islamic world

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Daily Practices & Excess Prophet Muhammad gave his name

Prophet Muhammad was human laudable an example to every human being do not think they are religious or not Islam. Even those who are not religious Islam has made a study to find the   weaknesses and shortcomings king, but not encountered any disadvantages. Surely we all be fortunate as the people of the end of time, although we all come from differing nations cluster (hatta also religion) we recognize the Prophet Muhammad because of the internet sebgai mediation.

unfortunately the Messenger of Allah to his people

Muhammad Image

Narrated Al-Maaidah bahawa sura 3 verse revealed after the time on a Friday Afternoon namely in Padang Arafat on Hajj season efflux (Farewell)At that time the Prophet S.A.W. Arafat was in Padang on a camel. When this verse was revealed the Prophet is not so clear its acceptance, for the remembrance of the content and meaning contained in the verse, the king relied on his camel while the camel is sitting slowly.

intercession of the Prophet Muhammad saw

no indictment in part those that ask for intercession or istighozah (request for help) rather than the prophet Muhammad is only allowed when the king lives then we answered: Verily beristighozah and bertawassul; if necessity is associated with his party that requested help, then know, bahawa the prophets and servants diredai God was kept alive in their grave nature.

Moments Picked breathe Death Prophet mmuhammad saw

There is a story about true love that really exemplified the love of God through the life of His Messenger. That morning, though the sky had begun to turn yellow, desert birds are reluctant to flap the wings.That morning, the Prophet with a limited voice gives kutbah;

Forecast one of the zodiac in 2012

Forecast one of the zodiac in 2012: Your love life is not much fun this year. It would be difficult to communicate with the him, but you must try harder if there is something you want to straighten. Your relationship may also be experiencing a change, but to a better direction. For a single, meeting with the new guy will change your life. Info-this kind of spread in the midst of youth at the beginning of new year 2012. To live in 2012, they read a horoscope or a fortune through the zodiac.

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011


"Which favors of your Lord that ye deny"

 Quoted from the letter of the word of God in Ar-Rahman.
From reviewing the letter containing the Ar-Rahman about the pleasure and mercy of God to man starts from the creation of man, teaches smooth-talking, making the sky rain and growing plants on earth and set the course of the sun and moon, etc..From all of us realize that God would favor a very large and often times we deny it.


Soon we were at the end of 2011 and will enter the year 2012. At the end of that year, before 12 o'clock at night or turn of the year, we will see people all over the world including Muslim will welcome even the seconds turn of the year. We will see there that stay up all night, doing fireworks, or sounding the trumpet. There is also a time filled with all-night wayang or even that smells of religion is by reading dhikr in congregation to welcome the new year.

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Celebrating New Year's illegitimate postulate AD

Celebrating New Year's illegitimate postulate AD
 BC new year in our time is celebrated with a large scale. Trumpet sound and spectacle of fireworks adorn almost all over the world in the west and the east. No different countries predominantly Muslim or infidel. In fact, the celebration is synonymous with the great day of the Nazarenes.


Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah, the Lord who provides guidance for guidance. Prayers and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, family, friends and people who follow them until the end of time.Humans in various countries are very excited to welcome the event that only once this year. Up until the overtime even though they willingly and patiently waited for the turn of the year. But how is the view that Hanif Islam-religion-of the celebrations? Do follow and celebrate it allowed? Hopefully this short article will tell.



New Year was first celebrated on January 1, 45 BC. [1] Not longafter Julius Caesar was crowned as emperor of Rome, hedecided to replace the traditional Roman calendar which had been created since the seventh century BC. In designing this newcalendar, Julius Caesar, aided by Sosigenes, an astronomerfrom Alexandria, who suggested that the new calendar was madeby following the revolution of the sun, as did the Egyptians. Oneyear in the new calendar quarter is calculated as 365 days andCaesar added 67 days in the year 45 BC so that the year 46 BCstarted on January 1. Caesar also ordered that every four years,one day added to February, which theoretically could avoidirregularities in the new calendar. Not long before Caesar wasmurdered in 44 BC, he changed the name of the month Quintilisto its name, namely Julius, or July. Later, the name of the monthSextilis replaced with a substitute name of Julius Caesar,Augustus Caesar, the month of August.

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


AD According to the Islamic New Year.
How to celebrate the year AD law in the view of Islam? and how we respond to the new year is AD? This may often we are questioning and also many people who celebrate the new year in excess, whether you know why the new year AD is identical to blow the trumpet? I think just a lot of engaging without tau origin of which, well I'll give a glimpse of the picture a bit from various sources that I can, at least this gives us exactly what we should do in the new year that BC actually, because in reality new year celebration welcoming AD more remarkable in comparison with the Islamic new year, new years on our own.


New year in Shari'a islam view
Moment of the year was so highly anticipated by everyone. Not infrequently among those who greeted him with a jolly party, blow the trumpet in the final seconds of the year and others. As if the moment the new year is a special moment that should never be overlooked.
Then, how the view according to syar'i glasses in this case? Is it true that we should welcome the new year with a special? Such were saying congratulations, through oral or written which we write in the new year greeting cards. New year in such istimewakah meaning for mankind, especially the Muslims?

Consider the statement of Imam Ibn Al Tammiyah radhiaallahu anhu.
As congratulate against religious symbols, symbols of the unbelievers peculiar to them, then it is haraam according to the agreement of the scholars, like to congratulate on the great days they and their fast, like say a big day of this blessed hope, and so on.

Umar ibn Khattab ra being said, the momentum associated with the new year AD or other major holidays that are the great days of the Jews and the Christians.

Senin, 26 Desember 2011


When Judgement Comes ..? Only Allah Almighty knows best. We only know through the signs of the coming Day of Resurrection it. In Mayan manuscript that lived in southern Mexico or Guatemala, known master of science Falak, mentioned that the apocalypse will happen on December 21, 2012. Also mentioned at the time would come a wave of massive galaxies, resulting in cessation of all activities in the face of this Earth.Be a doomsday prediction in 2012 of the Mayan actual calculation basis is unknown. But this issue through the media widely sudahmenyebar Internet. As a Muslim, we must believe that the Apocalypse would come there and SURE. 


One day after leading the morning prayers of the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam went up into the pulpit and delivered a long lecture to the arrival time of noon. After he finished leading the noon prayer, he then climbed back into the pulpit to deliver a lecture to the arrival waktuasar. Then after leading the Asar prayers, he went straight back to the pulpit delivering a lecture hinggamagrib. Lead the evening prayer after he did not climb back into the pulpit.
The friend who attended told me that on the day in which the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'wa alaih sallammendadak daurah deliver such a full day to that he describes at length about what would happen to apply or End of the day or the day of Judgement. Once the importance of this Final day affairs so that he requires a full day to explain the signs of the end times before the day of Judgement datangya to his companions. Then those present said: "After the death of the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'wa alaih sallamsetiap I met with an event that is a sign of the end of time then I will remember a long lecture that day prophet. Just like people who meet with people who had long been separated. So when meeting, immediately thought back to his face. "


Prophets and ApostlesThe Prophet in Arabic comes from the word naba. Named after the Prophet because they are the people that tell a story and they are the people who told the story (through revelation). While the language of the word apostle comes from the word Irsal a meaningful guide or direction. The definition is syar'i famous, the prophet is a person who received the revelation but not ordered to deliver while the Apostles are the people who get a revelation in the Shari'ah and ordered to menyampaikannnya (*). Some scholars said that this definition has a drawback, because it is not conveyed God's revelations to earth except to say, and if the Prophet did not convey the revelation of God including the hide. Another drawback of this definition is shown in the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,(*) Shaykh Ibn Abdul Wahhab used this definition in Ushulutsalatsah and Kasyfu doubtful, as did Shaykh Muhammad ibn Al Uthaymeen Sholeh."I was shown the peoples, I saw a Prophet with a group of people, and the prophets with one of two men and the prophet was not with anybody." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)This hadith shows that the Prophet also said the revelation to his people. Other scholars state that when the Prophet was not ordered to convey the revelation does not mean that the Prophet should not convey the revelation. 


Faith means trust according to etymology, while according to the terminology, means validated by the liver, and then expressed in words, and diapikasikan in everyday life. Faith in Allah means to believe with the heart and then pronounced by the tongue, and then applied in everyday kehiduipan.Faith in God Almighty is the first pillar of faith. This suggests bhawa faith in Allah SWT is the most basic and fundamental to the faith and the teachings of Islam.Fatherly strengthen faith then one must know the attributes of Allah SWT and Her asthma (Asmaul Husna).A. Attributes of Allah SWT1. Characteristically God Being (There), Impossible Characteristically 'Adam (None)Allah is a form or no, his opponent is not there (adam).


Interests of the FaithAFTER we huraikan at length about the definition or the definition of faith, now we see it anyway if the importance of faith in us, and bad to someone who lack faith.Allah says:Translation: Truly Prosperous people who clean themselves (with faith). And he remembered the name of his Lord and worship him. But ye (unbelievers) chose the worldly life. Being the life Hereafter is better and more lasting. (Al A'laa: 14-17)Translation: Surely a successful who purifies his soul. (Ash-Shams: 9)Translation: In fact, fortunately the people who believe. (Ie) those who fervently in prayer. And those who shy away from (sayings and deeds) are not useful. And those who give charity. And those who keep his cock, except against their wives or servants at their disposal then they actually nothing reprehensible in this case. If anyone find other than that, they are the transgressors. And those who keep the messages (which endured) and its promise. And those who maintain prayers. They are the ones who will inherit, ie who will inherit Paradise Syurga they will abide therein. (Al Mukmin: 1-11)

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

LOVE THE WORLD, Love the world is the end of all forms of deviant behavior. Allah says "Know that the life of the world sesugguhnya anything but play and amusement, pomp and glory, splendor of you and proud-proud of its many treasures and ank, like rain that makes the farmers be amazed by the plants, plant kemudai menjadai it dry and you see the color yellow and then destroyed. and there someday Everlasting harsh punishment and forgiveness from God and keridhoanNya. And the life of this world is nothing but a deceiving enjoyment. " (Al-Hadid [57]; 20)This makes some pious and wise people define life in a few illustration:

Depth of Love To God Almighty.

Depth of Love To God Almighty.

-People who Love To God there are three groups. namely:
-The Laymanlove for accepting a lot of administration.
-People AlimPure lovenot because of anything.

The person of most Special Special (the Prophets and saintsHer love is adescription of the preoccupation.

Features Love to God

feature Love to God

From Sufyan bin Uyainah r.a. it

  "Whoever loves God,
the love of those who loved Godwhoever love for people
beloved of God, the love act done for love of God,
whoever love for acts done for love of God, then
love to do the act without the knowledge of others. "

  Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani reportedquoted
that Mahabbah (the love of God), there are two kinds:

Mahabbah Fardhu,
namely driving Mahabbah do the commandments of God and
dijauhinya His prohibitions.

Mahabbah Sunnah,
that is driving dibiasakannya Mahabbah do worship traditions and
dijauhinya the things that doubtful.

  Abu Bakr Ash-ra Shiddiq saysWhoever has felt the pure Mahabbah God, thenwhat he
think it can forget the world and make them feel the desire of foreign
of all mankind.
may we always be in the guidance and protection, amen.


LOVE ALLAH SWT(MAHABBATULLAH)While still small Husain (grandson of the Prophet.) Bertaya to her father, Sayidina Ali: "Do you love God?" Ali replied, "Yes". Husain then asked: "What are you loving grandfather of the mother?" Ali, returned answer, "Yes". Husain asked: "Do you love my mother?" And again He said, "Yes". Small Husain again asked: "Did you love me?" Ali replied, "Yes". The last was plain Husain asked, "My father, how can you combine so much love in your heart?" Then Sayidina Ali explains: "My son, question your great! Cintaku in titter from the mother (the Prophet Saw.), Mother (Fatimah) and on your own is because the love of God". Because love is indeed all branches of the love of Allah SWT. After hearing the answers from the father Husain was so smiling understand.

ASMA-UL-HUSNA: Virtues AND usefulness

He s.w.t. was said to mean:"God has Asmaa-ul-Husna (the great names that match the characteristics of ALLAH), then bermohonlah Him by them Asmaa-ul-Husna is." - (Surat Al-`raf: 180)"Say:" Call upon Allah or call them AR-RAHMAN. By whatever name you call. He has al Asmaul Husna (the names of the best)"He is Allah, there is no god but He, He has al-Asmaul-Husna (good name)" - (Sura Thaha: 8)From Abu Hurayrah r.a. He said the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. once said:"Verily, Allah has 99 names, which is about one hundred, those calculated (memorize all) he entered into heaven" - Narrated by Bukhari

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

prayer of the prophet daud as

 Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam is a servant of God who is very diligent in worship to God. It is mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam.Prophet David 'alihis-salaam very diligent to draw close to God. He was very diligent to ask God to make himself loved by God. He really put love God more than put himself, his own family and the cold water that could eliminate the thirsty traveler on his way in the desert heat. This is the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam concerning the prayer of David:

10 things to bring love GOD Almighty

May we always get the love of God, that's what should be searched every servant in every heartbeat and every breath.Shalaatu wa Alhamdulillah wa salaamu 'ala Rosulillah wa' ala alihi shohbihi wa wa bi man tabi'ahum ihsaanin ilaa yaumid deen.Brother, indeed every person would want to get the love of God. Then how do I love a way to get it. Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah mention a few things to get his intention earlier in the book Madarijus Salikin.First, read the Qur'an to contemplate and understand its meaning. This can be done as a person understands a book which he memorized and must receive an explanation of the contents of the book. This is all done to understand what is meant by the author. [And so that can be done to the Qur'an, pen]

I believe God speaks

Assallamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Akheratku friend who blessed God, Thank God Wa Syukurilah been 7 years since I walked without stopping in every time I `tuk istiqomah mensyiarkan kindness and goodness only jihad for God, for the sake of my khusnul khotimah ..There have been many obstacles, trials, temptations, slander, blasphemy, cela'an, verbal-abuse, incitement, cemo'ohan or the symbols of his way to mock me and this is tiring heart.

Majesty and greatness of Islam

Prophet sent by God to the world that Islam is given to him was he who said to be the bearer of grace to nature. Islam is given to the Prophet Muhammad by God is to lead this man, God's word which means:"No I utuskan thee (O Muhammad) but to become Grace to Nature"

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

ALLLAH greatness of Ka'bah and Makkah


Love is one of the unique source of strength in man. He became the driving force of the heart and soul that will result in attitudes, actions and behavior. Love can be like that described in the couplet poem from Indonesia hit film, When the Mix:
Love is the power market is ablechange so a rose thornchanged into wine vinegarsadly changed so cheerfultransform anger so friendlychange the calamity so goodwill.