
The existence of Allah SWT can be proved with reasonable is to look at and think of all that exists or happens in this universe. If the observed events and the work of the organ-pepul human body, must have thought that all that there must be a set and make it. So it is with nature.Unacceptable sense of nature when this happens by itself. If nature has not previously exist, then made himself, then a healthy mind can not accept if there is something that has not been able to make itself into existence. Difficult to accept reasonable, if the object happens by itself without anyone to create or make.Similarly, the regularity of nature, the existence of day and night shifts on a regular basis, the circulation of the sun on its axis, the circulation of the planets, the existence of natural laws which all show the arrangement, and a set iru is God Almighty.Arguments about the nature of God is contained in the Qur'an Surat Al-An `am: 102, which reads: (see the Quran online in google)Meaning: (which has properties) Such is Allah, your Lord there is no god but He; Creator of all things, so worship him, and He is the keeper of all things. (Surat al-An `am: 102)According to nature and common sense is not possible that God Almighty does not exist, because there is created the creatures. The idea that God does not exist and look at the style of mini terjdai by chance is irrational (irrational).The benefits of learning: people willing to devote themselves to (worship) to the form it is Allah SWT2. Characteristically Qidam God (Formerly), Impossible is Huduts (Preceded)Allah SWT is qidam or first, his opponent is there that preceded the new ata. It can be seen with a simple example, even a house. The house was made carpenters (human). The existence of the house after the man (carpenter). In other words there are builders first home than he made. Similarly, Allah SWT meciptakan universe and its contents had been there earlier than the creation of nature. Nevertheless, the existence of Allah there is no stems and no end.Allah is Supreme Azali, which already existed before the existence of anything other than her own, and will continue to be eternal, as He says: look at the Qur'an online on google)Meaning: "He is the First and the Last The Zahir and the Bathin], and He is Knower of all things." (Surat al-Hadid: 3)Noting the sign - a sign of the power of God, then human reason must reject that which was created earlier there than that it creates. There first painter from the artist.So God is Huduts impossible.Benefits to learn: that humans believe that Allah exists and is perfect from the start.3. Characteristically baqa God '(Eternal) Impossible Mortal (perish)Allah is Khaliq (creator) and nature is the creature (created). Allah as the creator of all things have a nature baqa ', that is for ever and ever. Everything in nature can be damaged, destroyed, die and disappear. But God Almighty continue, without change, as He says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "(26). All that is on earth will perish. (27). And keep eternal Essence of your Lord who has greatness and glory. "(Surah Ar Rahman: 26-27)Allah nothing is created, it is impossible for God Almighty has the nature of creatures. All beings in the universe have a beginning and will surely end up, then everything will be destroyed.Benefits to learn: that humans believe that Allah SWT is eternal, while man must perish, and man must prepare food for life after perish.4. God besifat Mukhallafat lil Hawaditsi (Different from All Beings), Odds Mumatsalatuhu lil Hawaditsi (Some like it)Allah is different in character with all beings. This is easily understood because Allah is the creator of the universe, making it impossible creator created equal. Allah SWT says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "... There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing and Seeing." (Surah As Syuara: 11)We must believe that Allah is different from his creatures. Tables, chairs, blackboards are made would not be the same shape and apparently with the making. Similarly, Allah SWT as definitely different from the creature creator.Benefits to learn: that man believes that mauusia not able to counter the substance of God is for sure not the same with humans.5. Characteristically God Qiyamuhu Binafsihi (Standalone), Impossible Qiyamuhu Bighairihi (Depending on Something)Allah SWT stand alone, his opponent is a rock or are dependent on others. Allah is the creator of nature with all its contents. This means the creation of no help and he did not need help because Allah Almighty and Exalted, while sesutau beings other than Allah is weak and unlikely to help its creator. Allah SWT says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "... God does not feel he beratb their preservation and Sublime, the Great." (Surat al-Baqara: 255).Allah does not need the help of others, he came to power himself, because he is all-perfect. If Allah SWT require assistance from other means God is Ihtiyaju li ghairihi or bi Qiyamuhu ghirihi. That may not be to Allah, because it shows the weaknesses and shortcomings. Having the nature of creatures only weakness, Impossible is owned by Allah SWT.Benefits to learn: that man is not proud, because human beings need each other, between human beings should help one another - help as a stand-sendir is God Almighty.6. Characteristically Wahdaniyah God (Esa), Odds' Adadun (Berbilang)Islam teaches that Allah is One, his opponent berbilang, ie more than one, either dzatnya, nature, and his actions. Esa in dzatnya Essence or substance is that Allah is not composed of elements or element and can not be divided or measured.Allah is the absolute substance, can not be equated with anything, it may not be seen with the eye, can not be touched by hand, can not be known by human senses, nor can it be measured with any tool, because she is very different from anything .Allah was one in the act, the intention was not able to do something like act creator.He who embodies all the plans and actions regardless of the other party.If we look at the universe and everything in it, visible regularity between one another, it is proof that nature is running on "sunatullah", does not seem the slightest impact.If so, then which set only a single substance, namely God. Damage will occur if there is more than one god. Allah SWT says in Surah Al Anbiya: 22, which reads:: (see the Quran online in google)Meaning: If there are in heaven and on earth gods besides Allah, then verily both would have perished Damaged. So the holy God Almighty who has' Throne than what they attribute to. (Surat al-Anbiya: 22)Oneness of Allah shall be believed by every believing in full and perfect. But not to think of substance or form of God, but that should dipirkan was his creation alone.Benefits to learn: that man believes in the oneness of Allah and obey only one God is.7. Characteristically Qudrat Allah (Almighty), Odds' AjzunAllah is Almighty, his opponent is weak, limited, and no power. Allah Almighty Allah alone, meaning that only the ruling, while the creatures besides Allah have no power anything. Power of Allah SWT not only in making and turn it, but also in power on or off according to negate his own will. Allah SWT says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "... Thou art powerful over all things." (Surah Al 'Imran: 26)Benefits to learn: that humans do not apply arbitrary - treatment if you have the power, because power is possessed by humans is only temporary and limited.8. Characteristically God Iradat (Wills), Impossible Karahah (Compelled)The nature of wills, his opponent is forced. It means that Allah makes things according to plan and his will.Qudrat properties are very closely related to the nature iradat. Everything that has been and will be made according to the will of Allah is (iradat) God himself.If Allah willed something. He said it quite simply be something he wanted it. Allah SWT says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "Sesungguhnyanya orders when he wants something just said to him" Be "then there he was." (Sura Yaasiin; 82)Benefits to learn: that humans do not quickly discouraged when his will is not achieved or failed, because the obligation is merely to try and determine is God Almighty.9. Characteristically Science of God (Knowing), Impossible Jahlun (Do not Know or Stupid)Allah is All-Knowing, his opponent does not know. Science has no limits Allah because Allah who made the universe. Allah knows all things, whether real or not real. Allah is knowledgeable and is the source of all knowledge, while humans only given a little knowledge by Allah, as He says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "... Do you not given but little knowledge." (Surat al-Isra: 85)Science means to know, I mean Allah SWT has properties Knower of things. The nature of God as evidence that God is never preceded by ignorance, as well as knowledge of God is very broad and not limited by the weaknesses and shortcomings.Allah knows the visible and hidden, knowing that already happened and will happen yng in heaven and on earth, even those hidden in every human being. Allah SWT says: look at the Qur'an online on google)Meaning: Verily Allah knows the unseen in the heavens and the earth. and Allah doth see all that ye do. (Surat al Hujurat: 18God is impossible Jahlun (stupid), because the fool is the nature of deficiency, whereas Allah Almighty Perfect.Benefits to learn: that man is not proud of it if you have science because science Alla very broad and limited human sciences.10. Characteristically God Hayat (Life), Impossible Mautun (Dead)Allah SWT is Hayat or alive, dead or mautun opponent. Divine life is perfect in the sense he lives for ever (perfect life), not like human life, animals and plants and other objects that have kebinasan. Almighty God eternal. If Allah SWT dead or alive is not necessarily there will be no living things. It can be listened to in the Qur'an. Word of Allah SWT. : (See the Quran online in google)It means: "And put your trust in the living God (eternal) Which is not dead, and celebrate the praises of Him. And enough is He knows the sins of His servants. "(Surat al-Furqan: 58)In accordance with his power, God has an absolute nature Hayat, life in itself and eternal nature. Life never ends with death, because death is that of the creature.Thus Allah is obligatory for life, and it is impossible for Him besifat death.Benefits to learn: that man should bebuat good for the world's only live once, because that only God is eternal life man must experience death.11. Characteristically Same God '(Hearing), Odds' Asham (Deaf)Allah is listening (sama '), his opponent deaf. Allah does not hear it the same as hearing people. Hearing impaired people can experience, such as being deaf and can not hear. Acuity of human hearing is limited and is not the same between one another.Allah is Hearing, no sound is heard by Allah SWT. There is no difficulty for SWT Allam hear all voices even though the sound was very weak. Even the human conscience will be heard by Allah SWT. People who believe in Allah SWT will undoubtedly feel happy and calm because it does not worry that prayer or petition will not be heard by Allah SWT. Word of Allah;: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "And (remember) when Ibrahim raised (nurture) foundations of the House with Ismail (praying):" Our Lord than we accept (our deeds), verily Thou art the Hearer, the Knower. '"(Sura Al-Baqarah: 127)Every Muslim everywhere, day or night, in crowded places or hidden, senantiada heard by Allah SWT. This attitude must be instilled in the behavior of a day - day.There is no difficulty for God to hear something and all the sound although the sound was very weak, even the sound of the human heart will be heard by Allah SWT.Benefits to learn: that man in the talk should be - careful, do not say filthy, pornographic, or obscene, for which men speak of God must have heard.12. Characteristically Assad Allah (Viewing), Impossible A'ma (Blind)Allah is All-Seer, a blind opponent. Seeing him Allah is perfect for what there is in nature. Allah SWT says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "Verily Allah knows the unseen in the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Seer of what ye do. "(Surah Al Hujurat: 18)Bashar means to see, maksudya meliaht almighty God to all creatures. Very broad vision of God is not limited by anything. God is seen against the visible and hidden.Benefits to learn: that human beings in this world to live in the heart - the heart, do not do immoral because God will see though where we are.13. Characteristically Kalam Allah (He will), Impossible Abkam (Mute)Allah SWT is Kalam, his opponent dumb. Kalam Allah is perfect. Evident in his word that is contained in the Qur'an is perfect. There is therefore no human language that could replace language (kalam) of Allah Almighty, because word of Allah SWT is clean of all human words.B. Asmaul HusnaAsmaul Husna are good names that are attributes of Allah SWT. The names were a lot of us have encountered in the Qur'an. Among the names of Allah which is also at once a Divine attributes, is:1. Al 'Adlu (Fair)Allah is Just towards his creatures, as evidenced in all things, both the arise of worldly affairs and the affairs of the Hereafter. For example, in worship of Allah SWT make no distinction between rich and poor, between officials with the staff and sebagainnya. Levels of the measure at the sight of Allah SWT is the piety of his servants. Allah says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "Allah commands (you) to be fair and do good, giving to kinsfolk, and God forbid from evil deeds, munkar and hostility. He teaches you, that ye may take heed. "(Surat an-Nahl: 90)2. Al-Ghaffar (the Forgiving)Al Ghaffar merupkan which means forgiving nature of God. Maghfirah (mercy) of Allah SWT is always delegated to the creatures who want to admit mistakes and repent. Merciful nature of Allah can be seen in the word:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "Lord of heaven and earth and everything in between, the Mighty, Forgiving." (Surah Sad: 66)3. Al-Hakim (the Wise)Among the attributes of Allah SWT is Al-Hakim, meaning wise. Divine wisdom is not limited to any form of creation, but it covers everything. For example, all commanded by God Almighty, which contains both worship and muamalah, always contain wisdom and when done will be rewarded. Instead, something forbidden a silver lining and if the leave will be rewarded. Bijaksan properties can be observed on the following verse:: (see the Quran online in google)Meaning: "He who formed you in the womb as He wills. There is no god (the right to be worshiped) but He, the Mighty, the Wise. "(Surah Al 'Imran: 6)4. Al Malik (King)Al Malik is the nature of Allah, which means king. Allah rule all that is in nature. As king, he has the nature of power and perfection, not like a king in this world are many flaws and weaknesses. If Allah had decided something no one can reject it and if Allah SWT forbid something no one can prevent it. Allah says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "The Most High God, King of the truth: there is no god but He, the Lord (which has) 'Throne is glorious." (Surah Al Mukminuun: 116)5. Al-Hasib (Author Calculation)Al Hasib is the nature of God Almighty Creator who mean calculation. Everything created by God Almighty must have been carefully calculated and precise.Bountifully rewarded Allah SWT will be given to those who are grateful and do good.Calculation of Allah SWT is always right in giving rewards to people who bebruat virtue and punishment to those who deny him. Therefore, before acting, we must memperhiutngkan the pros and cons very carefully, because Allah will count all our deeds in this world. Allah says:: (see the Quran online in google)It means: "... Allah always make calculations over all things." (Surat an-Nisa: 86)By understanding and appreciate the attributes of Allah SWT and asthma are expected to grow in awareness of human greatness, greatness and to Almighty Allah to sesamam Pengasihan creatures. Thus, in the end be able to bear faith, an attitude of devotion, humility, love others and be gentle.C. Function Faith To Allah SWTThe function of faith in human life is as a handle on life. The believer is not easily discouraged, and he will have a noble spirit as adhering to the guidance of Allah SWT is always sent to do good.The function of faith in Allah SWT will give birth to the attitude and personality as follows.Realizing his weakness before God Almighty, so he did not want to be cocky or arrogant and is valid and insult othersDinimatinya realize that everything comes from Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. Attitudes cause he'll be the one to be ever grateful to Allah SWT. He took advantage of every blessing of Allah Almighty in accordance with his instructions and willRealizing that he would die and be held accountable on all charitable deeds done.This caused him to always be careful while traveling on the vagaries of life in this mortal world.Feeling that his actions are always seen by God is All-Knowing and All-Seer. He will try to leave a bad deed because it is ingrained in him shame do wrong. He realized that even though no one saw but God sees. In one of history ever told, one day Caliph Umar bin Khattab met a young goat shepherd. Then the Caliph asked the shepherd to want to sell a goat to him, whatever the price. But the boy said: "The sheep are not mine but belongs to my master". Then the Caliph 'Umar said: "Is not your master is not here?" Answer gemabala child is, "It's true master is not here and he did not know, but Allah knows" hear the child's answer, Omar stunned because he felt amazed at the quality of children's faith , ie Allah sees and always pay attention to him, so he did not dare to do evil, even though no one else saw it.Conscious and immediately repent when on one occasion because he sins oversight. He will soon beg for forgiveness and repent to God and promised not to repeat the evil deeds that he did, as explained in the Qur'an: see Quran online in google)It means: "And (also) those who, when working on indecency or wronged themselves, they would remember God, then beg for forgiveness of their sins and who can forgive sins except God? And they did not pursue that nasty deed, knowingly. "(Surat an-Nisa: 135)The function of faith in Allah SWT will foster an attitude in a person noble character.He will always speak the truth, honestly, not arrogant and felt weak before God Almighty and did not dare to violate the ban because he has a strong faith.Therefore, faith plays an important role in human life, namely as the most powerful tool to shield himself from any influence and persuasion are misleading. Faith as well as a driving force someone to do all pious charity.
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