islamic world

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Make the Quran as Friend

One of the greatest gifts of God Almighty bestowed upon us is the Word of His glorious Qur'an. Instructions contained therein toward the straight and true. With it Allah guides His servants to road safety, both globally and in the hereafter.Christians can one even when listening to chant the verses of the Qur'an by heart the guidance of Allah was clearly into the recesses of his heart without being able to stop them.

Not just stop there, he shed tears after listening to this glorious word of Divine.Najasyi king is a wonderful example to justify the claim. When he listened to the Qur'an read by Ja'far bin Abi Talib radiyallahu 'anhu.
Not only humans, the jinn were amazed when listening to the verses of the Qur'an are recited by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. They listened attentively silent. Once the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam recited finished, they spontaneously immediately called his people to believe and have faith. Allah Ta'ala says;
"And (remember) when We are facing the group of jinn listened to you that the Quran, but when they attend the reading of his (her) and then they say:" Shut up you (to hear) ". When they finished reading it back to his people (to) give warning.They said: "O our people, we have indeed listened to the book (the Qur'an) is revealed after Moses, confirming previous scriptures which again lead to the truth and to the right path." (Surat Al Ahqaaf: 30) .
Al-Qur'an is from Allah, which is very large. The book is filled with blessings. But the favor and blessing that we feel will not be able to unless we want to read, learn and reflect.
It is a very big loss, if day after day we pass away without decorated by reading the Qur'an. How could a Muslim is not interested in reading it, but in it there is a very wide range of information he needs. Information and important clues that can not be obtained in addition to the Qur'an.
When we live in an age full of slander, as now, the needs of the Qur'an to be even greater. Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib ra once said: "Surely there will be a variety of fitnah (trial)". Then asked him: "What then is the way out". He replied: "Allah's Book (the Qur'an), in which there is news (history) of those before you, khabar-khabar (events) that occur after you and the laws (regulating) your affairs. He is a separator between the right and a falsehood. Now and again he was not joking, proud people who are left must be destroyed by God. Who is looking for clues in addition to him, then he will be misled by God. He is a sturdy rope of God, warning that he is wise and right path. Her passion will not deviate.
Spoken with him will not be confused (wrong). Wonders will never run out. The scholars will never fill it. Any person who talked to him then he will berhujjah true.He who practice it so it will get the reward. Any person who arbitrate with him then he will be fair. He who called on him then he will be guided to the straight path ".
Al-Qur'an is like the water that watered the plants of faith. Faith is always cared for and watered by reading the Quran, will undoubtedly flourish.
In contrast, hearts are far from reading the Quran, will undoubtedly barren. Plants wither faith. There is no greater disaster than a frozen heart and faith withered.Really it is a great misfortune for religion a servant of God. Prophet always prayed,
"And do not you make our calamity befall our religion" (Narrated by Tirmidhi and Al Hakim).
Have we made reading the Koran as a requirement? Did you know that the Koran is a collection of letters sent by the Lord of the universe to us as His servants? A person who likes to read the Quran will be glowing heart, roomy chest, God's abundant grace to him, and he read every letter will be rewarded with sepululuh reward good times.
Tidakkkah Rusulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has instructed:
"Read the Qur'an, in fact he will come to judgment as a giver syafa'at for companions" (Narrated by Muslim).
Make the Quran as our friend, we find it necessary his syafa'at.

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