islamic world

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012


Quoted from TEXT: Ustadz Al Amir bin Abdul Hakim Abdat Imam Abu Hanifah said:Meaning:"Anyone who denies that Allah is above the heavens, then indeed he is an infidel".As against those who tawaqquf (silent) by saying "I do not know whether my Lord in heaven or on earth". Imam Abu Hanifa said: "Indeed he has' infidels!".
Imam Malik ibn Anas has said:Meaning:"God is above the heavens, while his knowledge in every place, there is nothing hidden from Him".Imam Ash-Syafi'iy has said:Meaning:"And verily, God above 'His Throne above His heavens"Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal never in question: "Allah is above the seven heavens above the 'Throne of His, whereas His power and His knowledge in every place.?Imam Ahmad replied:Meaning:"Right! God above 'His Throne, and nothing is hidden from his knowledge ".Imam Ali ibn Madini was once asked: "What word Ahlul Jannah".He replied:Meaning:"They believe in ru'yah (ie see God on the Day of Judgement and in particular for the mu'minin heaven), and with a kalam (ie, that God spoke), and that Allah 'Azza wa Jalla in the skies above' His Throne, He istiwaa ".Imam Tirmidhi has said:Meaning:"It has been said expert knowledge:" And He (God) above 'attribute to the Throne, as He has Himself ".(See: "Al-Imam uluw by Dzahabi Nashiruddin summarized by Muhammad Al-Albani in terms of: 137, 140, 179, 188, 189 and 218. Fatwa Hamawiyyah Kubra by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah things: 51, 52, 53, 54 and 57).It has been said Imam Ibn Khuzaimah-Imams-priests:Meaning:"Whoever does not establish that Allah Ta'ala on the 'Throne of His He istiwaa above the seven heavens, then he has disbelieved in their Lord ...".(This narration is saheeh issued by the Imam Hakim in his book ma'rifah "Ulumul Hadith" p.: 84).Shaykh al-Islam has said Imam Abdul Qadir Jilani-between-words:"It should not be mensifatkan Him that He is above every place, even the (mandatory) said: Verily He is in the sky (ie) on the 'Throne, as He had said:" Ar-Rahman on the' Throne He istiwaa (Taha : 5). And is fitting memuthlakkan istiwaa properties without actually ta'wil He istiwaa with His Essence above the 'Throne.And above his circumstances' has been the Throne in each book.He was sent down to every Prophet whom He sent without (ask): "How can God istiwaa above 'His Throne?" (Fatawa Kubra Hamawiyyah things: 87).Thus aqidah salaf, one of whom was Imam Abdul Qadir Jilani in Indonesia in worship-worship idols made by worshipers qubur and fools. Had our Imam is alive in our time today and he saw how many people who worship by begging to him with "tawasul", of course he would deny the very loud and qaum innocent of these idolaters.Lillahi wa inna innaa ilaihi raaji'un!.====================================================Lo asked the question: "Where is God?, Is prescribed and the requester has followed the Prophet Muhammad.Mandatory replied: "Verily, Allah is above the sky or on the 'Throne'. Because that is above the heavens are above the 'Throne. This answer proved his faith as a believer or mu'minah.As the Prophet Muhammad, has expressed faith slave women, because the answer is: God in the sky!.Mandatory mengi'tiqadkan Allah in the sky, ie the above 'His Throne.Those who deny the being of God in the sky, then indeed he has disbelieved.Whoever does not allow to ask: Where is God? then indeed he has made himself more clever than the Prophet Muhammad, even more clever than Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Na'udzu billah.Anyone who does not answer: Verily Allah in the sky, then he is a believer or not mukminah.Anyone who has iti'qad that asks: "Where is God?" Would equate God with his creatures, it actually means he has accused the Prophet of ignorant / stupid!. Na'udzu billah!Anyone who has iti'qad that God is everywhere the place, it actually means he has disbelieved.Those who do not know where his Lord, then is not he worship Allah 'Azza wa Jalla, but he is worshiped to "something that does not exist".Know! That actually means Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in the sky, ie the above 'His Throne above all His creatures, has agreed with the proposition naqli and aqli and human nature.As for the argument naqli, has come up dozens of verses in the Qur'an and hadith which reaches mutawatir degrees. Similarly, statements priests and scholars of Islam, even there has been consensus among them except the Ahl-ul-bid'ah. While the argument that sederhanapun aqli would refuse to say that God is in all places!.As for human nature, then see if man-whether Muslim or infidel, pray especially when they are exposed to the disaster, they lift their heads to the sky while saying 'Oh ... God ... Humans by nature to know that the creators are in high places, above all His creatures which the above 'His Throne. Even this nature are also in animals and there was no denying this nature except those who have corrupted nature.AdditionalSome have asked my brother (Abdul Hakim Amir bin Abdat) about the verse:Meaning:"And He is Allah in heaven and on earth, He knows your secrets and you reveal, and He knoweth what ye do". (Al-An `am: 3)I replied: Expert commentators have agreed, as quoted Imam Ibn Kathir deny the Jahmiyyah who brought this verse to say:"FII Innahu Qulli Makaan""Verily, He (God) was in each place".Glory to God from the words of this Jahmiyyah!The purpose of this paragraph is:It was he who called (summoned / called) God in heaven and on earth.Namely: He is worshiped and ditauhidkan (diesakan) and set out for his Ilaahiyyah (Lordship) by sentient beings in the heavens and on earth, except those who disbelieve from among Jinns and humans.Verse as well as the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.Meaning:"And He it is who in the sky (as) God, and on earth (as) God, and He is All-wise (and) Supreme know". (Az-Zukhruf: 84)Namely: He is Allah, the Lord of creatures in the sky and the creatures on earth and He is worshiped by the inhabitants of both. (Read: Tafseer Ibn Katheer Juz Juz 2 p. 123 and 4 p. 136).Two paragraphs above is not the point: God is in heaven and on earth or in all places!. As ta'wilnya the Jahmiyyah and who agree with them. Or the words of people who are "silent" Do not know where God is!.They have violated other than the verses of the Quran and Hadith and statements of the Companions of the Prophet and the Imams of Islam entirely, too ignorant of the Arabic language with a clear Arabic Koran was revealed Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.Imam Abu al-Muhasiby Abdillah in the above paragraph statement (Az-Zukhruf: 84) explains: "That God for the people of God to the inhabitants of heaven and earth. And which thus contained in the language, (for example) you say: "The ruler Fulan in (country) Khirasan, and in Balkh, and in Samarqand," but it was in one place ". Namely: It does not mean he was in three places even though he ruled a third country. If in the Indonesian language, for example we say "So and so The rulers in Jakarta, and authorities in Bogor, and the authorities in Bandung". While he was in one place.For God there is the parable / eg a higher (read: Fatwa Hamawiyyah Kubra things: 73).As for those who "dwell" (tawaqquf) by saying: "We do not know the Essence of God upon the 'Throne or on earth", these are the people who have kept the stupidity!. God Lord of 'Alamin has been attribute to himself with these qualities, which one of them that he istiwaa (dwelling) on ​​the' Throne of his that we know and set one up. Therefore "silence" him by saying "we do not know the" real have turned away from God's purposes. Appropriate that the Abu Hanifa mengkafirkan berfaham people so, as anyone who menta'wilnya.

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