islamic world

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011


Love is one of the unique source of strength in man. He became the driving force of the heart and soul that will result in attitudes, actions and behavior. Love can be like that described in the couplet poem from Indonesia hit film, When the Mix:
Love is the power market is ablechange so a rose thornchanged into wine vinegarsadly changed so cheerfultransform anger so friendlychange the calamity so goodwill.

However, love can produce changes in the reverse: convert rose a thorn, and so on.
Such things can happen because of love dwells in the hearts that are unstable. As word of the Prophet. It is easy heart distorted like a feather tossed around by the wind swirling. As deeds and our behavior are always sourced from the intentions and motivations in the heart, then love can manifest itself with the basic intention of a diverse way. There is a sincere love, full of eagerness. But there is also love full of thorns and poison. There is a love which is the fruit of faith and devotion. But there is also the love that is based on abject lust.
For a Muslim and believe, the largest cnta and intrinsic love for God is love. Form of love we can make happen in various forms without limits of space and time and to anyone or anything as long as everything comes from our love for God and for His good pleasure reach.
And among men there are those who worship other than God's rivals: they love as they love God. As for those who believe very, very love of God. (Al-Baqarah: 165)
If you (really) love Allah, follow me (follow Muhammad.), Allah will love you and forgive your sins. (Ali Imran: 31)
"The rope of the most powerful faith because God is love and hate for Allah." (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi)
Words of wisdom about loveSo that love does not plunge us into disrepute hole, it helps us take a lesson from the sources of Islam and the following words of the scholars.
Love is a feeling that should exist in every human being, he is like a drop of dew that fell from the sky, pure and holy. Only the divergent tanahnyalah accept it. If he falls to the ground is barren, because the dew it grows by wickedness, lies, fraud, steps and other oblique cases are reprehensible. But if he falls to the ground is fertile, there will grow kesuciaan heart, sincerity, loyalty and high character other admirable temperament.
Love is not teaching us weak, but of power. Love is not teaching us humiliate ourselves, but breathes bravery. Love is not discouraging, but uplifting.
Sign of love to God is a lot to remember (call) him, because it is not you like something unless you will be much to remember.
Ar Rabi 'bin Anas (Jami' al-ulum wal Hikam, Ibn Rajab)
I laughed (surprised) to those who chase (love) the world but death continues after him, and to those who neglect deaths but death never fails to it, and to those who laughed when her mouth full width do not know whether pleasure or wrath of God against .
Salman al-Farisi (Az Zuhd, Imam Ahmad)
Indeed, if the body ill, eating and drinking difficult to swallow, rest and sleep is inconvenient. Similarly, if the liver has been shackled by the love of the world then the advice is hard to enter it.
Malik bin Dinar (Hilyat Auliyaa ')
Love only modest lover, who later will become your enemy knows. Only modest and hate your enemy, who knows will be so beloved.
Ali ibn Abi Talib
You disobeyed God, but you claimed to love Him? What a strange situation like this.If your love is sincere, of course you will obey Him. For verily, those who love it would always be loyal to his beloved.
Al-Qorni A'idh
Thus some excerpts from some Islamic leaders that hopefully we can take lesson.May God allows me to add this collection and provide benefit to readers.

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