- And not a necessity anymore for people who can not afford such a sick person or the person in the boat, vehicle or aircraft if he worried about being let loose time.- Also not a necessity anymore for the one praying witr is Sunnah or she was riding an animal or another vehicle. But the recommended him - if this is possible - so that facing qiblah at the time takbiratul ikhram, then after that overlooks the vehicle facing in any direction.3. Mandatory for the view directly facing the Kaaba to its axis, for which he did not see it facing toward the Kaaba.Prayer LEGAL WRONG BECAUSE WITHOUT facing the Ka'bah4. If prays without facing qiblah because cloudy or there are other causes after doing ijtihad and options, then his prayer is valid and will not be repeated.5. When people come to believe when he prayed, and then people came to tell him the direction of qiblah was then obliged him to be facing the direction shown (without having to cancel the prayer-pen), and his prayer is valid.2. STANDING6. Mandatory for those who do pray for the stand, and this is in harmony, except for:- The person who prays khauf when war raged with great, then it is permissible for him to pray over his vehicle.- People who are sick who are unable to stand, then allowed her prayers while sitting and if not able to be allowed while lying down.- The person who prays nafilah (sunnah) prayers are allowed on the vehicle or sitting down if he wants, as for bowing and prostration quite a gesture of his head, as well as the sick, and he made prostration lower than ruku'nya.7. It should not be for those who pray sitting down to put something a bit high in front as a place of prostration. Yet small enough to make prostration lower than ruku'nya-as we mentioned earlier, when he was unable to put his forehead directly to earth (ground).Prayer SEA IN SHIPS OR AIRCRAFT8. Fardlu prayer allowed on board ship as well as in the plane.9. Prayer also allowed on ships or aircraft while sitting when the fear of falling.10. It may also rely on standing (holding) on the pole or stick because of aging or due to the weak agency.Prayer ESTABLISHED CASUAL AND SEATING11. Lail allowed prayer while standing or while sitting even without udzur (any cause), or while doing both. The trick, he read prayers in a state of sitting and when before bowing he stood up and read the verses that are still left in a state of standing. After that he was bowing and prostration.Then he did the same in the second rak'ah.12. When praying in a state seat, he sat cross-legged or sit in another form that allows one to rest.Prayer USE CASUAL SANDAL13. Should pray without wearing sandals and may also wearing sandals.14. But more importantly if it was time to pray while wearing sandals and do not wear sandals all the time, according to the more easily done at the time, do not burden yourself with having to wear it and not have to take it off anyway. Even if accidental bare feet then prayed with such conditions, and when it happens to wear sandals then pray while wearing sandals. Except in certain circumstances (forced).15. If both sandals should not be removed then placed on the right side will be placed on the left side but if there is no one left next to a prayer, if there is then let's put in front legs, which declares that in accordance with the orders of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam .Shaykh Al-Albaani said: here there is a subtle cue to not put the slippers on the front. Adab is a much underrated by most people who pray, so that you see yourself among those who pray facing sandals.Prayer IN THE PULPIT16. Permissible for the priest to pray at high altitudes such as the pulpit for the purpose of teaching people. Imam stood in the pulpit and Takbir, then read and bowing down her back after that making it possible to bow down to the ground in front of the pulpit, then back again into the pulpit and do the same in subsequent cycles.Prayer LIABILITY FACING sutrah (barrier) and moves toward him17. Mandatory prayer facing barrier screen, and no difference either in mosques and churches and synagogues, in mosques are large or small, according to the generality of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam."It means: Do not pray but facing barrier, and do not let anyone pass in front of you, if he so reluctant to fight because he was really with her royal consort". (That is what the devil).18. Mandatory close to the barrier because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered it.19. The distance between the place of prostration the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with a wall that faces the size of the place through the sheep. then he who practice it meant he had to practice the required size limit. Shaykh Al-Albaani said: from here we know that what was done by many people in every mosque as I witnessed in Syria and other lands in the middle of the mosque that is prayed away from the wall or pole is the omission of the commands and actions of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam.
CONTENT LEVEL (sutrah) delimiter20. Barrier is made obligatory rather high off the ground just an inch or two inch based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam."It means: If one of you lay something in front of her tail as high as the saddle (ie timber mounted on the back of the freight in the back of a camel saddle. In this hadith there is a hint that: scratch on the ground is not enough to serve as the dividing line, because the hadith who reported on it is weak.) (as delimiter) then The prayer (facing him), and he do not care about the people who passed behind the border ".21. And he overlooks the barrier directly, because it is contained within the context of the hadith about the command to pray facing the barrier. The shift of the boundary position to the right or left so as to make no direct facing straight into the barrier then it is not legitimate.22. May pray facing sticks that plug into the soil or the like, may also face a tree, pole, or a wife who was lying in bed with a blanket, may also face animal camel though.Prayer HARAM FACING THE GRAVE23. Should not pray facing the grave, this absolute prohibition, either in addition to the tomb of the prophet and the prophet.HARAM THROUGH IN FRONT OF PEOPLE INCLUDING THE MOSQUE HARAM Prayer24. It should not be passing in front of people who were praying in front of him if there is limiting, in which case there is no difference between Haram mosque or other mosques, all equal in terms of restrictions on the generality of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam."It means: Let the people who passed in front of a praying person to know the result of his actions to stand for 40, it's better for him than to pass in front of people who were praying". The point passes between the prayer with a prostration. (The hadeeth which is mentioned in the book "Haasyiatul Mathaaf" that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prays without facing border and the people passing in front of him, that is the hadeeth is not saheeh, and there was no information on the hadith is that they pass between him by place of prostration.)OBLIGATION TO PREVENT PEOPLE WHO ARE Prayer to pass before him EVEN IN MOSQUE HARAM25. It should not be for the person who prays facing the barrier to let someone pass in front of him based on the hadith that has past."Which means: And do not let anyone pass in front of you ...".And the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam."It means: If one of you pray facing the barrier that prevented something from others, then anyone wants to pass before him, let him push through the neck of those who want it their best (in another narration: forbid two times) if he is reluctant to fight itbecause he is syaithan "
.WALKING FORWARD TO PREVENT PEOPLE THROUGH26. It may take a step or more to prevent non mukallaf passing in front of him like an animal or a child so as not to pass in front of him.DECIDES THINGS Prayer27. Among the limiting function is to keep people in prayer before him who prays the prayer of the damage caused to pass before him, who did not use different delimiters, prayer will be closed when the pass in front of an adult woman, donkey, or a black dog.3. Intention28. For those who would pray prayers have intended it to be implemented and to determine the intent with his heart, like the obligatory zhuhur and Asr, or voluntary zhuhur and Asr. This is a requirement or intention harmonious prayer. The intention with oral melafazhkan then this is heresy, violating the sunnah, and no one menfatwakan it among the scholars featured by people who like taqlid (blind fanatics).
4. Takbir29. Then start the prayer with the reading. "Allahu Akbar" (Meaning: God is Great). Takbir is a pillar, based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam."Meaning: Opening Prayer is the purification, pengharamannya is Takbir, while penghalalannya is the greeting".Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:"If you want to do the prayer, then complete your wudhu'mu first and then face the Qibla direction, and then pronounce takbiratul ihrom."(Agreed upon).30. It should not be turned up the volume when Takbir in all prayer, unless a priest.31. Allowed for the muezzin to convey (the play) Takbir priest told the congregation if the circumstances require, as if the sick priest, his voice weak or because of the many people who pray.32. Ma'mum Takbir should not be unless the priest has finished Takbir.APPOINTS TWO HANDS AND HOW-HOW33. Raised both hands, may be in conjunction with Takbir, or earlier, may even be after the takbir. All of these have a legitimate foundation in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.34. Raised his hand with fingers spread.In a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah, Tamam, and Judge stated that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam raised his hands with open fingers straight up (not merenggangkannya nor menggengamnya)35. Aligning the palms of your hands with shoulder / shoulder, occasionally lifting higher again until it is parallel with the tip of the ear."Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam used to raise both hands setentang shoulders if you want to start a prayer, every time bertakbir for bowing and every time rose from ruku'nya."(Agreed upon)."Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam raised his hand regular ears every time bertakbir setentang (in prayer)."(Narrated by Muslim).Shaykh Al-Albaani said: As for the second child to touch the ear with the thumb, then the act is no foundation in the Sunnah of the Prophet, even this only brings anxiety 36. Then put your right hand over left hand after Takbir, this is the Sunnah (teachings) of the prophets and Alaihimus Shallatu sallam was commanded by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam told his companions, so it should not be menjulurkannya."We, the prophets instructed to immediately and mengakhirkan breaking dawn and put your right hand on your left hand (folded) while performing prayers."(Hadith narrated by Imam Ibn Al Hibban and Adh Dhiya 'with a saheeh sanad).In a memoir he never passed a man who was praying, but this guy put his left hand on his right hand, then he let go, then the man put his right hand on his left hand. (Hadith reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawood with a saheeh sanad).37. Putting right hand on the back of his left hand and on the wrists and forearms.Based on the hadeeth of Wail ibn Hujur:"Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam bertakbir then put his right hand over left palm, left wrist or left arm."(Hadith narrated by Al-Imam Abu Dawud, Nasa'i, Ibn Khuzaimah, with a saheeh sanad and also classed as saheeh by Ibn Hibban, hadith no. 485).38. Sometimes holding the left hand with right hand. (As for who is considered good by some backward people, which combine between laying and holding in the same time, then practice it has no basis.)Based on the hadith Nasa'i and Daraquthni:"But sometimes he stretched out his right hand fingers on his left arm."(Saheeh sanad).PLACE laying hands39. Both were placed on the chest only. Men and women in the same case.Based on the hadith:"He put his hands over his chest."(Hadith narrated by Al-Imam Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah, of Wail ibn Ahmad Hujur).In ways that suit this Sunnah by Imam ibn Ishaq Rahawaih. Priest in the Book Masa'il Mawarzi, page 222 says: "hadith narrated by Imam Ishaq mutawatir to us .... He raised his hands when praying and doing qunut sebeluim qunut bowing. He menyedekapkan hand adjacent to the tits. "Opinions of this kind is also proposed by Qadi 'Iyadh al-Maliki in the chapter on the Book of Prayer ash Mustahabatu Al I'lam, he said:" He put his right hand on the back of your left hand on the chest. "Shaykh Al-Albaani said: deeds put both hands on the chest in addition there are only two possibilities; arguments are weak, or no arguments at all.40. Do not put your right hand above the waist.Khusyu 'AND SEE THE PLACE TO prostration41. Let applies khusu 'in prayer and stay away from anything that can be neglect of khusu' such as jewelry and paintings, do not pray when confronted with an interesting dish, as well as holding defecate and urinate.42. Looking to place prostration while standing.It is based on the hadith narrated by Umm al-Mumineen 'Aisha radi' anha:"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam did not take his eyes from the prostrate (in prayer)." (Narrated by Bayhaqi and classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani).43. Not turned to the right and left, because the turn was stolen by a servant of Jesus Christ of prayer.He said:"If you pray, do not turn to the right or left because God will always exposes his face to the servants who were praying for he did not look right or left." (Narrated by Tirmidhi and Hakim).44. It should not be directing the view to the sky (up).Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:"Let a group of people actually stop his eyes uplifted to the sky while praying in the prayer or let them really take care of their eyes."(Narrated by Muslim, Nasa'i and Ahmad).Ruling ISTIFTAAH (OPENING)45. Then open the passage with some prayer-the prayer of a lawful order of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam which there are many, famous among others are:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب, اللهم نقني من خطاياي, كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس, اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والبرد."O Allah, keep between me and my mistakes, as You distancing between east and west. O Allah, cleanse me and my mistakes, as the white clothes cleaned of dirt. O God, wash me from my mistakes with snow, water and ice water ". [HR. Al-Bukhari 1 / 181 and Muslim 1 / 419.]
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك, وتبارك اسمك, وتعالى جدك, ولا إله غيرك.Glory to you, O God, I praise, the Supreme Blessing be thy name, Most High and KebesaranMu wealth, there is no god but You are right to be worshiped. [HR. Four Sunan compilers of the book, and see also Saheeh al-Tirmidhi 1 / 77 and Saheeh Ibn Majah 1 / 135.]
وجهت وجهي للذي فطر السماوات والأرض حنيفا وما أنا من المشركين, إن صلاتي, ونسكي, ومحياي, ومماتي لله رب العالمين, لا شريك له وبذلك أمرت وأنا من المسلمين. اللهم أنت الملك لا إله إلا أنت. أنت ربي وأنا عبدك, ظلمت نفسي واعترفت بذنبي فاغفرلي ذنوبي جميعا إنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت. واهدني لأحسن الأخلاق لا يهدي لأحسنها إلا أنت, واصرف عني سيئها, لا يصرف عني سيئها إلا أنت, لبيك وسعديك, والخير كله بيديك, والشر ليس إليك, أنا بك وإليك, تباركت وتعاليت, أستغفرك وأتوب إليك."I'm facing to God the Creator of heaven and earth, by holding the right religion and I do not belong to people who are polytheists.Indeed prayer, worship and life and my death are for Allah. Lord of the universe, no partner for Him, and therefore, I ordered and I am among the Muslim people.O Allah, Thou art the King, there is no god (the right to be worshiped) but thine, thou my Lord and I am your servant. I persecute myself, I confess my sins (which I did). Therefore, please forgive all my sins, nothing will actually forgive sins except You. Show me the best morals, will not show him but You. I keep it away from moral evil, nothing will be able to keep me away from it, but You. I fulfill your call with joy, all the good in both your hand, evil is not attributed to you. I live with the help and mercy, and to You (I'm back). Thou Glorified and Most High. I ask for forgiveness and repent to You ". [HR. Muslim 1 / 534]
اللهم رب جبرائيل, وميكائيل, وإسرافيل فاطر السماوات والأرض, عالم الغيب والشهادة, أنت تحكم بين عبادك فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون. اهدني لما اختلف فيه من الحق بإذنك تهدي من تشاء إلى صراط مستقيم.. "O Allah, Lord of Gabriel, Michael and Israfil. O Creator of heaven and earth. O God who knows the unseen and real. Thou who dropped the law (to decide) what they (Christians and Jews) pertentangkan. Bring me the truth of what is contrasted with the permission from you. Thou art shows on the right path for people who you want ". [HR. Muslim 1 / 534.]
الله أكبر كبيرا, الله أكبر كبيرا, الله أكبر كبيرا, والحمد لله كثيرا, والحمد لله كثيرا, والحمد لله كثيرا, وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلا)) ثلاثا ((أعوذ بالله من الشيطان, من نفخه ونفثه وهمزه"God is Great, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is Great. Praise be to Allah with a lot of praise, praise be to Allah with a lot of praise, praise be to Allah with a lot of praise. Glory to God in the morning and evening ". (Pronounced three times). "I seek refuge in Allah from the blast, whispers and temptations of the devil". [HR. Abu Dawud 1 / 203, Ibn Majah 1 / 265 and Ahmad, 4 / 85. Muslim also narrated similar hadith of Ibn Umar, and in it there is the story of 1 / 420
اللهم لك الحمد أنت نور السماوات والأرض ومن فيهن, لك الحمد أنت قيم السماوات والأرض ومن فيهن, [ولك الحمد أنت رب السماوات والأرض ومن فيهن] [ولك الحمد لك ملك السماوات والأرض ومن فيهن] [ولك الحمد أنت ملك السماوات والأرض] [ولك الحمد ] [أنت الحق, ووعدك الحق, وقولك الحق, ولقاؤك الحق, والجنه حق, والنار حق, والنبيون حق, ومحمد حق, والساعة حق] [اللهم لك أسلمت, وعليك توكلت, وبك آمنت, وإليك أنبت, وبك خاصمت, وإليك حاكمت. فاغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت, وما أسررت وما أعلنت] [أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر, لا إله إلا أنت] [أنت إلهي لا إله إلا أنت]."When the Prophet SAW Shallallahu'alaihi Tahajud prayers at night, he read:" Oh, God! Praise to Thee, Thou light of heaven and earth and everything in it. Praise to Thee, Thou who take care of the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Praise to Thee, Thou Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in it.To you all praise and for Thy kingdom of heaven and earth and the rest of it. To you all praise, You are right, Your promise is true, your word is true, met with You right, Heaven is true (there), Hell is true (there), (terutusnya) of the prophets are true, (terutusnya) Muhammad is true (from you), the incidence Judgement day is correct. O God, to Thee I give up, I put my trust in You, in You I believe, in You I'm back (repent), with your help I argue (to the disbelievers), to you (and your teaching) I drop the law. Therefore, forgive my sins in the recent past and future. Thou hast put and mengakhirkan, the right to worship no god but You, You are my Lord, there is no right to worship God but You ". [HR. Al-Bukhari in Fathul Bari 3 / 3, 11/116, 13/371, 423, 465 and Muslim narrated with a concise 1 / 532]The command had been legitimate istiftah of the Prophet, then it should be noted for practiced.
5. Qiraah (READING)46. Then obliged to seek refuge in Allah Almighty, and to the left it gets sin.As word of Allah Ta'ala:"When you read the Qur'an al ye seek protection in Allah from Satan the accursed." (An Nahl: 98).47. Including the sunnah if at any time to read."A'UUDZUBILLAHI MINASY SYAITHAANIR rajeem HAMAZIHI WA MIN NAFKHIHI WANAFTSIHI"Meaning:"I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the accursed, from semburannya (which menyebabkn crazy), of arrogance, and from hembusannya (which causes damage to morality)."(Hadith narrated by Al-Imam Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Daraquthni, Judge and dishahkan by him and by Ibn Hibban and Dzahabi).48. And any additional reading time."A'UUZUBILLAHIS SAMII'IL ALIIM MINASY SYAITHAANIR rajeem ..."Meaning:"I seek refuge in Allah the All-Hearing, All Knowing from the accursed Satan ..."(Hadith narrated by Al-Imam Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi with sanad hasan).49. Then read basmalah (bismillah) in all prayers are sirr (not heard).READING AL-FAATIHAH50. Then read the surah Al-Fatihah fully including Bismillah, this is the pillars of prayer where prayer was valid if it does not read Al-Fatihah, so it mandatory for the people 'AJM (non Arab) to memorize. Based on the sayings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (which means):"Not considered to prayer (the prayer invalid) for those who do not read Al-Fatihah"(Hadith Sahih Al-Jama'ah issued by: the Al-Imam Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa-i and Ibn Majah)."Those who pray without reading Al-Fatiha is the prayer maimed, maimed prayer, the prayer is not perfectly maimed ..." (Saheeh Hadith issued by Al-Imam Muslim and Abu 'Awwanah).51. For those who could not memorize it should read."Subhaanallah, wal hamdulillah walaa ilaha illallah, walaa hauwla quwwata illaa billah wala"."Meaning: The Supreme Holy God, praise be to God, no worship of truth but Allah, and no power and strength but because of God".52. In reading Al-Fatiha, Sunnah stop at every verse, by way of reading. (Bismillahir-rahmanir-raheem) and then stops, then read on. (Alhamdulillahir-rabbil 'aalamiin) and then stops, then read on.(Ar-rahmanir-raheem) and then stops, then read on. (Maaliki yauwmiddiin) and then stopped, and so on. So how to read the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam entirely. He stopped at the end of each paragraph and do not connect it with the verse afterwards though related meaning.53. Should read (Maaliki) in length, and may also (Maliki) with a short.READING MA'MUM54. Mandatory for ma'mum read Al-Fatihah behind the imam who reads sirr (inaudible) or when the priest read ma'mum hard but did not hear the priest reading, as well as reading Al-Fatiha ma'mum if the priest paused to give an opportunity for ma'mum who read it. Although we assume that the cessation of the priest in this place is not Thabit from the Sunnah.From Abu Hurairah, he said: It has been said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "cite this as a priest only to be followed. Therefore, if the priest Takbir, then bertakbirlah you, and when the priest read, then let you rest (reading, watching the priest) ... "(Saheeh Hadith issued by Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud no. 603 & 604. Ibn Majah no. 846, An-Nasa-i. Imam Muslim said: This hadeeth is Saheeh according to my view)."Whoever follows prayer priests (bermakmum), then the priest has been reading readings as well."(Hadith issued by Imam Ibn Abi Syaibah, Ad-Daraquthni, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad Thahawi see Irwa-ul Ghalil book by Sheikh Al-Albani).From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam after establishing that he harden bacaanya prayers in the prayer, he asked: "Is there anyone among you who read with me again?" Then a man answered, "Yes there is, O Prophet of Allah . "Then he said," Truly I say: Why (reading) I was opposed to Al-Qur-an (also). "Said Abu Hurairah, then stop people from reading with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the prayer-prayer the Prophet harden his reading, when they've heard (the ban) such that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.(Issued by the Hadith of Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa i and Malik. Menshahihkannya Abu Hatim ar Razi, Imam Tirmidhi said that this hadeeth hasan).AFTER READING Al-Fatihah55. Sunnah after reading Al-Fatiha, read another letter or a few verses in the first two rak'ah. This is true of the prayers corpse.From Abu Hurairah, he said: "Once the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, when finished reading the letter of Umm al-Kitab (Al-Fatiha) up the volume and read amen."(Hadith Hibban issued by Imam Ibn Al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi, Ad-Daraquthni and Ibn Majah, by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah be regarded as a quality saheeh hadeeth)"When the Prophet finished reading Al-Fatiha (in prayer), he was saying ameen loudly and long."(Saheeh hadeeth issued by Al-Imam Al-Bukhari and Abu Dawud)Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam also said:"If you memorize a verse of Al-Qur-an then read the verse, if not then read Tahmid, Takbir and Tahlil." (Hadith issued by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi dihasankan by At-Tirmidhi, but sanadnya saheeh, see Saheeh Abi Dawud hadith no. 807).56. Sometimes after reading Al-Fatiha is also summarized sometimes extended because there are certain factors such as Safar (traveling), cough, sore, or because the child cries.57. The length of short readings vary according to the prayer place. Readings at morning prayers is longer than reading the other obligatory prayers, after reading the midday prayer, the Asr prayer, and reading at Isha, while reading the maghrib prayer is generally short.58. As for reading the prayers Lail longer than all that.59. Sunnah reading was longer in the first cycles of cycles a second.60. Shorten the last two cycles roughly half of the first two cycles.7)61. Read Al-Fatihah in all cycles.62. Sunnah also add reading surah Al-Fatihah with other letters in the last two cycles.63. Priests should not lengthen the readings in excess of what is mentioned in the Sunnah as such might incriminate ma'mum who can not afford such as the elderly, the sick, women who have small children and people who have needs.Prophet said: "I do pray and I wanted to extend his reading however, I suddenly heard a cry baby so I shorten sholatku because I know how anxious mother because the baby was crying." (Hadith issued by Al-Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim)Harden and shrink READING64. Reading hardened on the morning prayer, Friday, two prayed ied, prayer istisqa, khusuf and the first two rak'ahs of maghrib prayer and evening prayer. And reduced in size (not hardened) at midday prayers, Asr, three rak'ahs of maghrib prayer, and the last two rak'ahs of Isha.65. Allowed to play the priest reading verses in prayers sir (who are not hardened).66. The witr and pray Lail reading sometimes not paved and sometimes hardened.READING WITH AL-QUR'AN Tartil67. Sunnah to read the Qur'an Tartil (in accordance with the laws of recitation) is not too extended nor a hurry, even read the letter clearly perhuruf. Sunnah also decorate the Qur'an with sound and appropriate melagukannya legal limits by the scholars of tajwid. It should not be singing the Quran such as deeds and should not be Bid'ah Experts also like the music.Messenger said that people who read Al-Qur-an will eventually called upon:"Read, examine and tartilkan mentartilkan as you used in the world, because kedudukanmu at the end of the verse that you read." (Hadith issued by Al-Imam Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi, classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi)Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam reciting surat Al-Qur-an with a good voice, so he also ordered such that: "Perindahlah / adorn the Al-Qur'an with your voices [for a good sound adds to the beauty of Al-Qur-an ]. "(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawood, Ad-Darimi, Tamam Al-Hakim and Al-Razi)"It is not from our group who did not sing the Al-Qur-an." (Hadith issued by Abu Dawud and Al-Hakim, classed as saheeh by al-Hakim and approved by the Adh-Dzahabi)68. Disyari'atkan for ma'mum to correct erroneous readings if the priest.6. Bowing69. When finished reading, then paused a moment to breathe in order to regularly.70. Then raised both arms as described earlier in takbiratul ihram.From Abdullah ibn Umar, he said: "I saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when standing in prayer setentang raised his hands to his shoulders, it is done when bertakbir about to bow down and when it lifted its head (rise) of bowing ...."(Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bukhari, Muslim and Malik)71. And Takbir, the law is mandatory.72. Then bowing sedapatnya to joints can occupy any position and limb to take place. The bowing is harmonious.HOW bowing73. Put both hands on his knees with his best, then stretch your fingers as if clutching both knees. All that is obligatory."Behold, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (while bowing) put his hands on his knees." (Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bukhari and Abu Dawud)"He stretches his fingers." (Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Hakim and he menshahihkannya, Adh-At-Thayalisi Dzahabi and agree)74. Align your back and straighten it, so if we put water on his back will not spill. This is mandatory."If you're bowing then put both hands on your knees and bentangkanlah (straighten) your back and point out his hand for bowing." (Hadith issued by Al-Imam Ahmad and Abu Dawud)"He was when bowing, straightened and stretched his back so that when water is poured over his back, the water will not move."(Hadith in Al-Imam issued by Thabrani, 'Abdullah bin Ahmad and Ibn Majah)"Prayer before he committed the perfect person bowing and prostrating to straighten his back."(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Abu 'Awwanah, Abu Dawood and classed as saheeh by Ad-Sahmi Daraquthni)75. Not lowered his head and did not lift it but aligned with the back."He did not rear its head and did not conquer."(This is narrated by Imam Abu Dawud and Al-Bukhari)76. The second stretch elbow from the body.77. Saying when bowing.1. SUBHAANA RABBIYAL 'ADHZIM 3 times or more (Based hadith issued by Al-Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and others).Which means:"Glory to my Lord, the Most Great."2. SUBHAANA RABBIYAL 'ADHZIMI WA BIHAMDIH 3 times (Based hadith issued by Al-Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Ad-Daroquthni and Al-Bayhaqi).Which means:"Glory to my Lord, the Most Great, and all praise to Him."3. SUBBUUHUN QUDDUUSUN Lord of mala-IKATI RUUH WAR (Based issued by Al-Hadith Imam Muslim and Abu 'Awwanah).Which means:"Glory, Glory be to the angels and the spirit."4. SUBHAANAKALLAHUMMA WA BIHAMDIKA ALLAHUMMAGHFIRLIIWhich means:"Glory to you, O, God, and with praise thee O, Allah forgive me."Based on the hadith of 'A-isyah, that he said:"It is the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam reproduce Subhanakallahumma Wa read Bihamdika Allahummaghfirlii in ruku'nya and prostration, he mentakwilkan Al-Qur-an."(Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim).Equate length of Pillars78. Sunnah to equalize the length of pillars, cultivated between bowing and standing after bowing, and sitting between two prostrations are almost identical."The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam made bowing, standing after bowing and prostration well as sitting between two prostrations almost as long."(Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim)He never saw people bowing and prostrating with imperfect like birds pecking, then said: "If this person dies in such circumstances, he died outside the religion of Muhammad [prayer such as crows peck food] as people bowing and prostration imperfect fast like a hungry bird who ate one, two date stones are not filling. "(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Abu Ya'la, Al-Ajiri, al-Bayhaqi, Adh-Dhiya 'and Ibn Asakir with saheeh sanad, classed as saheeh by Ibn Khuzaimah)79. It should not be reading the Quran while bowing and prostrating.Based on the hadith:"That the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade reading the Al-Qur-an in bowing and prostration."(Issued by Al-Hadith Imam Muslim and Abu 'Awwanah)"Know that I am forbidden to read Al-Qur-an as bowing and prostration ..."(Issued by Al-Hadith Imam Muslim and Abu 'Awwanah).AFTER I'TIDAL bowing80. Lifting the back of the bowing and it is harmonious.From Abdullah ibn Umar, he said: "I saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when standing in prayer setentang raised his hands to his shoulders, it is done when bertakbir want to bow down and when it lifted its head (rise) from bowing while saying SAMI' Allahu Liman Hamida ... "(Hadith issued by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and Malik).81. And when i'tidal say "SAMI'ALLAHU Liman Hamida"[God is listening to the people who praised him] (Narrated by Muslim). As for the obligatory.82. Raised both hands as i'tidal as described earlier.83. Then stand up straight and quietly took up his position until the entire bone. This is one of the pillars.84. Saying when standing "RABBANAA LAKAL Hamd (my Lord, praise be to You)orRABBANAA WA LAKAL Hamd (praise be my Lord and to Thee)orALLAAHUMMA RABBANAA LAKAL Hamd (O, God, my Lord, praise be to You)orALLAAHUMMA RABBANAA WA LAKAL Hamd (O, God, my Lord, and all praise to Thee)The proof is the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah:"When the priest says SAMI'ALLAHU Liman Hamida, then you just say by WA LAKALHAMD Rabbana Allahumma, whoever that was coinciding with the greeting words of the angels forgiven his sins that have been passed." (Hadith issued by Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Ztirmidzi, An-Nasa-i, Ibn Majah and Malik)Sometimes coupled with the reading:MIL-ASSAMAAWAATI, MIL-ALARDHL WA, WA MAA SYI MIL-A-TA-IN MIN SYAI BA'D(Includes all the heavens and the earth and all you would have apart from it) based on the hadith issued by Ibn Majah.The statute is mandatory for every person who prays even as a priest, because this is wird when standing, was tasmi (greeting Sami'allahu liman hamidah) is wird i'tidal (when rising from bowing to the upright).85. Equate this with a length between pillars bowing as described earlier."Then lift up your heads until you stand up straight [so that each vertebra behind you back pata place]." (In another narration it says: "If you stand i'tidal, make straight your back and head to Establish the vertebra back into place a well-established) . "(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and another report by the Ad-Darimi, Al-Hakim, Al-Shafi'i and Ahmad)7. Prostration86. Then say "Allahu Akbar" and this is mandatory.87. Sometimes, holding up both hands."Sometimes he raised his hands when they wanted to bow down." (Hadith issued by Al Imam An-Nasa'i and Daraquthni)DOWN WITH BOTH HANDS88. Then down to bow down with both hands placed before both knees, so that was ordered by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his deeds Thabit from sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam.And he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade to resemble the way a camel kneeling down with his knees contained in the forefoot.89. If this is the bow-and-pillar resting on both hands and stretch it.90. Pressed his fingers.Of Wa-il, that the Prophet shalallau 'alaihi wasallam if prostration then his fingers pressed. (Reported by al-Imam al-Hakim)91. Then exposes the Qiblah."Sometimes the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam placed his hand [and spread] and pressed his fingers and exposed them to the direction of Qibla." (Hadith issued by Al-Imam Abu Dawud, al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi)92. Pressed both hands at shoulder level."He put his hand level with his shoulder" (Hadith issued by Al Imam Tirmidhi)93. Sometimes they lay parallel to the ear."Sometimes he put his hand parallel to the earlobe." (Hadith issued by Al Imam An-Nasa'i)94. Lift both arms off the floor and not put it down like a dog's way. The statute is mandatory.From Anas ibn Malik, the Prophet shalallau 'alaihi wasallam said:"You make straight in the prostrations and do not spread out his arms like a dog leg." (Reported by al-Jama'ah except Al Imam An-Nasa-i, this lafadhz for Al Imam Al-Bukhari)95. Stick your nose and forehead to the floor, this is one of the pillars.From Abu Humaid As-Sa'diy, that the Prophet shalallau 'alaihi wasallam when bowed then emphasize the nose and forehead on the ground and keep his hands from both sides of his stomach, his shoulder he put the two comparable. "(Reported by Imam al-Tirmidhi)96. Attaching both knees to the floor."Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam emphasize both knees and the ball of your foot to the ground." (Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bayhaqi)97. Similarly, the ends of your toes.98. Enforcing both legs, and all of this is mandatory.99. Exposes your fingertips to the qiblah.Say 'A-isyah shalallau wives of the Prophet' alaihi wasallam: "I lost shalallau Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam while he was sleeping with me, then I find he was bowed down with both her heels close up (and) exposes her fingertips to the mecca, I hear ... "(Reported by al-Imam al-Hakim and Ibn Huzaimah)100. Put / close up the ankles.UPRIGHT WHEN APPLICABLE prostration
101. Shall apply upright when prostration, ie concentrated with balanced at all members of prostration which consists of: Forehead including nose, two hands, two knees and the ends of the fingers of both legs.102. Whoever prostration like that means it has thuma'ninah, while thuma'ninah when the prostration of the pillars as well."The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam made bowing, standing after bowing and prostration well as sitting between two prostrations almost as long." (Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim)103. Utter prostration when:SUBHAANA RABBIYAL A'LAA 3 times(Based on the hadith issued by Al-Imam Ahmad, etc.)or sometimes readSUBHAANA RABBIYAL A'LAA BIHAMDIH WA, 3 times(Based on the hadith issued by Al-Imam Abu Dawud, etc.)orSUBHAANAKALLAAHUMMA RABBANAA BIHAMDIKA ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII WA(Based on the hadith issued by Al-Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim)104. Preferred to multiply during prostration prayer, because it was a lot of prayer answered.105. Make the same length prostration to bowing as explained earlier.106. Prostrate on the ground may direct, may also with pengalas like cloth, rugs, mats and so on.107. Not allowed to read the Qur'an during prostration."Know that I am forbidden to read Al-Qur-an as bowing and prostration ..."(Issued by Al-Hadith Imam Muslim and Abu 'Awwanah).IFTIRASY IQ'A WHEN SITTING AND BETWEEN the two prostrations108. Then raised his head as he Takbir, and the law is mandatory."The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, rising from prostration bertakbir"(Hadith issued by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)109. Sometimes, holding up both hands.110. Then sit quietly so that all the bones back into place, respectively, and these are the pillars.111. Fold the left leg and sat on it. Is obligatory.112. Enforcing the right leg (seated nature of such stars. 111 and 112 is called Iftirasy).From 'A-isyah said: "And the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam that left his legs spread out and enforce the right leg, from his seat syaithan baliau ban."(Reported by Ahmad and Muslim)* Comments Shaykh Al-Albani: syaithan seat is two feet and then sat on the floor is established between the two legs with two hands hit the floor.He straightened his right leg (Al-Bukhari)113. Exposes the toes to the Qiblah.Exposes his fingers to the Qiblah (An-Nasa-i)114. Iq'a may at any time, which is sitting on your heels.The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sometimes sit iq'a, namely [sitting by enforcing the soles and heels of both feet].(Issued by the Muslim Hadith)115. Saying the time to sit:ALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII WARHAMNII WA 'AAFINII WAHDINII WARZUQNII (O Allah forgive me, have pity on me, save me and grant me Rizki) (Abu Dawud)orALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII WARHAMNII WAJBURNII WARZUQNII WARFA'NII (O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, Cover flaws, tunjukilah me and grant me Rizki) (Ibn Majah)orALLAAHUMMAGHFIRLII WARHAMNII WAJBURNII WAHDINII WARZUQNII (O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, Cover my flaws, take derajatku, tunjukilah me and give me rizki)(At-Tirmidhi)116. Can also say. "Rabbigfirlii, Rabbigfilii".From Hudhayfah, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said in prostration (in prayer): Rabighfirlii, Rabbighfirlii [O Allah Forgive I 2x). (Hadith issued by At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah with lafadhz Ibn Majah)117. Extend sit up close to the old bow.SECOND prostration118. Then the Takbir, and obligatory.119. Sometimes his hands with this Takbir.120. Then the second prostration, is one of the pillars as well.121. Perform on this prostration anything done on the first prostration.SAT REST122. After lifting his head from the second prostration, and wanted to get up to the second rak mandatory takbir.123. Sometimes, holding up his hands.124. Sitting briefly on your left foot like sitting iftirasy before his feet, just selurus bone occupies its place.Of Malik bin Huwairits that in malihat Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed, then when on the odd roka'at not get up until he sat down first with a straight. "(Hadith issued by Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi)SECOND cycles125. Then rose the second rak'ah, including pillars, while pressing into the floor with both hands clenched like a fist flour artisan hands.Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam rests on the floor when it rose to the second roka'at.(Hadith issued by Al-Bukhari)The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when rising from his seat to say Takbir, then standing (issued by the hadeeth of Abu Ya'la).126. Perform on the second rak'ah like what was done in the first rak'ah.127. However, do not read on this second rak'ah prayer iftitah.128. Shortening the second rak'ah the first rak'ah.SITTING TASYAHUD129. After completion of the second rak'ah sit for tasyahud, obligatory.130. Sitting iftirasy as described in the sitting between two prostrations.From Abu Humaid As-Sa'idiy about the nature of the prayers of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he's blessing, "So when the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam was sitting in two roka'at (-tasyahhud Awwal) he sits on his left leg and when seated inroka'at the end (-tasyahhud end) promote his left leg and sat in the position (floor, etc.). "(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Abu Dawud)131. But it should not be iq'a in this place.132. Laying the right hand to the elbow on the thigh and right knee, was not placed far from it.133. Stretched out his left hand on the thigh and left knee.From Ibn 'Umar said Rasulullahi sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam when sitting in prayer to put two hands on both knees and lift the right index finger and then prayed with him being a left hand above the left knee, he spread out to him. "(Issued by Al-Hadith Imam Muslim and Nasa-i).134. Should not sit and rest on the hands, especially the left hand.Moving the index finger and looked at 135. Hold the fingers of your right hand completely, and at times put a thumb on the middle finger.136. Sometimes the thumb making a circle with the middle finger.137. Hinted index finger to the qiblah.138. And look at the index finger.139. Moving the index finger while praying from the beginning to the end tasyahud."Then he sat down, then he spread out the left leg and put his hands are left upper thigh and the left knee and the tip of his elbow above his right thigh, and then he held his fingers and make a loop and then raised his finger then I saw he moved his gerakkannya pray with him. " (Hadith issued by Al-Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa-i).140. It should not be signaled with the left hand finger.141. Doing all this at all tasyahud.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TASYAHUD and supplications afterwards142. Tasyahud is mandatory, if you forget to be prostrate for forgetfulness.143. Reading tasyahud with sirr (not hardened).144. And the wording: "AT-TAHIYYAATU lillahi WAT WAS SHOLAWATU THAYYIBAAT, the US-SALAMU'ALAIKA AYYUHAN NABIY WA WA RAHMATULLAHI BARAKATUHU, the US-salaamu 'Alaina WA' Alaa 'Righteous IBAADILLAHIS. ASYHADU ALLAA ILAHA ILLALLAH WA ANNA ASYHADU Muhammadan' ABDUHU WA RASULUHU"Meaning: all kehormaatan, shalawat Dann goodness Allah, may terlimpah upon you, O Prophet of safety and also the grace of God and His blessings. Safety would still upon us and upon the servants of God are righteous;-because if you say is true about all the righteous servants of God in heaven and on earth, I witness testified that there is no god but Allah is haq and I bear witness that Muhammad, it differences servant messenger.(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Al-Bukhari).or a short rada:ATTAHIYYATU MUBARAKATU AL-AL-AL-THAYYIBATU SHALAWATU lillahi, A5SALAMU 'ALAYKA AYYUHA AL-NABIYYU WA WA RAHMATU GOD I BARAKATUHU. Assalam 'ALAYNA WA' ALA 'IBADILLAHIAll honor, blessing, mercy and goodness to God. Safety for You, O Prophet of Allah and mercy are also keberkahannya. Safety for us and the servants of God are righteous. I testify that in fact there is no god who must be worshiped except Allah And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. (Narrated by Muslim)145. After that bershalawat to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam by saying: "Allahumma shalli' alaa Muhammad, wa 'alaa ali muhammad, kamaa shallaiyta' alaa ibrahiima wa 'alaa ali ibrahiima, innaka hamiidum majiid"."Allahumma baarik 'alaa ali muhammaddiw wa'alaa muhammadin kamaa baarikta' alaa ibraahiima wa 'alaa ali ibraahiima, innaka hamiidum majiid"."Meaning: O Allah, grant blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You bershalawat to Abraham and the family of Ibrahim Thou art Praiseworthy and Mulia.Ya Allah bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Abraham Thou art Praiseworthy and Noble".146. Can also be summarized as follows: "Allahumma shalli 'alaa Muhammad, wa' alaa ali muhammad, wabaarik 'alaa ali muhammadiw wa'alaa muhammadin kamaa shallaiyta wabaarikta' alaa ali ibraahiim wa'alaa ibraahiim, innaka hamiidum majiid"."Meaning: O Allah bershalawatlah to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you blessed Ibrahim and bershalawat and family Ibrahim Thou art Praised and Noble".147. Then choose the one prayer that is mentioned in the book and the Sunnah of the most loved and prayed to God with him.THIRD AND FOURTH cycles148. Then the Takbir, and obligatory. And sunnah bertakbir in a state seat.149. Sometimes held up both hands.150. Then rose to the third rak'ah, it is harmonious as before.151. As it is also done if you want to get up to the fourth rak'ah.152. But before his feet, sat briefly on the left leg (seated iftirasy) until all the bones occupies its place.153. Then stood with his hands resting on, as was done when standing to the second rak'ah.154. Then read on third-and fourth rak'ahs Surat al-Fatiha, which is an obligation.155. After reading Al-Fatiha, may from time to time read reading a verse or more than one verse.Qunut NAZILAH and place156. Circumcised for qunut and pray for the Muslims because of the calamities that befall them.157. The place is after saying: "Rabbana lakal hamdu".158. No prayer qunut set, but simply pray the prayer in accordance with the disaster that is happening.159. Raised both hands when praying.160. Braze prayer is when the priest.161. And people are behind mengaminkannya.162. When finished reading the last prayer of qunut bertakbir to bow down.Qunut witr, PLACE AND wording163. The qunut in witr prayer disyari'atkan to be done at any time.164. Place before bowing, it is different with qunut nazilah.165. Say the following prayer: "Allahummah dinii fiiman hadayit, wa 'aafiinii fiiman' aafayit, watawallanii fiiman tawallayit, wa baariklii fiimaa a'thayit, wa qinii syarra maaqadhayit, fainnaka taqdhii walaa yuqdhaa 'alayika wainnahu laayadzillu maw waalayit walaa ya'izzu man 'aadayit, tabaarakta rabbanaa wata'alayit laa manjaa Minka illaa ilayika "."Meaning: O Allah I tunjukilah the one you show the true and give me afiat in people who you give afiat. Give me the people who berwali Thee, grant me the blessing on what you give me, protect me from the ugliness that you specify, because you set, and no one set for me. And indeed it would not be despicable people who berwali thee, and will not be noble people who were hostile to thee, thou blessed, O our Lord and your position is very high, there is no refuge except in You ".166. This prayer including prayer taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Thabit allowed because of the Companions radiyallahu anhum.167. Then, bowing and prostrating twice as earlier.TASYAHUD END AND SITTING TAWARUK168. Then sit for tasyahud end, both are mandatory.169. Doing the final tasyahud what is done in the early tasyahud.170. In addition to sitting here in a way that is putting tawaruk left groin to the ground and pulled out two feet from one direction and make your left foot down right calf.171. Enforcing the right foot.172. Sometimes it may also be extended.173. Closing the left knee with your left hand is resting on him.LIABILITY FOR shalawat Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and shelter from FOUR CASE174. Mandatory at the end tasyahud bershalawat to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam lafadz-wording as we have mentioned at the beginning tasyahud.175. Then seek refuge in Allah from four cases, and say: "Allahumma inii a'uwdzubika min 'adzaabi jahannam, wa min' wa min fitnatil adzaabil qabri mahyaa wal mamaati wa min tsarri fitnatil masyihid liars"."Meaning: O Allah I seek refuge in You from the punishment of Jahannam and punishment of the grave, and the slander of the living and the dead and of the evils is still ad-dajjal fitna". (Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim with Muslim lafadhz)BEFORE prayed GREETINGS176. Then pray to him with a prayer that seems to him from the prayer-prayer of Thabit in the book and the Sunnah, and prayer is very much and good. If he does not memorize any of prayer-the prayer was then allowed to pray with him what is easy and useful to religion and his world.GREETINGS AND KIND-Books177. Greetings to the right until it looks white on the right cheek, it is harmonious.Of 'Amir ibn Sa'ad, from his father saying: I saw the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam salute to the right and left until you see the white cheeks.(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Ahmad, Muslim and An-Nasa-i and Ibn Majah)178. And to the left until you see a white cheek left even though the prayer corpse.179. Priest raising his voice when greeting except in prayer corpse.180. Greetings all kinds of ways.* First say "Assalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu" to the right and say "Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah" to the left.(Hadith issued by Al-Imam Abu Dawud)* Second: As above without (wabarakatuh). (Issued by Al-Hadith Imam Muslim)* All three said "Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi" to the right and "Assalamualaikum" to the left. (Hadith issued by Al-Imam Ahmad and An-Nasa-i)* Fourth: Give greetings to one time with a slight forward tilt to the right.(Hadith issued by Al Imam Al-Bayhaqi and Ath-Thabrani)=======================================NOTE: For more details can refer to the Book of Prayers Shifat Ashlu Nashiruddin Prophet by Muhammad al-Albani, complete with takhrij dalil2 or Hadith.
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