islamic world

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


New year in Shari'a islam view
Moment of the year was so highly anticipated by everyone. Not infrequently among those who greeted him with a jolly party, blow the trumpet in the final seconds of the year and others. As if the moment the new year is a special moment that should never be overlooked.
Then, how the view according to syar'i glasses in this case? Is it true that we should welcome the new year with a special? Such were saying congratulations, through oral or written which we write in the new year greeting cards. New year in such istimewakah meaning for mankind, especially the Muslims?

Consider the statement of Imam Ibn Al Tammiyah radhiaallahu anhu.
As congratulate against religious symbols, symbols of the unbelievers peculiar to them, then it is haraam according to the agreement of the scholars, like to congratulate on the great days they and their fast, like say a big day of this blessed hope, and so on.

Umar ibn Khattab ra being said, the momentum associated with the new year AD or other major holidays that are the great days of the Jews and the Christians.
"Do not visit the Mushrikeen in churches (prayer houses) they are on their big day, for surely God's wrath will fall upon them". (Narrated by Al Bayhaqi, no.18640)

Of these hadiths, it is clear that congratulate or participate in celebrating the holy days of the idolaters (New Year, Christmas, Valentine, etc.) is haraam done by Muslims. Since the moment of
new or other moments are mixing mortar between Al Haq and baatil. More mudharatnya value, rather than the positive side.
As Muslims we must of course be consistent to the belief / faith that we profess, for surely the moment to celebrate the new year it is not Islamic culture, so do not ever affected and adopt it became part of the culture of the Muslims.

"Most of the Book wish that they could bring you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy that (arising) from themselves, after manifest in them the truth". (Surat al-Baqarah: 109)

Consider these verses! Indeed, the moment the new year it's one of those gimmick musyirikin to mislead the Muslims from the true path, the path is filled with the light of His mercy and grace. Because in reality, the musyirikin it knows that Islam is a religion that rahmatan lil alamin, so that their hearts became jealous and tried to restore the confidence of the Muslims in disbelief so far from the light

O ye who believe, if ye obey the Unbelievers, they will return you backward (to disbelief), and be ye men are the losers. (Surah Al 'Imran: 149)

My friend, whether we want to be the ones who loses? Surely, no one among us who want to be the losers and deeds rejected by Allah. If so, let's together on alert
in the coming dispel the culture of the musyirikin which they proclaimed through liberalism, modernity and cultural premisivisme.

Rather than celebrating the new year with feasting, should we fill our days with dhikr and takhmid to God, so that tomorrow is always better than today. Doing a long meditation, it is highly recommended as food for thought and a mirror of our existence in carrying out and enforcing Islamic law for one year. Trying to remember the deeds of worship through which we have done so far, been well does the quantity of our worship? How old are we now? Are we still able to enjoy life for a year from now? Because every time rolled on, then we are living allowance was reduced.

As word of Faith Soyfan Tsauri,
"Actually, I really wanted a single year from around my age, like Ibn Mubarak. But I can not do it, even though in three days ". (Nuzhatul Fudhala, 2 / 655)

Life on earth is only a glance, he was so brief as brief as lightning. So we must utilize the time available with sefisien possible to worship, because that's the nature of human life in the world. To do charity
pious and worship to Allah. Even the Prophet said was linked to human life.
"My people age between 60 to 70 years". (Narrated by Turmudzi).

So, let us jointly utilize the remaining time and increase the quantity of our worship to Allah. Momentum makes the new year to remember the dead. Think and ponder! Stock of what we already
prepare for later life Hereafter. Are we going to put into groups that occupy his Heaven or Hell? We have enough stock? My friends, while there is still time let us improve itself before it becomes too late. ?

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