islamic world

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

The greatness of the Qur'an in the eyes of the friend r.a.

ThumbnailThe friend saw the greatness of the Quran down the greatness of the, fullness of perfection is down, they saw that the Qur'an down from the King, the Preserver, the Mighty god, Maha mengetaui, Supreme Love.
Of these views they received the Holy Qur'an with mixed feelings of happiness ready to execute commands respect and feelings of anxiety and hope, and feelings of the deepest longings, how not to work, because people who read the Qur'an means as bermunajat honored by Allah as well as a soldier taking orders from the boss and a mentor who seek guidance from the One who got the all-knowing. And this feeling is described by Allah in His Word:
"They're the ones who Allah give pleasure to those of the prophets from Adam and the descendants of people who we take with Nuh and Ibrahim and the descendants of Israel (Jacob) and of the person who gave us our instructions and if recited to select their verses that they Merciful berrsungkur the prostrate condition and crying ". (Maryam: 58) # 58
"Those who were given knowledge beforehand if recited over them (the verses of Allah) they fell with their chin-chin in a state of prostration, they say we are truly all-holy Robb Robb promise we'd done them fell with them in the chin-chin conditions and add them to cry kekhkusu'an ". (Al-Isra ': 107-109)
Of the feelings caused Umu Aiman ​​cry when reminded of death Rasululloh. At one point Abu Bakr and Umar visited the foster mother Rasulalloh Um Aiman ​​and when they sit down, Umm Aiman ​​menagislah Rasulalloh remembering the death of Abu Bakr and Umar said, "Why are you crying while Rasululloh a place of glory"? Um Ayman replied, "I cried not because of his passing, but because of the dissolution of Allah's revelation that came to him in the morning and evening", then burst into tears at the same instant the three of them.
Of the feelings of the friends to read and accept the Qur'an to be carried out spontaneously without waiting and without the slightest protest even though it conflicts with their habits, but they can beat their feelings with their love of Allah.
When it comes down the order to wear the hijab in Surat al-Ahzab: 59, the night Rasulalloh verses convey to the friends, the next morning his friend's wife was wearing the hijab all, even the `Aisha said," The best woman is a woman wearing hijab they are ruled Anshor at night while they're wearing it the next morning there is even a rip ordeng / netting them to wear the hijab ".
When diharamkannya khomer and verse that came to them, when they threw it also directly deposit khomernya and poured what was still in his hand.
One of the secret wonders of the companions of the Qur'an are interacting with their faith in Allah, His heaven and hell, to promise him that they did something when seen by people who do not understand this background will be difficult to interpret.
Like when they read about God's promise for those who strive for God's love, a best friend named Umair bin Hamam was eating dates Rasululloh O asked, "Where am I if I die in this war? Rasululloh replied "In heaven", Umair said: "It is a matter of time to go to heaven to spend seven seeds to eat dates is a very long time", and finally dibuanglah remaining dates have not eaten and immediately go to war to meet martyrdom.
Conditions of high faith has become a part episode of their lives as told by Allah in the Qur'an, It is like the attention of people towards people Anshor muhajirin or their attention to people who are weak, as God told the Al Hashr letter in which the Prophet had guests and he did not have something to welcome, he finally offered it to his friend who is willing to bring his guests,with sepontan one friend willing, but when I got home she was told that there was no food except for his dinner, the friend had ordered her to remove food for his guests and had issued two plates and immediately turn off the lights when guests were eating, guests eat and host of the show seemed to eat so she can eat with a delicious, until the morning when a friend had met with the apostles, and he said that if God be surprised by what he did then go down the word of Allah, al Hasyr paragraph nine letters.

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