islamic world

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


AD According to the Islamic New Year.
How to celebrate the year AD law in the view of Islam? and how we respond to the new year is AD? This may often we are questioning and also many people who celebrate the new year in excess, whether you know why the new year AD is identical to blow the trumpet? I think just a lot of engaging without tau origin of which, well I'll give a glimpse of the picture a bit from various sources that I can, at least this gives us exactly what we should do in the new year that BC actually, because in reality new year celebration welcoming AD more remarkable in comparison with the Islamic new year, new years on our own.

okay friend Rahmati berry blog that God, the nation's next young men and women, let us understand the meaning of the new year will soon be facing us, lest we fall into the trap of the devil, if you just hang out with family and eating meals that we are positive thinking: an average New Year's holiday, whether people work, college or school, the opportunity was missed to refresh taste to family and friends with a note is not excessive and violate the boundaries of Islam.
following about the new year BC from various sources that I read:

Blow the trumpet in the New Year AD:

Is it true that culture is a culture of blowing trumpets the Jewish community while welcoming the new year which falls on their nation in the seventh month on their calendar system?
On the eve of new year, the Jewish community with a tradition of introspection shofa blowing a trumpet sejenisi musical instrument. Shofar sounds very similar to the sound of trumpets sounded an Indonesian paper on New Year's Eve.
Really blew the trumpet in the new non-believers?

Blow the trumpet in the new year not only the Jewish community's culture, but more than that, Blowing the trumpet in the new year is a commandment of God to the Prophet Moses in the Torah shari'ah to welcome the new year Rosh Hasanah or Torah, which fell in the seventh or 1st of the month of Tishri in the ancient Hebrew calendar.

"Say to the Israelites, like this: In the seventh month, on the day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, which is commemorated with trumpet, holy convocation. (Torah, Leviticus 23:24)
In the seventh month, on the day of the month, you shall hold a meeting of the sacred, then you should not do no servile work: it is a day of blowing the trumpets unto you. (Torah, Numbers 29:1)

The order was then dimakna simple: blow the trumpet in the new year, including a new year AD based on the birth of Christ Jesus.
In fact, many people in the West and East are blowing the trumpet in the new year without this motive, but with a motif just for fun (just for fun) or a commercial motive without any religious motive. If the motive for fun, then blow the trumpet in the New Year's Eve can be synchronized with the action watching TV on New Year's Eve or the streets looking for entertainment on New Year's Eve.

Then, if the new year's horn blowing infidels?
If you blow it by remembering that it is a commandment of God to the prophet Moses, then of course it's not the act of infidels. Time anyway obey God's commands are infidels? Obviously not. If you follow God's commands are infidels, unbelievers then what is not? He said faith in Torah, in fact?
If you blow it with a happy-happy motif (just for fun) or a commercial motive, it is also not the infidels to the extent not cross the line. Action with just a happy-happy motif or commercial can be equated with the action playing football, blowing the flute, playing guitar, watching TV, trade, etc.. Examples of this limit is exceeded when the New Year's Eve AD based on the birth of the Messiah was actually filled with acts contrary to the teachings of the Messiah, for example: sex party, get drunk with drinking or drug abuse, par.
If you blow the trumpet and then accompanied the things that are contrary to the teachings of Christ as the example above, then blow the horn so unclean and infidels.

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