Prayer is God required worship for Muslims, at least do 5 times a day and night. Prayer is performed properly, correct and solemn provide positive effects for physical and spiritual person. Instead prayer is not done properly and correctly, will not give meaningful effect to the body and spirit are concerned.
Prophet reminded in one hadith of Amar bin Yasir ra he heard the Messenger of Allah said: "Surely someone who finished from sholatnyaia not get the reward but only one-tenth, ninth, eighth, one-seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, third and half his prayer that" ((Abu Dawud).
Above hadith describes the condition of most people pray, they pray but do not benefit from the prayer that in addition to just one-tenth or more and less than that. It happened because kekhusukan different levels. God judge someone from kekhusukannya prayer, many people who do pray, but made only meets the obligations and implemented not fervently. God reminded in one hadith Qudsi
. Allah 'Azza wajalla says (hadith Qudsi): "Not everyone who prays it bershalat. I just accept his prayer those who humble themselves to keagunganKu, holding syahwatnya from unlawful ban and not continuously (insistent) immoral to me, to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, loving people in the affected areas and to accommodate foreigners. It was all done because I am. "" By the majesty and greatness, in fact for me over her face shining light from the sun and I made the ignorance of patience (wisdom) and make the darkness bright, he prays to Me and I grant it, he asked and I gave it and he enter into a covenant with me, and I keep it just (reinforce) his promise. I protect her approach to him and I told the angels guard. To me he is a paradise of untouched paradise fruit and not changing the situation. "(Narrated by Ad-Dailami)
In other hadith the Prophet also warned:
. Who first raised from this race is khusyu 'so it does not look one khusyu'. (Narrated by Ahmad and Ath-Thabrani)
Performed with solemn prayers and correctly will give positive effects on physical, spiritual and daily life that could soon be felt in prayer and after prayer, among others:
Prayer movement that will really improve blood flow and improve metabolism.Breathing deeply and regularly in prayer will improve oxygen levels in the bloodMovement bowing, prostrating and standing are conducted quietly and slowly, providing a relaxed atmosphere on the bodyPrayers were read in the prayer will give positive impact to the health and fitness (Do, a al-Fatihah and sit iftirash)In the long run the body to be healthy, strong and has a high resistance to attack a variety of medical and non medical illnesses.Prayers were read in the prayer gives positive effect to the road of life, among others, facilitated all his affairs, kept out of various misadventures and misfortunes, dicukupkan all intent and needs, are protected from various hazards, slander and wickedness of its inhabitants are visible or not visible.Positive impact on the spiritual, among others, has a high resistance to various calamities, disasters and difficulties come off.Has the nature optimistic and not easily discouraged in the face of thingsFree from the depressed and the juice of prolonged stressAll of the above is a direct effect can be felt in their daily lives.People who are negligent and not solemn prayer will not feel the effects as mentioned above. People who are not right then kehidupannyapun prayer will not be wrong anyway. How many people are praying, but his life remains chaotic, squeezed a variety of problems, ranging from health issues, family, economic and social life. Bawdy chaotic life and the difficulties they experienced it described the state of prayer does.
Prayer goes wrong person in the world will experience many difficulties as well as the Hereafter he will face more severe conditions. Prophet warned in one of his hadith
Who first questioned (calculated) against a servant on the Day of Judgement of deeds is about prayer. If prayer is good then he is lucky and successful and if the prayer is worse then he was disappointed and losers. (Reported by An Nasaa'i and Tirmidhi)
People who are wrong prayer will benefit the afterlife, among others:
Receive a charity record book from the rightJudged by an easy reckoningHis body filled with light that illuminates the surrounding wilderness mahsyarHaving a white face shining on the day of ResurrectionPast the bridge as fast as lightning ashiratIncorporated into the park and got the welcome syurga homage of the angels guard syurga.People who wasted prayer goes wrong and will get the loss, among others:
· Accepting deeds from the back of the book
· Brought to account with a difficult reckoning
· Placed a difficult place in the wilderness mahsyar
· His face was full of gloomy darkness jet black
· Passing ashirat with difficulty, even mired kelembah hell
· Thrown into a fiery Hell, fed zaqum tree (thorn) and made to drink boiling water and pus.
Criteria for solemn prayer
How is the fervent prayer and true? This is a common question emerged minds of everyone. So far, we only learned about harmony and conditions syahnya prayer. We are not taught how to pray fervently and correct. Most Muslims feel the prayers only as an obligation that must be met. They think it is a prayer for God's interests, not for himself. Sometimes they perform their prayers with the lazy and feeling forced. They pray just fulfilling a religious obligation.
Fervent prayer is the prayer that was done with full awareness sunguh in order to serve God. Prayer is a means of communication between a servant with his Maker. People who are preoccupied to realize that prayer is not a requirement of God to man, but a human need to God. People who engage in dialogue with God in solemn prayer denounce the various problems and issues it faces. Prayer is a means to beridialog provided by God for a servant who need Him. So God forbid someone to do the prayer in a drunken state, until he understands what the sentence is uttered in prayer, as mentioned in Surat an-Nisa, verse 43:
"O ye who believe, do not you pray, you're drunk, so you understand what you say, .... (An Nisa 43)
Dhohir and spiritual elements in the prayer
Implementation involves the element of prayer Dhohir (physical) and inner elements (spiritual). Dhohir elements such as posture, movement and reading the prayer is a physical element that can be observed with the five senses. Elements such as the inner mind and heart is the element of prayer activities that can not be observed with the five senses. Dhohir part of the prayer can be observed with the five senses as mentioned in the following hadith:
Ra of Umm Ruman, the mother of 'A'ishah said: "Abu Bakr as Sidiq see me when I pray, sometimes I stood leaning left, sometimes to right (seen it) So Abu Bakr ra as Sidiq menghardikku so hard that I almost canceled sholatku. Then he said "I heard the Messenger of Allah said:" If a person stands in prayer then he should be silenced (keeping the limbs do not move the motion as movement of the Jewish people. Because silence without moving the motion in the prayer, including the perfection of prayer. "(Hakim, Turmidzi)
Section Dhohir like motion standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting was arranged in harmonious prayer. Movement is carried out outside a predetermined movement in the pillars of prayer may invalidate the prayer. Readings are also included as part Dhohir dijaharkan which can be observed.
Which form part Bathin picture (shadows) and whisper thoughts or feelings of the heart is a spiritual element that can not be observed by the five senses. This inner element is a major part of the solemn prayer. The success of one's prayer is determined by the element of this heart. This spiritual element that gets tegoran God in Surat an Nisa verse 43 above.
People who fervently in prayer, mind and heart focused on the reading of the prayers spoken. 're People who do not mind solemn picture, a feeling heart and walk on his own his own words (not in focus and synchronous). In people who read A solemn when her mouth, then imagine fikirannya A and A heart felt anyway. In people who do not read A solemn when his mouth, fikirannya imagine B and C. The heart felt
Most people can not fervently in prayer, in which when the mouth to read A, B and fikirannya imagine his heart felt C. Surprisingly when talking to someone over the phone he could solemn, when his mouth to say A, then A and fikirannya imagine him also feel the A anyway.
To obtain the desired praying fervently as the Messenger of Allah we should be able to control elements and the inner Dhohir of prayer that we do. Movement and reading prayers conducted quietly, not rushed pace tu'maninah follow the pillars of prayer has been taught the Prophet. Minds and hearts focused on the sentences were read in the prayer, of course we have to understand every sentence and the passage we read in prayer. If you do not understand of course very difficult to focus the minds and hearts of the sentence was read.
During this time we do the prayer might just meet the obligation on God to do the prayer five times a day and night. Prayer feels as liabilities and expenses are sometimes done with a sense of laziness. When the prayer where the mind drift where thinking about things that have nothing to do with the activities of the prayer, the heart is also anxious to get it over with. When finished praying it feels like to be hurried to leave the mat, continuing the work abandoned.
That is the condition that many Muslims felt today in doing the prayer, far from solemn criteria. This is a huge problem for Muslims. The man was wrong of course prayer life is not wrong.Perhaps this is one reason why Muslims can not prevail, whereas in the call to prayer is always sung "Hayya Hayya alalfalaah alassholah ... ... let us build prayer .... Let's take the victory"
To improve the quality of life of Muslims then the main improvement is the quality of prayer. People who pray fervently and completely impossible to overwrite life narrow, difficult, oppressed and depressed. God promises victory, fortune and glory for those who fervently in prayer sebegaimana mentioned in Surat al Mukminun verses 1-2
Truly successful who are faithful 2. Namely those who fervently in prayerTo improve the quality of training it takes prayer seriously and really sunguh. Changing a habit that has been done for many years is not easy. We will not be able to pray fervently only by learning and practicing for one day only. We must train our spiritual and physical elements Dhohir to conduct prayed fervently. How to do the prayer movement with a calm, orderly and unhurried pace. How to enjoy every movement of prayer with calm and relaxed. How to synchronize the mind and heart to focus on readings were read in prayer. All it takes practice and really really serious. We could just follow solemn prayer exercise one or two days. But it is merely the mastery of knowledge alone. To be able to pray fervently and true we have to train the knowledge already gained with very seriously.
Movement and reading prayers (element Dhohir)
Prayer movement activities include standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting. , Starting with takbiratul ihram and ends with a greeting. In order for the movement of prayer can be done in a calm and unhurried pace is necessary to control the motion by setting a deep breath prayer.
Breath deeply and regularly provides comfort and calm so as to prevent us doing movements that hasty pace. Breath deeply and regularly also increases oxygen levels in the blood, so the body feels more comfortable and fresh while doing prayers. Sense of comfort, calm, refreshed and relaxed mind and heart can lead to more focus on reading or sentence that reads in prayer.
Setting breath has started since takbiratul ihram, take a deep breath as she held up both hands parallel to the ear and read the sentence takbir. Then exhale slowly while both hands down and placed over the abdomen. Further breath calmly pull back slowly to meet the chest cavity and then exhale slowly while reading iftitah prayer and continued with the reading of al-Fatihah and the Quran verses. If the exhaled breath was gone was not yet finished reading slowly pull back to full then exhale slowly as he continued reading the unfinished, and so on.
Arrangement of breath is also done when bowing, itidal, prostration, and sitting. Basically do a quiet breathing and deep.Inhale fully complete until the lungs and exhale slowly through a perfect blank. This arrangement does not include pillars breath prayers, this is only one way to get peace and prevent the hasty pace of movement in prayer. Generally people are hasty pace and always wanted to quickly finish the prayer. People who experience the joys of solemn prayer in the prayer until he did pray sometimes longer than most people. Prophet prayed one rak'ah sometimes when reading a letter of Al-Baqarah, then bow down and prostrate him at length with a time of establishment.
Synchronizing mind, heart and oral (inner element)
In general, most people in the prayer fikirannya drifting nowhere, mind and heart does not focus on reading is read. The first thing that needs improvement is that everyone should understand the literature they read in the prayer. Reading standards like alfatihah, iftitah prayer, reading as bowing and prostration, the prayer i'tidal, sitting iftirosh and tasyahud must memorize and understand its meaning. Subsequently trained minds and hearts to focus on the verse that reads.
Sync practice minds and hearts to focus on the reading of the spoken or heard can be done outside of the prayer by doing breathing tadabbur asmaulhusna Qur'an or dhikr.
With frequent tadabbur Qur'an and dhikr asmaulhusna breathing, thoughts and feelings of well-trained to focus on reading or sentences that read or heard.
III. ORAL EXERCISE synchronization, thoughts and HEART
Many people can not fervently in prayer, when his mouth to say A, B and fikirannya imagine his heart felt C. But strangely when talking over the phone or the phone with someone who was there much everyone can fervently. When his mouth to say A, fikirannya imagine A and his heart also felt A. Most people can be solemn when talking to someone over the phone but when talking to God in prayer is difficult for most people fervently.
In order to remain solemn when talking to God in prayer practice required synchronization between speech, thought and heart (feeling). During this since childhood we are taught how to pray in accordance with the pillars of prayer. How prayer movement when standing bow, prostrate. What sentence is read in every movement of prayer, what prayer and cancel others. But very few among us who study and practice for the solemn in prayer, we even feel strange if someone held a solemn prayer exercise.
Here we try to convey how to train to be oral, mind and heart can be synchronous in working condition can be achieved through prayer that solemn prayer. Please try to follow the following exercise:
Exercise synchronizing mind and heart
The first stage you have to train the minds and hearts so that you can sync, it means what you Think can be felt by your heart or feelings. Consider the following picture below, how thoughts and feelings when you see these ghambar.
What is imagined in your mind when looking at the picture on the left, and what is imagined in your mind when looking at the picture on the right. How do you feel? samakah your feelings when viewing pictures on the right with the picture on the left?.
Note also the following pictures below
If you have heart or feelings of sync with your mind, then you will feel something different when looking at the picture on the left and the picture on the right. When looking at and pay attention to an existing image on the left you feeling uncomfortable and nervous, but when you look at the picture on the right you feel comfortable and happy. That means your heart and mind are in sync.
If your feelings do not change when looking at the picture on the left and right, meaning the heart and mind you do not or have not been synchronized.
Synchronization oral exercises, mind and heart
Consider the following sentence below, read the sentence slowly, imagine in mind what is meant by the phrase. Notice how you feel when reading the sentence is feeling restless, anxious, afraid or feel safe, comfortable, and senangkah?
We stayed home environment with a narrow dingy and musty, with the stench of stagnant water and piles of garbage that piled here and there.
We stayed real eastate environment with a comfortable home surrounded by beautiful gardens and clean.
Suddenly we were startled by a fierce-faced block in front of us with a sharp knife in his hand a drawn shiny
When entering the house we were greeted by a cute girl who smiled kindly welcomed our arrival.
The boat that we were riding struck down shimmy left and to right the waves that come rolling amid the wild winds and storms.
Our host invited us to eat food that has been available before our diverse and very tasty-taste ideals
Train your mind and feelings to appreciate and feel the sentence that you say as above. Try, thoughts and feelings you are in sync with the words you say. Intonation and sound pressure can help you to imagine and feel what is meant by the phrase.
Next try to train your thoughts and feelings following the translation of Quranic verses and reading prayers that you read with a certain intonation and tone of voice.
When it comes the deafening sound. On the day when a man flee from his brother. From the mother and father. Of his wife and son.Every person on Harti it has a pretty affair menyibukan (Abasa 33-37)
Surely the righteous triumph. Ie orchard gardens and vineyards.Teen age girls age girls. Glass and glass full of drinks. They do not hear therein vain sayings and words of falsehood. A reward from your Lord, and abundant provision. (An Naba31-36)
I confronted my face to the Lord who made heaven and earth with sunguh sunguh and I surrendered myself to Him, and I'm not including the Pagans (to Allah) (Prayer 'iftitah)
O Allah forgive me, I Rahmati, cover all keburukanku, lift derajatku, give me food, give me the guidance and instructions, give me health, and forgive me. (Prayer sitting iftirash)
If you have been able to equate your thoughts and feelings with the following sentence that you say as above, train your thoughts and feelings to follow all the readings that you read the prayer, of course in the Arabic language. Heart and your mind will not be able to follow the readings that you read in the prayer if you do not know the meaning of the sentence. Therefore, to achieve the level fervently in prayer you have to understand the entire passage you read in the prayer
You may not be solemn if you do not understand the sentence or passage that you read in the prayer. Synchronization exercises you can do outside of prayer with trained to imagine and feel what you read, such as news in the newspapers, short stories, novels and so forth. Then try to imagine and feel every Quranic verse that you read, this can be done by implementing tadabbur Qur'an alone or in congregation.
Here we will try to lead readers to practice the right and correct prayer in the hope fervently conditions can be obtained as desired by the guidance of the Prophet and the Quran.
Prepare your heart and mind to pray, pray Dhuhr example, Asar or Maghrib.Take wuduk for purification of minor ritual impurityPreparation of all things to perform prayers, rooms, condition and so forth.Stand up straight facing the Qiblah, both legs slightly stretched.Feel that you are currently dealing with God dialam supreme ruler of the universe. Be tawadhu before him a full power throughout the universe.
Takbiratul ihramSay takbiratul Ihram, raising both arms parallel to the ear and slowly breathe in to fill the lung space. Further down both arms above his chest as he breathed slowly to empty the lungs completely .. Put your right hand over left hand above your chest.
Ruling IftitahNext inhale slowly back up to meet the living lungs, exhale slowly, reading a prayer iftitah:
"Allahu Akbar kabiraw walhamdulilaahi katsiiro, wa wa subhanallahi bukhrataw ashiila. God is great, perfect almighty greatness, all punji to God as much, and holy God all morning and evening "Inni wajjahtu wajhiya lilladzii fathorosshamaawaati ardho haniifan muslimaw color wal ana minal musyrikiin I am confronted fikiranku to heart and created the heavens and the earth , with a straight (her really) and surrendered themselves, and I'm not including people who mempersekutukanNya. Innas sholaati, wanusuki, wamahyaya, color maati lillahi rabbil alamiin. Laa syariikalahuu wabidzaalika wa ana minal umirtu Muslims. Verily my prayers, devotions, life, my death is only to Allah the Lord of the Universe, No allies for Him, by doing so I was told, and I was the one who surrendered (Muslims). "
If the breath is exhaled slowly gone iftitah're reading has not been completed, then pull back up to meet the lungs breath, then exhale slowly as he continued reading the unfinished, and so on.Concentrate your heart and mind on reading the following meaning. Oral reading iftitah prayer, called the translation minds, hearts felt the purpose of the sentence is read. Feel the sentence that reads with all the feelings and full kekhusukan. Try to end up the same breath with the completion of reading the prayer iftitah.
Reading Al-FatihahNext inhale slowly to meet the living lungs, exhale slowly while reading surah Al-Fatihah. Concentrate thoughts and feelings on reading the Al-Fatihah. Say it with verbal, translated as mind, understand with the heart. Feel each verse is read, followed by visualization. Read the surah Al-Fatihah by Tartil and gradual.
When reading Bismillahirrohmanirahiim ... ... imagine and feel what a sense of God's mercy on us all.
When reading Alhamdulillahir robbil alamiin .... imagine how great God terpujinya ruler of the universe.
When reading Arohmaanirrohiim imagine affectionate nature of God that includes the universe.
When reading Maalikiyau middin .... Imagine the state of the future Day of Resurrection, when we gathered in the wilderness mahsyar a dry and barren. Day is no shelter other than the shade, on the day that there was no shelter other than protection. He was the sole ruler's Day.
When reading Iyya kana'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in bear in my heart that only He is worshiped, and the only place beg Him for help.
When reading Ihdinas shiroothol Mustaqeem imagine a straight path, the path is full of grace and blessings. When reading an amta Shirothol ladziina alaihim, ghoiril maghdu bi alaihim, waldhoolliin .... Imagine that referred to the straight path is the path traveled by those who have received grace and blessings from Him, not a street person who incurred the Wrath of the road nor a heretic.
Try to end up the same breath with the completion of reading Alfatihah.
Reading letters and verse choice after AlfatihahAfter reading Alfatihah breathing space to meet the lungs. Exhale slowly while reading a paragraph or letter of choice. To add kekhusuan verse selection can be adjusted to the conditions and circumstances that are affecting us. For example, face calamity and temptation read the letter of al Ankabut 1 s / d 5. Or Al Baqarah 153-157. To evoke the spirit of struggle and get a better career, read the letter of Ali Imran 26-27, 55-56 or An Nur Al Fath 1-4. Commemorating the life hereafter al Waqi'ah read the letter, the letter Al Zalzalah and Al Qori'ah, of course, read a verse or letters already memorized the following translation, and so on. Try to end up the same breath with the completion of the verse reading selection. .
BowingInhale slowly while bowing and read Takbir. Bowing during prayer beads sentence read "subhanarabbiyal adzim .... Most holy God almighty". During the bowing and read the prayer beads of breath exhaled slowly. Back and waist to form a 90 degree angle, hands resting on knees. Feel relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for a bow. Breathiness ended simultaneously with the completion of reading the rosary.
I'tidalInhale slowly standing up and saying the phrase "liman Samiallahu hamidah .... have heard God's people praise Him. ".Both hands raised to ear level. Further down both arms laterally left and right while slowly exhale. Stand up straight with both hands beside the left and right, inhale slowly to fill the lungs, then exhale slowly while reading with: "Robbana lakal hamdu, milussamawaati ul Ardhi draftee, conscript umaasyi'ta, min syai'in ba'du O Lord ... .. we all praise Thee all the heavens and the earth, and all items you want after that ". Praise God in a genuine and sincere, feel relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.Expose the heart and mind to God all the ruler of the universe with sincerity and tawadhu. Breathiness ended simultaneously with the expiration of prayer readings.
The first prostrationInhale slowly as he came down to prostration and utter Takbir "Allahu akbar". During prostration slowly release your breath while reading a sentence prayer beads: "Subhana rabbiyal A'la ... .. Glory be to Allah the most high" as much as can be read.Breathiness ended simultaneously with the expiration of the sentence tasbih.Ucapkan sentence beads with genuine and sincere, feel the atmosphere relaxed and surrender to Him.Breathiness ended simultaneously with the expiration of speech beads. Prostration long breath and strength depending on the number of beads that can be spoken sentences. Experience the relaxed atmosphere that only too well and surrender to Him.
Sitting IftirashInhale slowly while sitting from prostration by reciting Takbir sentence. When sitting Iftirash slowly release your breath while reading the prayer: "Robighfirli, warhamni, wajburnii, warfa'nii, warzuqnii, wahdinii, wa'afinii, wa'fu'annii ... .... My Lord, forgive me, I Rahmati, cover nkeburukanku, lift derajatku, give me food, give me a hint, sehatkan me, forgive me ... ". Say the prayer of the truly sunguh, follow with sincerity and full of feeling, do not be hasty pace. Enjoy it word for word in this prayer, feel the vibration of each spoken sentence prayer. This is a prayer for the ideal life.If God grant do "a this you will not suffer, anxious, depressed, confused, and live in poverty and privation. You will receive forgiveness, mercy and blessings, covered ugliness, appointed rank, received guidance in dealing with various problems, given a healthy body, and Sorry from God. Try to end up the same breath with the end of prayer readings.
Second prostrationInhale slowly as he bowed and said Takbir sentence. During prostration slowly release your breath while reading a sentence prayer beads: Subhana rabbiyal A'la ... .. holy God Almighty will be exalted ". Proceed as in item 11. Once completed, proceed to the second rak'ah. Inhale slowly standing up and saying Takbir sentences to continue the second kerakaat.
Sitting tahiyyatAt the beginning while sitting tahiyat exhale slowly read the prayer: Attahiyatul mubaarokatus shalawatut thoyyibatulillaah.Assalam alaika ayyuhanabiyyu warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, All honor, blessing, happiness, and for God's goodness, mercy and blessings kupanjatkan greetings to you, O Prophet Muhammad ... ... .. assalamualaina ibadillahisshoolihiin wa la, ilaha Asyhaduallaa illallahu wa anna assyhadu muhammadarrasuulullah, Allahhumma sholli ala Muhammad wa ala muhammad ... .. Regards aali kesalamatan hopefully keep us all pious servants of servants. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, bestow blessings to the Prophet Muhammad and also to the family of the prophet Muhammad ".
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