islamic world

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011


Have you ever felt in life is how beautiful Islam? If not, think first how happy a Muslim living under the auspices of the final religion. The entire user life written in the Qur'an.This is the ultimate source of happiness from the creator of the whole universe and all its contents, including humans.
Unfortunately there are still many people dig all kinds of things is not helpful in finding happiness. People seek diamonds in the light of the earth when diamonds were in the room. Man does not find the source of happiness from his place.
Islam means peace, but peace in my heart will be achieved by embracing Islam wholeheartedly. Those who have never felt the joy in the shadow of Islam because the Islamic view of one eye. Syumuliatul Islam is perceived in him.

The beauty of Islam such as can be felt in Malang. How wonderfully harmonious with human nature in His worship. The sun is millions of years of dedication to the Creator with the rising in the east and sinks in the West. The sun still accompany every creature every day. He never absent. Loyalty being the name of this sun will rise out of gratitude in the joys of His worship.
When prostrate in prayer and felt all the beauty of Malang syahdunya the umbrella of Islam every day. But of course this can be direngkuh feel happy for those who believe that 100 percent of the substance of the guidelines of Islamic life.
Did not God Himself is meridhai Dinul us Islam as a guide. Dzat ponder the Creator that we all have to give a user who has completed dianugrahkan then why do we still confused? We feel how Merciful Allah with the following verse.

[3:19] Surely the religion (the pleasure) in Allah's sight is Islam. No odds for those who have received the Scripture differed only after knowledge came to them, because of jealousy (that is) between them. Anyone who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Allah is swift at reckoning.If the beauty of Islam have not felt in his heart, then we need to ponder what this faith is dry, the heart is never washed his verses. Is this heart was hard, not crushed by his word bounces so our guide day-to-heart.Islam will transfigure us, making our lives beautiful, beautifully made us all move forward.

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