islamic world

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Moments Picked breathe Death Prophet mmuhammad saw

There is a story about true love that really exemplified the love of God through the life of His Messenger. That morning, though the sky had begun to turn yellow, desert birds are reluctant to flap the wings.That morning, the Prophet with a limited voice gives kutbah;

"O my people, we are all in the power of God and his love. Then obey Him and bertaqwalah. Kuwariskan two things to you, the Qur'an and sunnahku. Anyone who loves sunnahku, bererti loves me and someday the people who love me, will get together syurga me. "Short sermon ended with a quiet eye the Prophet and his companions stared intently one by one. Abu Bakr's eyes stared with glazed, Umar chest up and down holding his breath and tears. Usman Ali sighed and bowed her head deeply. The signal has come, the time has come. "Allah will leave us all," complained the hearts of all friends at the time. Humans loved it, almost finished his duty in the world.The signs were the stronger, when Ali and the Prophet Fadhal with energetic capture the berkeadaan weak and shaky when it comes down from the pulpit. At that time, if able, all friends who were there definitely will hold the seconds passed. The higher the sun, but the Prophet's door was still closed. Being in it, the Prophet was lying low with a sweaty forehead and moistened palm midrib into his bed.Suddenly, from outside the door there was a man who shouted greetings. "May I come in?" He asked. But Fatimah did not let him in, "Forgive me, my father had a fever," said Fatima, who turned and closed the door.Then he returned with his father who was already opened his eyes and asked Fatimah, "Who is it, my daughter? '" I do not know my father, people seem to just this once I saw him, "Fatimah said gently. Then, Rasulullah looked at his daughter with a thrilling sight. As if a portion for the Courant's about to face his son remembered."You know, it was he who abolished temporary pleasure, he who separates the meeting in the world. He is malakul death, "said Messenger. Fatimah also withstand an explosion tears. Angel of death came over, but the Prophet asked why Gabriel did not come together with him. Then was called Gabriel who earlier was ready to welcome the world in the sky spirits beloved of God and the prince of this world."Gabriel, explain what my rights before God?" Said Rasululllah with a very weak voice. "The doors of heaven have been opened, the angels have been waiting for your spirit. All syurga wide open waiting for your arrival, "said Gabriel.But that did not make Rasulullah relieved, his eyes still full of anxiety. "You are not happy to hear this khabar?" Said Gabriel again. "Khabarkan me how the future fate of my people?" "Do not khuatir, O Messenger of Allah, I never heard of God said unto me: 'Kuharamkan syurga to anyone, except the people of Muhammad has been in it," said Gabriel.Seconds closer, Azrael's time to do the task. Slowly the spirit of the Prophet withdrawn. It seems the whole body drenched in sweat Messenger, his neck tendons taut. "Gabriel, how sick breathe this death." Slowly Prophet groan. Fatimah closed, Ali ducked beside him deeper and Gabriel looked away. "Jijikkah you saw your face until you palingkan Gabriel?" Ask Allah to the angel of Revelation dissipation. "Who can, see a lover of God taken away to die," said Gabriel.A moment later heard the Messenger of squealing, kerana pain becomes unbearable. "O Allah, terrible sense of death, the punishment of death inflicted course all this to me, not on my people." Prophet Agency began to cool, the legs and his chest was not moving anymore. Her lips trembled as if about to whisper something. Ali immediately put his ear, "Uushiikum bus prayed, wa maa malakat aimanuku" - "Keep praying and keep weak people among you."Outside the door tears starting to sound Meandering, friends hugging each other.Fatimah closed his hand on his face, and Ali again put his ear to the Prophet who became bluish lips, "Ummatii, ummatii, ummatiii" - "My people, my people, my people ..." And, Amen to that precious human life giving light of it.Now, it seems Could we love? Allahumma solli 'ala Muhammad wa wa salim baarik' alaihi Messenger ... How love us. Send them to other Muslim friends that arise consciousness to love God and His Messenger, as Allah and His Messenger love us. Kerana really other than it was just a mere mortal.

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