things of the earth who will say to them, that really was not sure the first man in Our Signs
79. An Naazi'aatHour is remembered IN HUMAN WILL done in this world34. So when the great catastrophe (Judgement Day) has come.35. On the day (when) people will remember what he had done,36. and shown clearly to hell with everyone who sees.37. As for those who transgress limits;38. and prefer the life of the world,39. the actual Fire shelter (it).
39. Az ZumarDifferences circumstances people are cautious with people who deny the Day of Resurrection60. And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against Allah, his face turned black. Did not the Fire Jahannam is a place for people who boast?
14. IbrahimThe commandments of God to pray and give alms mendirihan31. Say to My servants who have believed: "Let them set up a prayer, spend sebahagian sustenance which We have given them, secretly or openly before the coming days (Judgement) that the bari was no sale and purchase and friendship
20. Ta-Ha15. Segungguhnya Hour will come I keep (the time) so that every soul is rewarded with what Endeavour.
The situation on the Day of Judgement105. And they ask thee concerning the mountains, say: "My Lord will destroy it (on the Day of Resurrection) sehancur-destruction,106. then He will make the (former) mountain was flat at all,107. There is very little you see him place low-and high-high.108. On that day people follow (heading towards voice) caller with no twisting, and merendahlah all voices to God the Merciful, then you not only hear but a whisper.109. On that day syafa'at useless, unless (syafa'at) whom Allah the Merciful has given permission to him, and he was pleased with his words.
47. Muhammad18. Thus it is that they're waiting for doomsday but (are) coming to them with a sudden, because there came signs. So whether boondoggle for their consciousness when they were already coming Apocalypse?
22. Al-Hajj1. O mankind, fear your Lord, indeed jolt the Hour is an event that is very large (powerful).2. (Remember) the day (when) you see it jiggle, lalailah all women who breastfeed their children from the child and their breastfeeding gugurlah content of all women who are pregnant, and you see a drunken man, when in fact they are not drunk, but God's Wrath is very hard.7. and the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt; and that Allah will raise all people in the tomb.69. Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection about what you were always at loggerheads with him.
54. Al Qamar46. Actually that's doomsday day promised to them and end it more powerful and more bitter.
25. Al Furqaan11. In fact, they deny the Hour. And we provide the fiery hell for those who deny the Day of Resurrection.
53. An Najm57. It has been near the Day of Judgement.58. No one would argue that in addition to the day of God.59. Do you then wonder at this news?60. And you laugh and not cry?61. While you ignore his (her)?62. Then prostrate to Allah and serve (Him).
45. Al Jaatsiyah17. And We gave them clear explanations about the affairs (of religion), so they do not disagree, but after coming to their knowledge because of envy that exists between them. Verily thy Lord will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection for what they are at odds with him.
26. Say: "It is Allah who turn on you and then kill you, after that you gather on the Day of Judgement that there is no doubt: but most men understand not.
21. Al Anbiyaa '47. We will install the appropriate scales on the Day of Resurrection, then the aggrieved person's goods Nor the slightest. And if (practice it) only weighs seed sawipun We must bring (reward) them. We suffices as a maker of calculation.
103. They are not troubled by the awesomeness of large (on the day), and they were greeted by the angels. (The angel says): "This is your day which had been promised to you."104. (That is) on the day we roll heaven as rolled sheets - sheets of paper. As we began the first panciptaan so we will repeat.That's a promise that we would keep it just behold, we who will carry it out.
44. Ad Dukhan40. Verily the Day of Decision (Judgement Day) that is the time appointed for them all,41. the day that a friend can not give the slightest benefit to the friend, and they will not get help,42. unless one is given by God's grace. He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
43. Az Zukhruf65. So berselisihlah factions (contained) in between them, and woe to those who do wrong day ie a painful torment (of Judgement).66. They did not wait for the coming Day of Judgement except to those with a sudden while they perceive not.
85. And Most Holy Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them and, on the side of Him the knowledge of the Hour and unto Him ye will be returned.
20. Ta-Ha100. Whoever turned away from the Al qur'an then indeed he will bear a burden on the Day of Judgement,124. And whosoever turn away from Me, then surely his livelihood is narrow, and we will menghimpunkannya on the Day of Judgement in a state of blind. "
42. Ash Syuura17. Allah sent down the book with (carrying) truth and (lower) the balance (of justice). And you know, perhaps the Hour is (are) close?18. People who do not believe in the Day of Judgement requesting that the day was soon brought in and those who believe to feel afraid of him and they believe that the Resurrection is true (will happen). Know that actually the people who argue about the Hour was really in far error.
41. Fushshilat40. Those who deny Our Signs are not hidden from Us. So if people are thrown into the Fire better, or the people who come up with secure on the Day of Resurrection? Do that which you desire; He is Seer of what ye do.
40. Al-Mu'min18. Warn them that day close (ie the Day of Judgement) when hearts (suffocating) up the esophagus to withstand grief. People who do wrong do not have one loyal friend and not (also) has received a giver syafa'at syafa'atnya.59. Verily the Hour will surely come, no doubt about it, but most people do not believe.
36. YaasiinState of the believers on the Day of Resurrection51. And blown sangkalala, then suddenly they come out immediately from the grave (to) their Lord.52. They said: "Woe to us! Who has awakened us from our sleeping places (the grave)?." This is what was promised (God) Most Gracious and the apostles told the truth (His).53. Not the cry but once is just screaming, then suddenly they all gathered before Us.54. So on that Day, will not be harmed at all and you are not repaid, except by what you did.
17. Al Israa 'The true path must be punished58. No one negeripun (the rebellious inhabitants), but We destroyed before doomsday or doom us (residents) with a very harsh punishment. That has been written in the book (Lawh Mahfuz).
34. Saba '3. And those who disbelieve say: "Day of Resurrection will not come to us." Say: "It must come, for the sake of my Lord the Knower of the unseen, the real doom will surely come to you. Nothing is hidden from Him for zarrahpun those in heaven and on earth and no (well) which is smaller than that and larger, but in a real book (Lawh Mahfuz) ",
30. Say: "For you there are days that have been promised (Judgement Day) that you can not ask for a moment the goods back from it and not (also) you can request to be filed."
51. And (it would be great) if you look at when they (the disbelievers) aghast fear (on the Day of Judgement): then they can not escape and they were arrested from a nearby place (to be taken to hell),
52. and (at that time) they said: "We believe in God", how they can reach (faith) from afar it
16. An Nahl77. And Allah belongs all that is hidden in heaven and on earth. Is an event that doomsday is not, but like a flash or faster (again).For Allah hath power over all things.
84. And (remember) the day (when) We were raised from every nation a witness (the apostle), then not allowed to those who disbelieve (in self-defense) and not (also) they are allowed to ask for Sorry.
30. Ar Rum14. And on the day of Judgement, the day that they (men) bergolong-class.15. As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, then they are in the garden (paradise) happy.55. And on the day of Judgement, will swear the people who sinned; "they do not stay (in the grave) but just (just)." As such they are always turned away (from truth)
6. Al An'am15. Say: "Verily, I fear the punishment of a great day (the day), if I disobey my Lord."16. Whoever is deprived of her punishment on that day, then indeed Allah has given him grace. And that's a real fortune.
81. At Takwiir1. If the sun rolled,2. and when the stars are falling,3. and when the mountains were destroyed,4. and when the pregnant camels left (largely ignored)5. and if wild animals were collected,6. and when the sea used as overflow7. and when the souls reunited (with body)8. and when the babies of women who were buried alive,9. For what crime she was killed;10. and if the records (deeds humans) is opened,11. and if the sky eliminated,12. Hell and when ignited,13. and when brought near syurga14. then every soul will know what has been done
89. Al Fajr15. As for man when his Lord tested him and he was honored and given him pleasure, then he will say: "My Lord has memuliakanku."16. But when his Lord tested it and restrict rizkinya then he said: "My Lord menghinakanku" [17. Nay (so), you actually do not glorify orphans18. and you do not invite each other to feed the poor,19. and you eat the treasures by mixing greed (which is halal and which false),20. and ye love wealth with excessive love.21. Do not (do so). If the earth is shaken in a row,22. and came thy Lord; are angels in rows.23. And on that day are shown in Jahannam Hell, and people remember that day, but no longer useful to remember that for him.24. He said: "I wish I would first do (good deeds) for my life."25. So this day no one is tortured as punishment26. and no one is binding as his bond. etc. ..
5. Al Maa'idahONE OF THE EVENTS IN Doomsday109. (Remember) the Day when Allah gather the apostles and God said (to them): "What is the answer to your people (call) you?." The apostles replied: "We have no knowledge (of it); Thou art the one who knows the unseen matter."
30. Ar Rum12. And on the day of Judgement, those who sinned silent despair.
23. Al Mu'minuun16. Then, surely ye shall be raised up (again) on the Day of Resurrection.
22. Al-Hajj17. Those who believe, Jews, people Shaabi-iin the Christians, Magians and those unbelievers, Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Verily Allah is witness over all things.
2. Al Baqarah48. And guard yourselves from the (punishment) days (Judgement, which on that day), one can not defend anyone else, even the slightest, and (so is) not accepted syafa'at and ransom from him, and they will not be helped.
19. Maryam93. No one in heaven and on earth, except to come to God, Most Gracious as a servant.94. Verily, Allah has determined the number of them and count them with a careful count.95. And each one of them will come to God on the Day of Resurrection with its own.
17. Al Israa '13. And each man's deeds have We decreed (as its permanent necklace) around his neck. And We're out for him on the Day of Resurrection a book which opens met.
97. And whoever is impelled to God, it was he who guided him and whoever is led astray once in a while you will not get helpers for those other than Him. And We will gather them on the Day of Judgement (dragged) on their faces in a state of blind, mute and deaf. Their abode is hell jahannam. Each time the flame will be extinguished Jahannam, we add more to their intense heat.
67. Al-Mulk25. And they say: "When will the coming of the threat that if ye are truthful?"26. Say: "Verily knowledge (about the Day of Resurrection) is only with Allah. And verily I am only a warner to explain."
12. Joseph107. Do they feel safe from the coming of God's punishment that includes them, or the coming apocalypse to those of a sudden while they perceive not?
60. Al Mumtahanah3. Closest relatives and your children once in a while there is no benefit to you on the Day of Judgement. He will separate you.And Allah is Seer of what ye do.
11. Huud102. And so the punishment of your Lord when He punishes the people of countries who do wrong. His doom it is very painful again hard.103. Verily in this is really a lesson there for those who fear the punishment of the Hereafter. Judgement Day is a day that all humans were collected for (against) it, and that day is a day that witnessed (by all creatures).
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