3. Men greet wantia and women do not salute the man. (Narrated by Ad-Dainuri)4. If you see each other then greeted each other and greet, and when separated it by saying berpisahlah seek forgiveness.(Narrated Ath-Thahawi)5. Friends of Ra Anas said, "We were told by the Prophet so our answer is nothing more than" wa'alaikum ". (Narrated by Ad-Dainuri).Explanation:Ie when non-Muslims (Jews, Christians, and others) to greet a Muslim then the answer should be no more than: "Wa'alaikum," meaning: "And also to you". But if the person who uttered the greeting of Islam, then we must respond with a better greeting, or at least the same. Word of God,وإذا حييتم بتحية فحيوا بأحسن منها أو ردوها إن الله كان على كل شيء حسيبا"If you're honored with a tribute, the tribute greet it with a better one, or retaliate (with a similar one). Allah takes careful account of all things." (Letter 4. An-Nisa '- Paragraph 86)6. If two Muslims meet each other and then shake hands and say "Thank God" and beristighfar then Allah 'Azza Wajalla forgive them. (Narrated by Abu Dawood)7. Smile to the face of your brother is sodaqoh. (Mashabih Assunnah)8. If three people do not gather that two people whispering (secret speech) and leave the third person (as it will cause sadness and bad feelings for him). (Narrated by Bukhari)9. If a visit and ask for permission (knocking on doors or calling out) three times and not encountered (not opened the door) then let him go home. (Narrated by Bukhari)10. A guest who entered the home of a people should sit at the designated place because they were more familiar with the places of their home genitalia. (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)11. Alone is better than making friends with the bad, and his associate are better than solitary pious. A good conversation is better than silence and silence is better than talking (talking) is bad. (Narrated by al-Hakim)12. Someone is in line with like-minded friends and familiar, then you should be careful in choosing friends companion. (Narrated by Ahmad)13. Verily Allah loves the preservation of familiarity old friends, then the guard continuance. (Narrated by Ad-Dailami)14. A believer who can mingle and patient with the disorder, greater reward than that do not get along with people and impatience in dealing with their disorder. (Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi)15. Deeds of the most favored of God after the fard (mandatory) is to incorporate fun into the heart of a Muslim. (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)16. Anyone snooping home of a people without their permission is illegal for them to glaring eyes. (Narrated by Muslim)17. A believer is the mirror of another believer. When she saw her disgrace fix it immediately. (Narrated by Bukhari)18. Three very good including deeds, remembrance of God in all circumstances and conditions, mutual awareness (exhort) one another, and sympathize his brothers (who need). (Narrated by Ad-Dailami)19. Gabriel Alaihissalam I love told me to always be lenient (tolerant and yield) of others. (Narrated by Al-Rabii ')20. A Muslim is a brother to other Muslims, not menzaliminya and not disappoint him (let him suffer) and do not ruin it (the honor and good name). (Narrated by Muslim)21. Allah's Apostle forbade the invitation came to the wicked. (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)22. Ye shall sit on the edge of the road. The Companions said, "O Messenger of Allah, we need to sit to talk." Prophet then said, "If you must sit down then give the street its rights." They asked, "What right road, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet replied, "Turning the view (if a woman passes), to avoid interference, answering greetings (from passers-by), and beramar prohibiting unjust." (Mutafaq'alaih)23. Sunnah when you come home to lead the guests to the door of your house. (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi)24. The Prophet prayed to receive gifts and a reward for giving the gift. (Narrated by Bukhari)25. Do not reject the gift and do not hit the Muslims. (Narrated by Ahmad)26. You should give each other gifts. Truly the gift that can eliminate envy. (Narrated by Tirmidhi and and Ahmad)27. A young man who respect their parents because looking at his old age, God destine him in elderly people will respect it.(Narrated by Tirmidhi)28. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest. The obligation to entertain guests only one day and night.Visiting period is three days and after that, including alms. Not lawful for the guests to stay longer so difficult for the host. (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi)29. Whoever receives the good (gift) from his friend (his brother) without being asked should be accepted and not returned. Indeed it is a provision that channeled God for him. (Narrated by al-Hakim)30. Whoever defends (the good name and honor) his brother without his presence, God will defend him in the world and the Hereafter. (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi)31. If someone digunjing Muslim friend and he does not deny (to defend) when in fact he was able to defend him, God shall humiliate him in the world and the Hereafter. (Narrated by Ibn Al Baghowi and Babawih)32. Human souls are like the troops. When you know each other to get along and do not know each other when disputes arise.(Narrated by Muslim)33. No one of you believe that he loves all things for his brother as he loves for himself. (Narrated by Bukhari)34. Contact the people who decide to do with you and give (something) to people who are reluctant to give. Avoid yourself from people who menzalimi you (That is, do not ignore people who menzalimi you). (Narrated by Ahmad)35. Defend (please help) your friend either unjust or wronged him. If he is despotic, forbid him from his actions and if he tyrannized Missed opportunities for him to win (defending). (Narrated by Bukhari)36. Whoever does not pay attention to (ignore) the affairs of the Muslims then he is not among them. (Narrated by Abu Dawood)37. Do not show joy over suffering brother, Allah will rescue him and would impose an (unfortunate) to you. (Narrated by Aththusi and Tirmidhi)38. If you hit, avoid the face. (Narrated by Mashabih Assunnah)39. O all men, in fact Robbmu one and one father. There is no excess for an Arab over the Ajam (non-Arab) and for a non-Arab over an Arab and a (skin) of red, black and black on red, except in piety. Did I already say this? (Narrated by Ahmad)40. There should be no interference (due to the detrimental and sad) and there should be no coercion. (Narrated by Malik)41. Bad enough people who insulted his brother. (Narrated by Muslim)42. It is not lawful for a Muslim away (break) with his brother beyond three nights. Let them meet for dialogue bring the best content of the liver and is the first to give greetings (hello). (Narrated by Bukhari)43. Whoever mimic the behavior of a people then he classified them. (Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud)44. It will not enter Paradise who likes to steal the news (heard the news likes to hear other people's secrets). (Narrated by Bukhari)45. The likeness of those who believe in the mutual love and compassion as one body. If the chief complaint (dizziness) then the whole body could not sleep and fever. (Narrated by Muslim)46. Comrade pious companion is like a perfume seller. If he does not give you a perfume, you will smell the fragrance. While a bad companion is like the fellow artisan blacksmith. If you do not terjilat fire, you will be exposed to smoke. (Narrated by Bukhari)
Selasa, 24 Januari 2012
According to the association of Islam (Hadith)
3. Men greet wantia and women do not salute the man. (Narrated by Ad-Dainuri)4. If you see each other then greeted each other and greet, and when separated it by saying berpisahlah seek forgiveness.(Narrated Ath-Thahawi)5. Friends of Ra Anas said, "We were told by the Prophet so our answer is nothing more than" wa'alaikum ". (Narrated by Ad-Dainuri).Explanation:Ie when non-Muslims (Jews, Christians, and others) to greet a Muslim then the answer should be no more than: "Wa'alaikum," meaning: "And also to you". But if the person who uttered the greeting of Islam, then we must respond with a better greeting, or at least the same. Word of God,وإذا حييتم بتحية فحيوا بأحسن منها أو ردوها إن الله كان على كل شيء حسيبا"If you're honored with a tribute, the tribute greet it with a better one, or retaliate (with a similar one). Allah takes careful account of all things." (Letter 4. An-Nisa '- Paragraph 86)6. If two Muslims meet each other and then shake hands and say "Thank God" and beristighfar then Allah 'Azza Wajalla forgive them. (Narrated by Abu Dawood)7. Smile to the face of your brother is sodaqoh. (Mashabih Assunnah)8. If three people do not gather that two people whispering (secret speech) and leave the third person (as it will cause sadness and bad feelings for him). (Narrated by Bukhari)9. If a visit and ask for permission (knocking on doors or calling out) three times and not encountered (not opened the door) then let him go home. (Narrated by Bukhari)10. A guest who entered the home of a people should sit at the designated place because they were more familiar with the places of their home genitalia. (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)11. Alone is better than making friends with the bad, and his associate are better than solitary pious. A good conversation is better than silence and silence is better than talking (talking) is bad. (Narrated by al-Hakim)12. Someone is in line with like-minded friends and familiar, then you should be careful in choosing friends companion. (Narrated by Ahmad)13. Verily Allah loves the preservation of familiarity old friends, then the guard continuance. (Narrated by Ad-Dailami)14. A believer who can mingle and patient with the disorder, greater reward than that do not get along with people and impatience in dealing with their disorder. (Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi)15. Deeds of the most favored of God after the fard (mandatory) is to incorporate fun into the heart of a Muslim. (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)16. Anyone snooping home of a people without their permission is illegal for them to glaring eyes. (Narrated by Muslim)17. A believer is the mirror of another believer. When she saw her disgrace fix it immediately. (Narrated by Bukhari)18. Three very good including deeds, remembrance of God in all circumstances and conditions, mutual awareness (exhort) one another, and sympathize his brothers (who need). (Narrated by Ad-Dailami)19. Gabriel Alaihissalam I love told me to always be lenient (tolerant and yield) of others. (Narrated by Al-Rabii ')20. A Muslim is a brother to other Muslims, not menzaliminya and not disappoint him (let him suffer) and do not ruin it (the honor and good name). (Narrated by Muslim)21. Allah's Apostle forbade the invitation came to the wicked. (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)22. Ye shall sit on the edge of the road. The Companions said, "O Messenger of Allah, we need to sit to talk." Prophet then said, "If you must sit down then give the street its rights." They asked, "What right road, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet replied, "Turning the view (if a woman passes), to avoid interference, answering greetings (from passers-by), and beramar prohibiting unjust." (Mutafaq'alaih)23. Sunnah when you come home to lead the guests to the door of your house. (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi)24. The Prophet prayed to receive gifts and a reward for giving the gift. (Narrated by Bukhari)25. Do not reject the gift and do not hit the Muslims. (Narrated by Ahmad)26. You should give each other gifts. Truly the gift that can eliminate envy. (Narrated by Tirmidhi and and Ahmad)27. A young man who respect their parents because looking at his old age, God destine him in elderly people will respect it.(Narrated by Tirmidhi)28. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guest. The obligation to entertain guests only one day and night.Visiting period is three days and after that, including alms. Not lawful for the guests to stay longer so difficult for the host. (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi)29. Whoever receives the good (gift) from his friend (his brother) without being asked should be accepted and not returned. Indeed it is a provision that channeled God for him. (Narrated by al-Hakim)30. Whoever defends (the good name and honor) his brother without his presence, God will defend him in the world and the Hereafter. (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi)31. If someone digunjing Muslim friend and he does not deny (to defend) when in fact he was able to defend him, God shall humiliate him in the world and the Hereafter. (Narrated by Ibn Al Baghowi and Babawih)32. Human souls are like the troops. When you know each other to get along and do not know each other when disputes arise.(Narrated by Muslim)33. No one of you believe that he loves all things for his brother as he loves for himself. (Narrated by Bukhari)34. Contact the people who decide to do with you and give (something) to people who are reluctant to give. Avoid yourself from people who menzalimi you (That is, do not ignore people who menzalimi you). (Narrated by Ahmad)35. Defend (please help) your friend either unjust or wronged him. If he is despotic, forbid him from his actions and if he tyrannized Missed opportunities for him to win (defending). (Narrated by Bukhari)36. Whoever does not pay attention to (ignore) the affairs of the Muslims then he is not among them. (Narrated by Abu Dawood)37. Do not show joy over suffering brother, Allah will rescue him and would impose an (unfortunate) to you. (Narrated by Aththusi and Tirmidhi)38. If you hit, avoid the face. (Narrated by Mashabih Assunnah)39. O all men, in fact Robbmu one and one father. There is no excess for an Arab over the Ajam (non-Arab) and for a non-Arab over an Arab and a (skin) of red, black and black on red, except in piety. Did I already say this? (Narrated by Ahmad)40. There should be no interference (due to the detrimental and sad) and there should be no coercion. (Narrated by Malik)41. Bad enough people who insulted his brother. (Narrated by Muslim)42. It is not lawful for a Muslim away (break) with his brother beyond three nights. Let them meet for dialogue bring the best content of the liver and is the first to give greetings (hello). (Narrated by Bukhari)43. Whoever mimic the behavior of a people then he classified them. (Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud)44. It will not enter Paradise who likes to steal the news (heard the news likes to hear other people's secrets). (Narrated by Bukhari)45. The likeness of those who believe in the mutual love and compassion as one body. If the chief complaint (dizziness) then the whole body could not sleep and fever. (Narrated by Muslim)46. Comrade pious companion is like a perfume seller. If he does not give you a perfume, you will smell the fragrance. While a bad companion is like the fellow artisan blacksmith. If you do not terjilat fire, you will be exposed to smoke. (Narrated by Bukhari)
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