prayer of the prophet daud as
Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam is a servant of God who is very diligent in worship to God. It is mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam.Prophet David 'alihis-salaam very diligent to draw close to God. He was very diligent to ask God to make himself loved by God. He really put love God more than put himself, his own family and the cold water that could eliminate the thirsty traveler on his way in the desert heat. This is the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam concerning the prayer of David:
Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam said: "Among the prayers of David' alihis-salaam is:" O Allah, I beg to You Your love and love those who love you and I beg thee acts that can take me to love. O Allah, make your love more than I love myself and my family as well as cold water. "And when the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam remember the Prophet David' alihis-salaam he menggelarinya the best of human beings in worship to God." (Tirmidhi 3412)At least there are four important things in this prayer. First, the Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam begged God's love. He was very ideology that in this world nothing is more worthy of love and is expected to take precedence humans other than the love that comes from Allah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem (the Most Gracious, Most Merciful). What does it mean someone living in the world have human love all human beings-even-when God does not love her. All the love that come from every man became useless because it does not bring love of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Instead, something to worry about someone if God loved him even while the human-human whole-hate. All human hatred does not mean anything because he was the love of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.That is why the Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam did not mention in his prayer initial expectation of human love. He put the love God above all things. He was very aware that when God has mencntai itself, it was easy for God to infuse love into the human heart towards the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam. But if God has mebenci himself what is the use of human love towards him. For human love against her can not guarantee the arrival of God's love to the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam.From Prophet shollallahu 'wa sallam alaih he said: "If Allah loves a servant, God called out to Jibreel:' Allah loves So and so, so love him." Jibrilpun love him. Then Gabriel called on the inhabitants of heaven: "Verily, Allah loves So and so, then you love him." The inhabitants of heavens love him. Then the inhabitants of the earth ditanamkanlah love him. "(HR 5580 Bukhary)Secondly, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam ask God love those who love God. After expect the love of God and Prophet David 'alihis-salaam to ask God for affection from the people who love God, because these people of course are the true believers who really deserve his love expected.It is highly associated with Al-Wala 'and Al-Bara' (loyalty and innocent). The meaning of Al-Wala 'is to maintain loyalty to Allah, His Apostle and the believers. While the definition of Al-Bara 'is innocent of the kuffar and munafiqin. Because loyalty should Mu'min to God, His Apostle and the believers, the Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam pray that he met and united with the fellow believers who love God. And he really believes this.Indeed the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam bersada: "Ruh-created human spirit like a soldier marching, which know each other then in between each other will unite.And which are mutually deny amongst each other to be separated. "(Reported by Muslim 4773)Third, the Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam impelled to ask God to actions that can bring God's love. After pleading love of God and love of the lovers of God, then the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam impelled to ask God for the good deeds and charity that brings God's love. He was very worried when doing things that could bring the wrath of God. He was very worried when done by simply relying on the feeling that God must have loved him when intentions are good but the quality and implementation of 'charity problematic. So the Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam very concerned about any matter that can bring God's love destiny. In the Qur'an states that God loves Ash-Shobirin (those who are patient). Who is meant by Ash-Shobirin? What is the nature and deeds so that they become loved by God?"And how many prophets who fought with them a large number of followers (her) who fear Allah. They do not become weak because of the disaster that befell them in Allah's way, and not lethargic and not (too) surrendered (to enemies). And God loves those who are patient. "(Surat Ali Imran verse 146)Fourth, the Prophet Daud 'alihis-salaam ask God to make God's love as she preferred something more than himself, his family and the cold water. Then at the end of this prayer of David 'alihis-salaam reiterated how much he really cares and put love of God. So he was up to ask God to love of God which he had wanted was not to lose important to him than love him for himself, against his own family and to the cold water.Why in the prayers of David 'alihis-salaam need contrasts the love of God with love himself, his family and the cold water? Because when most people have to choose between sacrificing yourself and your family at the expense of the principle of life in general more willing to sacrifice the principle of his life. The important thing is not to self and family terkorbankan. Why is cold water? Because cold water is a beautiful representation of the world's pleasures and tempting. In general, people are willing to sacrifice his life just do not sacrifice the principle of earthly delights that have been owned.So the last prayer of the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam contain a message of sacrifice. He was willing to sacrifice everything, including himself, his own family of origin and worldly pleasures lest he sacrifice the love of God. He greatly longed for love of God. Prophet David 'alihis-salaam is the schools intention of God in the Qur'an:"Say:" If the fathers, children, brothers, wives, your kindred, the wealth that ye have gained, commerce you khawatiri disadvantages, and dwelling houses that you like, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and (of) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His decision. " And Allah does not guide the wicked people. "(Surah At-Tawbah verse 24) Prophet David 'alihis-salaam is a servant of God who is very diligent in worship to God. It is mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam.Prophet David 'alihis-salaam very diligent to draw close to God. He was very diligent to ask God to make himself loved by God. He really put love God more than put himself, his own family and the cold water that could eliminate the thirsty traveler on his way in the desert heat. This is the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam concerning the prayer of David:Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam said: "Among the prayers of David' alihis-salaam is:" O Allah, I beg to You Your love and love those who love you and I beg thee acts that can take me to love. O Allah, make your love more than I love myself and my family as well as cold water. "And when the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam remember the Prophet David' alihis-salaam he menggelarinya the best of human beings in worship to God." (Tirmidhi 3412)At least there are four important things in this prayer. First, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam begged God's love. He was very ideology that in this world nothing is more worthy of love and is expected to take precedence humans other than the love that comes from Allah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem (the Most Gracious, Most Merciful). What does it mean someone living in the world have human love all human beings-even-when God does not love her. All the love that come from every man became useless because it does not bring love of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Instead, something to worry about someone if God loved him even while the human-human whole-hate. All human hatred does not mean anything because he was the love of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.That is why the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam did not mention in his prayer initial expectation of human love. He put the love God above all things. He was very aware that when God has mencntai itself, it was easy for God to infuse love into the human heart towards the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam. But if God has mebenci himself what is the use of human love towards him. For human love against her can not guarantee the arrival of God's love to the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam.From Prophet shollallahu 'wa sallam alaih he said: "If Allah loves a servant, God called out to Jibreel:' Allah loves So and so, so love him." Jibrilpun love him. Then Gabriel called on the inhabitants of heaven: "Verily, Allah loves So and so, then you love him." The inhabitants of heavens love him. Then the inhabitants of the earth ditanamkanlah love him. "(HR 5580 Bukhary)Secondly, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam ask God love those who love God. After expect the love of God and Prophet David 'alihis-salaam to ask God for affection from the people who love God, because these people of course are the true believers who really deserve his love expected.It is highly associated with Al-Wala 'and Al-Bara' (loyalty and innocent). The meaning of Al-Wala 'is to maintain loyalty to Allah, His Apostle and the believers. While the definition of Al-Bara 'is innocent of the kuffar and munafiqin. Because loyalty should Mu'min to God, His Apostle and the believers, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam pray that he met and united with the fellow believers who love God. And he really believes this.Indeed the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam bersada: "Ruh-created human spirit like a soldier marching, which know each other then in between each other will unite.And which are mutually deny amongst each other to be separated. "(Reported by Muslim 4773)Third, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam impelled to ask God to actions that can bring God's love. After pleading love of God and love of the lovers of God, then the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam impelled to ask God for the good deeds and charity that brings God's love. He was very worried when doing things that could bring the wrath of God. He was very worried when done by simply relying on the feeling that God must have loved him when intentions are good but the quality and implementation of 'charity problematic. So the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam very concerned about any matter that can bring God's love destiny. In the Qur'an states that God loves Ash-Shobirin (those who are patient). Who is meant by Ash-Shobirin? What is the nature and deeds so that they become loved by God?"And how many prophets who fought with them a large number of followers (her) who fear Allah. They do not become weak because of the disaster that befell them in Allah's way, and not lethargic and not (too) surrendered (to enemies). And God loves those who are patient. "(Surat Ali Imran verse 146)Fourth, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam ask God to make God's love as she preferred something more than himself, his family and the cold water. Then at the end of this prayer of David 'alihis-salaam reiterated how much he really cares and put love of God. So he was up to ask God to love of God which he had wanted was not to lose important to him than love him for himself, against his own family and to the cold water.Why in the prayers of David 'alihis-salaam need contrasts the love of God with love himself, his family and the cold water? Because when most people have to choose between sacrificing yourself and your family at the expense of the principle of life in general more willing to sacrifice the principle of his life. The important thing is not to self and family terkorbankan. Why is cold water? Because cold water is a beautiful representation of the world's pleasures and tempting. In general, people are willing to sacrifice his life just do not sacrifice the principle of earthly delights that have been owned.So the last prayer of the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam contain a message of sacrifice. He was willing to sacrifice everything, including himself, his own family of origin and worldly pleasures lest he sacrifice the love of God. He greatly longed for love of God. Prophet David 'alihis-salaam is the schools intention of God in the Qur'an:
"Say:" If the fathers, children, brothers, wives, your kindred, the wealth that ye have gained, commerce you khawatiri disadvantages, and dwelling houses that you like, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and (of) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His decision. " And Allah does not guide the wicked people. "(Surah At-Tawbah verse 24)Prophet David 'alihis-salaam is a servant of God who is very diligent in worship to God. It is mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam.Prophet David 'alihis-salaam very diligent to draw close to God. He was very diligent to ask God to make himself loved by God. He really put love God more than put himself, his own family and the cold water that could eliminate the thirsty traveler on his way in the desert heat. This is the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam concerning the prayer of David:Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam said: "Among the prayers of David' alihis-salaam is:" O Allah, I beg to You Your love and love those who love you and I beg thee acts that can take me to love. O Allah, make your love more than I love myself and my family as well as cold water. "And when the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam remember the Prophet David' alihis-salaam he menggelarinya the best of human beings in worship to God." (Tirmidhi 3412)At least there are four important things in this prayer. First, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam begged God's love. He was very ideology that in this world nothing is more worthy of love and is expected to take precedence humans other than the love that comes from Allah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem (the Most Gracious, Most Merciful). What does it mean someone living in the world have human love all human beings-even-when God does not love her. All the love that come from every man became useless because it does not bring love of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Instead, something to worry about someone if God loved him even while the human-human whole-hate. All human hatred does not mean anything because he was the love of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.That is why the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam did not mention in his prayer initial expectation of human love. He put the love God above all things. He was very aware that when God has mencntai itself, it was easy for God to infuse love into the human heart towards the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam. But if God has mebenci himself what is the use of human love towards him. For human love against her can not guarantee the arrival of God's love to the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam.From Prophet shollallahu 'wa sallam alaih he said: "If Allah loves a servant, God called out to Jibreel:' Allah loves So and so, so love him." Jibrilpun love him. Then Gabriel called on the inhabitants of heaven: "Verily, Allah loves So and so, then you love him." The inhabitants of heavens love him. Then the inhabitants of the earth ditanamkanlah love him. "(HR 5580 Bukhary)Secondly, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam ask God love those who love God. After expect the love of God and Prophet David 'alihis-salaam to ask God for affection from the people who love God, because these people of course are the true believers who really deserve his love expected.It is highly associated with Al-Wala 'and Al-Bara' (loyalty and innocent). The meaning of Al-Wala 'is to maintain loyalty to Allah, His Apostle and the believers. While the definition of Al-Bara 'is innocent of the kuffar and munafiqin. Because loyalty should Mu'min to God, His Apostle and the believers, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam pray that he met and united with the fellow believers who love God. And he really believes this.Indeed the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam bersada: "Ruh-created human spirit like a soldier marching, which know each other then in between each other will unite.And which are mutually deny amongst each other to be separated. "(Reported by Muslim 4773)Third, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam impelled to ask God to actions that can bring God's love. After pleading love of God and love of the lovers of God, then the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam impelled to ask God for the good deeds and charity that brings God's love. He was very worried when doing things that could bring the wrath of God. He was very worried when done by simply relying on the feeling that God must have loved him when intentions are good but the quality and implementation of 'charity problematic. So the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam very concerned about any matter that can bring God's love destiny. In the Qur'an states that God loves Ash-Shobirin (those who are patient). Who is meant by Ash-Shobirin? What is the nature and deeds so that they become loved by God?"And how many prophets who fought with them a large number of followers (her) who fear Allah. They do not become weak because of the disaster that befell them in Allah's way, and not lethargic and not (too) surrendered (to enemies). And God loves those who are patient. "(Surat Ali Imran verse 146)Fourth, the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam ask God to make God's love as she preferred something more than himself, his family and the cold water. Then at the end of this prayer of David 'alihis-salaam reiterated how much he really cares and put love of God. So he was up to ask God to love of God which he had wanted was not to lose important to him than love him for himself, against his own family and to the cold water.Why in the prayers of David 'alihis-salaam need contrasts the love of God with love himself, his family and the cold water? Because when most people have to choose between sacrificing yourself and your family at the expense of the principle of life in general more willing to sacrifice the principle of his life. The important thing is not to self and family terkorbankan. Why is cold water? Because cold water is a beautiful representation of the world's pleasures and tempting. In general, people are willing to sacrifice his life just do not sacrifice the principle of earthly delights that have been owned.So the last prayer of the Prophet David 'alihis-salaam contain a message of sacrifice. He was willing to sacrifice everything, including himself, his own family of origin and worldly pleasures lest he sacrifice the love of God. He greatly longed for love of God. Prophet David 'alihis-salaam is the schools intention of God in the Qur'an:"Say:" If the fathers, children, brothers, wives, your kindred, the wealth that ye have gained, commerce you khawatiri disadvantages, and dwelling houses that you like, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and (of) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His decision. " And Allah does not guide the wicked people. "(Surah At-Tawbah verse 24)
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