islamic world

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

unfortunately the Messenger of Allah to his people

Muhammad Image

Narrated Al-Maaidah bahawa sura 3 verse revealed after the time on a Friday Afternoon namely in Padang Arafat on Hajj season efflux (Farewell)At that time the Prophet S.A.W. Arafat was in Padang on a camel. When this verse was revealed the Prophet is not so clear its acceptance, for the remembrance of the content and meaning contained in the verse, the king relied on his camel while the camel is sitting slowly.

After the U.S. dropped the angel Gabriel and said: "O Muhammad, verily this day have I perfected your religion affairs, then disconnect what is commanded by Allah SWT and likewise what is forbidden by Him. By that you collect the friend and tell them bahawa today is the last day I met you. "As good as our other features U.S. angel Gabriel went then went to the Prophet Muhammad continued to Medina and Mecca.After the Prophet Muhammad gathered his companions, the Prophet was told what had been told by the angel Gabriel in the U.S. If the companions heard it so then they were glad, saying: "Our religions have been perfect! our religion has been perfect! "When Abu Bakr heard the testimonies of the Prophet Muhammad it, he could not hold his grief so he went back to the house and locked the door and cried. Abu Bakr wept from morning until the evening.The story of Abu Bakr ra cry has come to another friend, then the friends gathered in front of the house of Abu Bakr ra and they said: "O Abu Bakr, what has made you cry so sebegini once your circumstances? Rightly you feel happy because we have a perfect religion. "Hearing the question of the companions of Abu Bakr ra then said: "O my friend, you all do not know about the calamity that befell you, do not you know bahawa case if something had been perfect then it would seem is the deficiency. With the decline in these verses show bahawa It was our farewell to the Prophet Muhammad Hasan and Husin orphaned and the widowed wife of the Prophet. "After hearing the explanation of Abu Bakr ra Awake then they will be the truth the words of Abu Bakr ra, then they cry. Their cries have been heard by the shabat the other, then they continue to tell the Prophet Muhammad about what they see it.One of the companions said: "O Messenger of Allah, we are just back from the house of Abu Bakr ra crowded and we found people with a strong voice crying in front of his house."When the Prophet heard the testimonies of friends, then transformed the face of the Prophet and he immediately rushed to the house of Abu Bakr raAs good as our other features Prophet arrived at the house of Abu Bakr ra the Prophet Muhammad saw all of those who cry and ask. "O my friend, why should you all crying?" Then Ali ra said: "O Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr said the decline in this verse brings bahawa sign your death is near. Is there this is true, O Messenger of Allah? "Then the Prophet S.A.W. said: "All being said by Abu Bakr ra is true and the real time for me to leave you all have been almost near."As good as our other features confession Abu Bakr ra heard the Prophet Muhammad then he was crying so hard she fell pengsan strength while also mengeletar Ali throughout his body. And the other companions cried with all-powerful that they can afford.Then the Messenger of S.A.W. greet with the friends one by one and make one's will to them. [The story of the Prophet Muhammad lived after falling last paragraph stating that there is 81 days, 50 days, 35 days and have also said 21 days.]At the time of the Prophet Muhammad was near death, he told bin Rabah bar to do the prayer call to prayer, and then ofcourse the Emigrants and the Ansar at the Prophet Mosque then the Prophet perform two rakats prayer with all present. After the prayer finished he got up and climbed into the pulpit and said: "Thank God, O Muslims, in fact I was a prophet who was sent and calling people to Allah by His permission, and I was as siblings you who love you all like a father. By it if sesiapa have the right to prosecute, then let him get up and tell me before I was prosecuted on the Day of Resurrection. "Messenger said as many as three times and then wake up a man named 'Ukasyah Muhshan Bin' and said: "For my father and mother O Prophet, when you announced to us many times I've certainly not mahu expressed it." Then 'Ukasyah said again: "Behold the battle of Badr, I'm with you O Messenger of Allah, at that time I followed the camel you from behind, after the close I had come down toward you in order to be able to kiss your peha, but you have to take a stick and beat your camel to go fast , which at the time you hit on my ribs. By that I wanted to know the same there or you just want to accidentally hit the camel. "Prophet S.A.W. said: "O Ukasyah, Messenger accidentally hit you."Then the Messenger of S.A.W. said to Bilal ra: "O Bilal, you went to Fatimah's house and get me to let me stick."Bilal out of the mosque to Fatimah's house, putting his hand on the head by saying: "Allah has provided for him in the back (Qisas)."After I got home Fatimah Bilal Bilal was then greeted and knocked on the door.Then Fatimah ra replied by saying: "Who in the door?"Then Bilal said: "I am Bilal, I am commanded by the Prophet Muhammad to take the stick. "Then Fatimah said: "O Bilal, to what my father asked his staff?"Bilal said: "O Fatimah, the Prophet S.A.W. has provided himself for the Qisas. "Fatimah said:" O Bilal, who is man who until his heart to mengqishash Prophet Muhammad? "Bilal did not answer the question Fatimah ra, ra as well as our other features Fatimah Bilal gave the stick then it was brought to the Prophet MuhammadAfter the Prophet S.A.W. receiving the baton from Bilal then he also gave to 'Ukasyah'. Seeing things this way, Abu Bakr r.a. and `Umar came to the front, saying:" O 'Ukasyah, do not be Qisas king Prophet Muhammad, but you qishashlah us both. "When the Prophet S.A.W. hear the words of Abu Bakr and Umar then immediately the king said: "O Abu Bakr and Umar, sit ye ​​Allah SWT has set the scene for both of you. "Then Ali r.a. woke up and said: 'O' Ukasyah! I'm the guy who stands beside the Prophet Muhammad sentiasa by the time it was me and you do not mengqishash Prophet Muhammad "Then the Prophet S.A.W. said: "O Ali, sit you, Allah SWT have set up your place and know the contents of your heart. "After that Hasan and Husin wake up and say: 'O' Ukasyah, were not you did not know that this is the grandson of our Prophet Muhammad, if you mengqishash us together with you mengqishash Prophet "Hearing the words of the Prophet grandson S.A.W. said: "O, my own heart, both of you sit down."Prophet S.A.W. said: "O 'Ukasyah, I was at when you're about to hit."Then 'Ukasyah said: "O Messenger of Allah You've hit me when I do not wear clothes. "Then the Messenger of S.A.W. had to undress, as well as simpleProphet S.A.W. undressing all those present wept.As good as our other features' body weight Ukasyah saw the Prophet Muhammadthen she kissed him and said: "I have redeemed you with my soul, O Messenger of Allah Who can beat you. I am doing this is because I want to touch your body that is glorified by God with my body and God Almighty to keep me from hell with honor. "Then the Messenger of S.A.W. said: "Hear ye sekelian, if you want to see syurga experts, this is the one."Then all the congregation shook hands over their excitement to the event was very precarious. After that, the congregation said: "O 'Ukasyah, this is the greatest advantage to you, you have obtained the high and bertemankan darjat Prophet Muhammad in the syurga. "If the dying Prophet S.A.W. virtually any more and then he called his companions to the house of Siti Aisha ra and he said: "Welcome to you all may Allah SWT love you all, I will saying to you all that you are all devoted to God and obey all his orders.Verily the day of my parting with you all got closer. If it was up to my end then let the bath Ali, Fadl bin Abas should pour water and Usama bin Zaid should help both.After that you kapani own clothes when I'm with you all want, or kapanilah me with a white Yemeni cloth. When you bathe me, then let you put me up on my bed in the hall outside my house this. After that you all come out soon leave me. After that you are all abuzz bersolat entered upon me. "As good as our other features the companions heard the saying that it is truly heartbreaking that they cried with a loud voice and said: "O Messenger of Allah, you are a messenger who was sent to us and to all that where you've been given the strength of our discovery and as a ruler that attenuate our case. If you have no future who would we ask every question that arises later? "Then the Messenger of S.A.W. said: "Hear the best friend I leave you all the right path and the path that light and had me leave it to you all, one of two advisers who articulate thereof and the other was still simple. It is well-spoken Al-Quran and the silence that is Death.If there is something complex issues among you, let you all go back to Al-Quran and Hadisku and if your heart so gentle he insisted that by taking instruction from the dead. "After the Prophet S.A.W. So saying, the Prophet pain S.A.W. began. In the month of Safar Messenger of pain for 18 days and often diziarahi by the Companions. In a book of the Prophet Muhammad explained bahawa sent on the day and died on the day Isnin Isnin.On the day isnin, sick Prophet S.A.W. gain weight, after Bilal r.a. finished dawn call to prayer, Bilal ra then went to the Prophet's house Arriving at the house of Bilal ra the Prophet Muhammad, Bilal ra was then greeted: "O Messenger of Allah hai." Then answered by Fatimah ra: "Prophet Muhammad still busy with his affairs. "After hearing the explanation of Bilal ra ra Fatimah Bilal then went back to the mosque without understanding the words that Fatimah ra.When the dawn is almost about to lupus, and Bilal went once again to the house of the Prophet Muhammad and greeted as the beginning of the last, this time Bilal ra greetings have been heard by the Prophet and the king said: "Come, O Bilal, in fact is the more severe illness, by the Abu Bakr mengimamkan Have ye Fajr prayer with the congregation of those present."After hearing the words of the Prophet S.A.W. Bilal then r.a. was walking toward the mosque as he put his hand on the head by saying: "Oh calamity!"As good as our other features Bilal arrived at the Bilal Mosque of Abu Bakr was informed about what the Prophet Muhammad said it to him.Abu Bakr could not restrain himself when seeing the empty lectern with a loud voice cried so Abu Bakr ra pengsan fall.Looking at the event, then lower the noise in the mosque so that Prophet asked Fatima if applicable? "Then Fatimah told:" Muslims Kekecohan because you do not go to the mosque. "Then the Prophet summoned Ali and Fadl ibn Abbas ra, then the Prophet Muhammad rely on their second and continued to go to the mosque. After the Prophet S.A.W. arrived at the mosque so he was bersolat dawn along with the pilgrims.When finished praying Fajr then the Prophet Muhammad said: "O Muslims, you are all sentiasa in rescue and care of God Almighty, by ye ought to be all devoted to God and does everything perintahNya.Sesungguhnya I'll leave this world and you all, and today is my first day in the next and last day I was in the world.Having said this, the Prophet S.A.W. went home to his house.Then God revealed to the angel Azrael: "O Azrael, go ye to my beloved to the best of both look and if you want to revoke his spirit then let you perform in the most gentle sekali.Apabila you go to his house then ask izinlah first, if allowed to you go then you go to her house and if he does not let you go then let you get back to me.As good as our other features angel Azrael got an order from Allah SWT then the angel Azrael was immediately resembles an Arab Badwi. After the angel Azrael until the house before the Prophet Muhammad so he saluted: "Assalamu alaikum wa yaa ma ahla baitin nunuwwati danir risaalati aadkhulu?" (Hopefully sekelian safety remains for you, O prophet of the household and the source of the message, may I go? ")When Fatimah heard people greet then he said: "O servant of Allah, Prophet Muhammad is busy because of increasingly severe pain. "Kamudian angel Azrael said again like the beginning, and this time the angel cries have been heard by the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet S.A.W. Fatimah ra asked: "O Fatimah, who is in front of that door."Then Fatimah ra said: "O Messenger of Allah, there is an Arab Badwi call and I've told him you're busy bahawa cause pain, instead he looked at me with sharp that my body was shivering."Then the Messenger of S.A.W. said: "O Fatimah, whether you know who it was?"Fatimah replied: "No dad."He is the angel Azrael, the angel who will decide all kinds of lust that separate associations, and which destroyed all the houses and inhabitants enliven the grave. "Fatimah r.a. can not hold back her tears after learning bahawa again when parting with his father has been almost, he was crying your heart's content.When the Prophet S.A.W. then he heard the cries of Fatima said: "Do not cry, O Fatimah, thou art the first person in my family will meet with me."Then the Messenger of S.A.W. go pick up the angel Azrael. Then the angel Azrael went to say: "O Messenger of Allah hai."Then the Prophet replied: "Wa alaikas saalamu, O thou come Azrael religious visit me or to lift my spirit?"Azrael said: "I am coming to your religious visit and take your spirit, and even then if you let me, if not allowed then I'll be back."Prophet said: "O Izrail, where you leave Gabriel? "Azrael said: "I left the U. S. Gabriel in the sky world, all the angels were glorifying him. "Not a moment later, Gabriel U. S. went down and sat near the head of the Prophet Muhammad When the Prophet S.A.W. saw the arrival of Gabriel U. S. then the Messenger of S.A.W. said: "O Gabriel, do you know my end is nigh bahawa?"Gabriel said: "Yes, I did know."Prophet S.A.W. asked again: "O Gabriel tell me encouraging me the glory of the sight of Allah Almighty"U. S. Gabriel said: "Verily, all the gates of heaven have been opened, the angels piled neatly mananti your spirit in the sky. All the fairies have ornate expecting your spirit. "Prophet S.A.W. said: "Now you tell all of my Ummah on the Day of Judgement."A.S Gabriel said: "God S.W.T. has said: "Behold, I have banned all the prophets before you get into syurga go first, and I also ban all people entering the syurga before you enter syurga people."Prophet S.A.W. said: "O Azrael, you shall be near me."After the angel Azrael was lead off duty when the spirit came to the center, then the Prophet Muhammad said: "O Gabriel dasyatnya think it would be dead."Gabriel turned away from the Prophet when he heard those words.Seeing telatah Gabriel, then the Prophet said: "O Gabriel, if you do not like to see my face?"U.S. Gabriel said: "O beloved of God, whom one could look at your face when you breathe in death?"Anas bin Malik said: "If the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad has reached the chest he said: "I wasiatkan to you all keep in prayer and what had been ordered up on you."Ali r.a. said: "Verily, Allah SAWketika before the last moment, he has to work the second lip twice and I put my ear close to the Prophet Muhammad He said: "My people, my people."

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