islamic world

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011


"Which favors of your Lord that ye deny"

 Quoted from the letter of the word of God in Ar-Rahman.
From reviewing the letter containing the Ar-Rahman about the pleasure and mercy of God to man starts from the creation of man, teaches smooth-talking, making the sky rain and growing plants on earth and set the course of the sun and moon, etc..From all of us realize that God would favor a very large and often times we deny it.

Probably not a big thing like the favors of Allah in the form of rain, sky, moon, sun, etc. that we often deny. But most often we neglect is the pleasure that is closest to us, things we used to do every day. Starting from waking the spirits we returned to our sport, the pleasure of breathing, favors moving the limbs and the favors of the other until we fell asleep again at night time. It's incalculable what Allah SWT has given us, but ironically often we deny these pleasures. We always forget our duty towards God, while our rights are always filled by God every day.How does God want to add a favor to us if we just deny HIS favor, rarely do we give thanks even more often we complain and complain, plus more during our busy call, we always "double" of God than the private activity that is not necessarily bring happiness and peace It was only when God has taken a small favor given to him (of health), we woke up and begged for help HIM.Therein lies our fault all along, why should you wait for pain before and why you should wait no accident then we remembered to God. Even some who had been warned several times, but still arrogant with his stupidity. Astaghfirullah, really great our sins upon our negligence and may you always always forgive our sins.Amien ....Actually we should be thankful when it gets a trial from God, because the presence of these trials, in addition to test our patience is also getting closer to God. Really thank God that we are warned in the world, given the trials and ultimately repent to Him. And really lose if we are warned in the afterlife or the grave, while there was no word repentance is accepted, revenge will be many times more severe and troublesome than in the world.From the above topics, very obvious problem is that "deny pleasure" and "grateful" that's the easiest solution to avoid the denial of God's favor. Here does not mean it's just thankful to say "Thank God" and the affair is finished. It's not fair that just so, just imagine the pleasure we get so big and our replies just say "Thank God" so wrote.Had the pleasure of God only lent, what is sufficient to pay it off just by saying "THANK YOU". Of course not, so it is not enough just to say "Thank God" but combine with voluntary prayer rowatib, Duha, tahajud, etc. without the obligatory prayers exclude it more thoughtfully. Hopefully may Allah accept our good deeds and pay off our debt to the HIS. Amen ....Translation of Ar-Rahman letter in full:[55.1] (Allah) Most Gracious,[55.2] Who has taught the Qur'an.[55.3] He created man,[55.4] taught him eloquent.[55.5] The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed.[55.6] And the plants and trees are both subject to Him.[55.7] And Allah has raised the heavens, and He put the balance (of justice).[55.8] That you do not exceed the limit of the balance sheet.[55.9] And Establish weight with justice and do not reduce the balance sheet.[55.10] And Allah has leveled creatures of the earth for (His).[55.11] in the earth there are fruits and palm trees that have petals Virgin.[55.12] And the seeds are skinned and fragrant flowers that smell.[55.13] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.14] He created man from dry land such as pottery,[55.15] and He created the jinn from smokeless fire.[55.16] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.17] the Lord who maintain both a sunrise and a God who maintain second place setting.[55.18] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.19] He let the two seas, converging together, [55.20] Among them is a barrier that is not exceeded by each.[55.21] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.22] Of the two came out pearl and Marjan.[55.23] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.24] And His are the high-ark-ark that sails on the sea like mountains.[55.25] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.26] All that is on earth will perish.[55.27] And keep eternal face of your Lord who has greatness and glory.[55.28] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.29] All that is in heaven and on earth always ask Him. He was in a rush every time.[55.30] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.31] We will be mindful of thee O man and jinn.[55.32] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.33] O ye congregation of jinn and men, if you are able to penetrate the (cross) over the heavens and the earth, then lintasilah, you can not penetrate it but by force.[55.34] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.35] To you, (jinns and men) are released and the liquid copper flame so you can not save yourself (from it).[55.36] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.37] So when the heavens opened and a red rose-like (glow) oil.[55.38] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.39] At this time men and jinn are not asked about his sin.[55.40] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.41] Those who sinned is known by its signs, and forelocks and their feet.[55.42] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.43] This is the Hell which didustakan by sinners.[55.44] They drive around in between and among the water boiling hot.[55.45] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.46] And for those who fear when facing his Lord there are two heavens.[55.47] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?,[55.48] The second heaven is to have the trees and fruits.[55.49] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.50] In the second heaven there are two springs flowing.[55.51] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.52] In the second heaven there are all kinds of fruit in pairs.[55.53] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.54] Reclining on the carpet next to the inside of the silk. And fruits that can be both heaven (picked) up close.[55.55] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.56] In heaven there are angels who politely bowed his view, was never touched by humans before they (the dwellers of paradise who became their husbands) nor by the jinn.[55.57] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.58] As if the angel jewel Yakut and Marjan.[55.59] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.60] There is no goodness except the goodness of children (anyway).[55.61] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.62] And aside from the two heavenly paradise there are two more.[55.63] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?,[55.64] The second heaven is (visible) dark green color.[55.65] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.66] In the second heaven, there are two springs gushing.[55.67] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.68] In them there (all kinds) of fruits and dates and pomegranates.[55.69] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.70] In the heavens there are angels that good anymore beautiful.[55.71] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.72] (Angel-angel) a beautiful, secluded in a clean white house.[55.73] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.74] They never touched by humans before they (the dwellers of paradise who became their husbands) nor by the jinn.[55.75] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.76] Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets.[55.77] Which favors of your Lord will you Which you deny?[55.78] Blessed be the name of your Lord, Have the greatness and grace.

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