
Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah, the Lord who provides guidance for guidance. Prayers and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, family, friends and people who follow them until the end of time.Humans in various countries are very excited to welcome the event that only once this year. Up until the overtime even though they willingly and patiently waited for the turn of the year. But how is the view that Hanif Islam-religion-of the celebrations? Do follow and celebrate it allowed? Hopefully this short article will tell.
History of the New Year ADNew Year was first celebrated on January 1, 45 BC (BC). Not long after Julius Caesar was crowned as emperor of Rome, he decided to replace the traditional Roman calendar which had been created since the seventh century BC. In designing this new calendar, Julius Caesar, aided by Sosigenes, an astronomer from Alexandria, who suggested that the new calendar was made by following the revolution of the sun, as did the Egyptians. One year in the new calendar quarter is calculated as 365 days and Caesar added 67 days in the year 45 BC so that the year 46 BC started on January 1. Caesar also ordered that every four years, one day added to February, which theoretically could avoid irregularities in the new calendar. Not long before Caesar was murdered in 44 BC, he changed the name of the month Quintilis to its name, namely Julius, or July. Later, the name of the month Sextilis replaced with a substitute name of Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, the month of August. [1]From here we can see that the new year celebration starts from the infidels and absolutely not from Islam. The new year celebration occurred at the turn of the Gregorian calendar year which has always been celebrated by the pagans.Here are some of the damage caused by a Muslim celebrate the new year.Damage First: Celebrating New Year Means Celebrating 'Eid (celebration) is HaramPlease note that the celebration ('ied) there are two, namely the Muslims' Eid ul-Fitr and' Eid al-Adha. Anas bin Malik said,
كان لأهل الجاهلية يومان في كل سنة يلعبون فيهما فلما قدم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المدينة قال كان لكم يومان تلعبون فيهما وقد أبدلكم الله بهما خيرا منهما يوم الفطر ويوم الأضحى
"Ignorance People used to have two days (days Nairuz and Mihrojan) in each year that they were having fun at the time. When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam arrived in Medina, he said,' First you have two days to have fun in it. Now God has replaced for you two better days of the day of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. '"[2]But after that there were many celebrations ('ied) in the middle of the Muslims. There is a celebration that is meant to worship or simply imitating the infidels. Among the celebrations that we mean here is a celebration of new year AD. The celebration of this kind is beyond the means of celebration of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam intended as a celebration of God's better to replace. Since the celebration of the Muslims are said to be good just two of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.Note the explanation of Al-Da Lajnah Ad imah Buhuts lil 'wal Ilmiyyah Ifta', commissions fatwas in Saudi Arabia following:Al Lajnah Ad-imah Da said, "The so-called 'ied or a day of celebration as the term is all forms of association which may be periodically repeated yearly, monthly, weekly or semisalnya. So in ied collected a few things:Repeated day like Eid and Friday.Gathering of many people that day.The various activities undertaken on that day either in the form of worship or non-religious rituals.Ied law (celebration) is divided into two:Ied whose purpose is to worship, to draw close to God and glorify this day in order to get a reward, orIed contain elements resembling those ignorant or heathen factions other then the law is an innovation that is forbidden because it is covered in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,من أحدث فى أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد"Any person who forges a charity in our religion but religion is not part of the charity is rejected." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)Example is the Prophet's birthday anniversary, mothers day and independence day. Warning maulid prophet is forbidden because it includes forges a ritual that God never let the side like the Christians and unbelievers another class. While mothers day and independence day forbidden because it resembles the infidels. "[3]-So-Lajnah explanationSimilarly, new year celebration, including the celebration of banned because it resembles the pagan celebration.Both of damage: Celebrating New Year Means Tasyabbuh (Mimic-stereotyped) kaafirCelebrating the new year including imitating the infidels. And since the first of our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has cautioned that these people will indeed follow in the footsteps of the Persians, Romans, Jews and Christians. The Muslims follow them either in dress or even days and holidays.From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
«لا تقوم الساعة حتى تأخذ أمتى بأخذ القرون قبلها, شبرا بشبر وذراعا بذراع». فقيل يا رسول الله كفارس والروم. فقال «ومن الناس إلا أولئك»
"Doomsday will not happen until my people follow the path of previous generations inch by span, cubit by cubit." Then there are asking the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa-sallam, "Did they follow it like the Persians and Romans?" He replied, "In addition tothem, then who else? "[4]From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
لتتبعن سنن الذين من قبلكم شبرا بشبر وذراعا بذراع حتى لو دخلوا فى جحر ضب لاتبعتموهم. قلنا يا رسول الله آليهود والنصارى قال فمن
"Really you will follow the path of those before you inch by inch and cubit by cubit until if the people who you follow it into the hole dhob (a devious, pen), you definitely will follow." We (the the Companions) said, "O Messenger of Allah, What followed was the Jews and Christians?" He replied, "Then who else? [5]An-Nawawi, may Allaah have mercy when explaining the above hadith explains, "What is meant by syibr (inch) and dziro '(cubits) and dhob hole (hole land animals devious), is permisalan that the behavior of the Muslims are very similar at all with Jewish behavior and Nashroni. Namely the Muslims mencocoki them in disobedience and various irregularities, not in terms of infidelity.The words he is a miracle for him because what he said had occurred at these times."[6]Look at what was said by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. What he said really happened today. Various models of western clothing, followed by the Muslims, until even the half-naked. Similarly, various celebrations were followed, including the celebration of this new year.Remember, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has expressly forbidden us imitate the disbelievers (tasyabbuh).He said,
من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم
"Whoever imitates a people, then he is part of them." [7]Resembling the disbelievers (tasyabbuh) this happens in terms of clothing, appearance and habits. Tasyabbuh argument here is forbidden by the Qur'an, As Sunnah and the consensus of the scholars (ijma '). [8]Damage to Third: to engineer a Without Practice Guidance on New Year's EveWe already know that this new year celebration comes from the unbelievers and their tradition. But unfortunately in between there are ignorant people who mensyari'atkan practice-specific practice on New Year's Eve. "Rather than the time of the Muslims in vain, mending New Year's Eve we are content with the dhikr in congregation at the mosque. That's certainly more benefits than waiting the turn of the year without any benefit ", as the expression of some. It was weird. Such Pensyariatan means doing a deed that without guidance. New year celebration itself is not a celebration or ritual of the Muslims, then why should disyari'atkan certain practices when it? Moreover, waiting for the turn of the year would have resulted in leaving many obligations as we would later say.If someone says, "Instead of waiting for the new year be filled with things that are not useful, mending filled with dhikr. The important thing is not our good intentions. "So we protested enough good intentions of this kind with the words of Ibn Mas'ud, when he saw people who dhikr, but not according to the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. People who do dhikr which no guidance is said to Ibn Mas'ud,
والله يا أبا عبد الرحمن ما أردنا إلا الخير.
"By Allah, O Abu 'Abd (Ibn Mas'ud), we are not wanted but good."Ibn Mas'ud then said,
وكم من مريد للخير لن يصيبه
"How many people who want a good, but they do not get it." [9]So in doing the deeds, good will alone is not enough. We must also follow the example of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the new practice is acceptable in the sight of Allah.Fourth damage: fell in with the prohibition Saying Happy New YearWe already know that the new year are the symbols of the unbelievers and not the symbols of the Muslims. So, do not deserve a Muslim to congratulate the symbols of the unbelievers like this. Even this is not permissible under the agreement of the scholars (ijma ').Ibn Qoyyim in Ahkam dhimma Experts say, "As for congratulating on syi'ar-syi'ar infidelity specifically for those who disbelieve (like say good Christmas, pen) is something that is forbidden by ijma '(consensus) of the scholars. An example is congratulated at the feast and fasting they like to say, 'I hope today is a blessing for you', or with congratulations on their big day and stuff. 'If it's people who say it can survive infidelity, but he will not get away from things which are forbidden. Congratulations feast like this to them is tantamount to congratulate our prostrations they do on the cross, and even act like it a greater sin in the sight of Allah. Such greeting is more hated by God than someone congratulated the people who drink alcohol, kill the soul, adultery, or congratulations on the other immoral.Many people who lack understanding of the religion falls within it.Such people do not know the ugliness of the deeds they do.Therefore, whoever gave congratulations to someone who commits immoral, heretical or kufr, then he deserves the hatred and wrath of Almighty God. "[10]Damage Fifth: The Case of Mandatory Leave of Prayer Five TimesHow much we see, from staying up all night to wait for the seconds turn of the year, even staying up like this forwarded again to hour 1, hour 2 night or even until morning, most people who stay up like this escape from the prayers which we have agreed Shubuh is obligatory. Among them are some who do not pray Shubuh at all because it was exhausted in the morning.Finally, they slept until mid afternoon and had no redeemable berlalulah obligation at all. Na'udzu billahi forbid min.Know that leave a single one of the five daily prayers is not a trivial matter. Even meningalkannya the scholars agree that it includes a great sin.Ibn al-rahimahullah Qoyyim-said, "The Muslims are not disagree (agree) that leave the compulsory prayer (praying five times) intentionally includes the greatest of sins and the sin is greater than sin to kill, seize property of others, adultery, stealing, and drinking. People who leave will receive the punishment and the wrath of God and get the humiliation in this world and hereafter. "[11]Adh-rahimahullah Dzahabi-also said, "People who pray to the exit time mengakhirkan including commit major sins. And that the prayer is a prayer-it-is considered as one who committed adultery and stealing. Since leaving the prayer, or escape from it including a great sin. Therefore, the person who left it up to many times including the perpetrators of grave sin until he repent.Those who abandon prayers, including the losers, injuries and property including the mujrim (a sin). "[12]The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was threatened with paganism for people who deliberately left the five daily prayers.Buraidah bin Al Al Hushoib Aslamiy said, "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
العهد الذى بيننا وبينهم الصلاة فمن تركها فقد كفر
"The agreement between us and them (the disbelievers) is a prayers. Whoever left it then he has disbelieved. "[13] Therefore, a Muslim should not celebrate the new year so as to make him fall into major sin.By celebrating the new year, one can also escaped from the main practice of prayer at night. From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
أفضل الصلاة بعد الفريضة صلاة الليل
"The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer." [14] Prayer is the best night of prayer and common prayer loved by the people sholih. A person can get a virtue because it met with an efficacious time to pray is when a third last night. What a waste if someone finds the night but he wasted it. Night prayers due to neglect to follow the western culture, it is a very big loss.Damage Sixth: There are sleepless Without urinationStay up without any interest syar'i hated by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Included here are waiting for the seconds turn of the year with no benefits at all. It was narrated from Abi Barzah, he said,
أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - كان يكره النوم قبل العشاء والحديث بعدها
"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam hate sleep before praying' Isha and chat afterwards." [15]Ibn Baththol explained, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not like staying up after praying' Isha because he really wanted to perform prayers night and not worry if to escape from the morning prayer in congregation. 'Umar bin Al Khottob to the extent that ever hit people who stay up after evening prayers, he said, "Are you now stay up in the early evening, then at the end of the night was sound asleep!" [16] Moreover, by staying up late, is to neglect of something More mandatory (ie prayer Shubuh)?!Damage Seventh: mired in AdulteryIf we look at the behavior of young people today, the celebration of the new year on they are not separated from ikhtilath (mixed up between men and women) and berkholwat (two-duan), maybe even worse than it is to fall into adultery with pubic . This is what often happens at night by crashing the various restrictions of God in dealing with the opposite sex. This is what happens on New Year's Eve and this is the real place among young people. And with such views, hands and even pubic has committed adultery.This means doing something unlawful.From Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
كتب على ابن آدم نصيبه من الزنى مدرك ذلك لا محالة فالعينان زناهما النظر والأذنان زناهما الاستماع واللسان زناه الكلام واليد زناها البطش والرجل زناها الخطا والقلب يهوى ويتمنى ويصدق ذلك الفرج ويكذبه
"Every son of Adam had been destined for the adultery and this one is definitely happening, can not help. Zina both eyes is to look at. Zina both ears to hear. Oral adultery is by talking. Zina hand is by palpating (touching). Adultery is the stepping leg. Zina heart is with the desire and daydream. Then kemaluanlah who later would confirm or deny the case. "[17]Damage Eight: Disturbing the MuslimsCelebrating the new year much enlivened by the sound firecrackers, fireworks, horns or other noise. Know it all is a munkar because they interfere with other Muslims, even the very annoying people who need a break like that again ill. Another disturbing fact Muslims are forbidden as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
المسلم من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده
"A Muslim is someone who is verbally and hands do not disturb others." [18]Ibn Baththol said, "The meaning of this hadith is the impetus for a Muslim does not harm other Muslims with oral, hands and all other forms of harm. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "People who are good are the people that do not hurt even if it only hurt an ant". "[19] Consider the words of the very good from Al Hasan Al Basri.A small ant prohibited hurt, then what about the man who had sense and feeling hurt by loud noises or maybe more than that?!Damage Ninth: Imitating Actions to Perform Waste SatanNew Year's Eve celebration is a massive waste in just one night.If we expect everyone to spend money on New Year's Eve for Rp.1000 to buy firecrackers and everything that enliven the festivities, which celebrated the new year and about 10 million population of Indonesia, then calculate how much money was being squandered in a night? That new estimate each person spends Rp. 1000, what if more than that?! My God is very much at the amount of money wasted. That treasure is squandered in vain overnight to buy firecrackers, fireworks, firecrackers, or to organize musical performances, etc.. And Allah the Exalted has said,
ولا تبذر تبذيرا إن المبذرين كانوا إخوان الشياطين
"And do not squander (your wealth) is wasteful. Lo-spender spender's what the devil are brothers. "(Surat Al Isro ': 26-27)Ibn Kathir said, "God wants to make people stay away wasteful attitude by saying:" And do not squander (your wealth) is wasteful.Lo-spender spender's what the devil are brothers. "It was said, because people are being wasteful like the devil in this case.Ibn Mas'ud and Ibn 'Abbas said, "Tabdzir (waste) is menginfakkan something not on the right path." Mujahid said, "If someone menginfakkan entire estate in the right way, it is not tabdzir (waste). But if someone menginfakkan one mud alone (palm size) on the wrong path, that is what is called tabdzir (waste). "Qotadah said," Whose name tabdzir (waste) is issuing a living in the sinner to God, on the wrong path and on the way to do mischief. [20]Damage Tenth: Wasting Valuable Time OnceCelebrating the new year including a waste of time. And time is all we need for things that are useful and not for the vain things.The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave good advice on the sign of one's Islam,
من حسن إسلام المرء تركه ما لا يعنيه
"Among the signs of Islamic goodness someone is to leave things that are not beneficial to him." [21]Remember that wasting time was almost equal to death they both have something missing. But actually a waste of time is still worse than death.May we reflect on the words of Ibn al Qoyyim, "(Know that) a waste of time worse than death. Wasting time going to dump (make you negligent) of Allah and the Hereafter. While death was dumped from the world and its inhabitants. "[22]Someone should give thanks to God with pleasure the time which he has given. Being grateful is not the time to celebrate the new year. But ingratitude is the time to do obedience and worship to God. That is the essence of true gratitude. The people that enjoyable wasted time like this that God reproach. Allah the Exalted said,
أولم نعمركم ما يتذكر فيه من تذكر وجاءكم النذير
"And if we do not lengthen your age in a period sufficient to think for people who want to think, and (if not) come to you a warner?" (Qur'an Fathir: 37). Qotadah said, "Beramallah for long life as it will postulate that can bring you down. Let us seek refuge in Allah from wasting long life to a futile thing. "[23]This is among the few flaws in the new year celebration. Actually there are a lot of other damage that we can not mention one by one in this paper because of so many. A Muslim would think a thousand times before moving because of the futility of celebrating the new year. If you want to be good in the coming year is not to celebrate. Surely be a good person with a lot of time thankful for the blessings that God gives. Thankful that actually is to do with obedience to God, not the sinner and not to waste time in vain. Then we have to consider is whether we are better today than yesterday? Think about whether this day we have ever increasing faith or getting dropped! That's what a Muslim should be contemplated whenever the passing of time.O Allah, fix the current state of the Muslims. Improve state of our brothers are far from the Islamic Aqeedah. Give them instructions on the Islamic religion in order to recognize this correctly."I do not intend to unless (bring) the improvement as long as I still berkesanggupan. And no taufik for me but with the (help of) Allah.Only to God I'm sole trust and unto Him I return. "(Surat Hud: 88)Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihat. Allaah wa 'ala Muhammad wa nabiyyina' ala alihi shohbihi wa wa sallam.
History of the New Year ADNew Year was first celebrated on January 1, 45 BC (BC). Not long after Julius Caesar was crowned as emperor of Rome, he decided to replace the traditional Roman calendar which had been created since the seventh century BC. In designing this new calendar, Julius Caesar, aided by Sosigenes, an astronomer from Alexandria, who suggested that the new calendar was made by following the revolution of the sun, as did the Egyptians. One year in the new calendar quarter is calculated as 365 days and Caesar added 67 days in the year 45 BC so that the year 46 BC started on January 1. Caesar also ordered that every four years, one day added to February, which theoretically could avoid irregularities in the new calendar. Not long before Caesar was murdered in 44 BC, he changed the name of the month Quintilis to its name, namely Julius, or July. Later, the name of the month Sextilis replaced with a substitute name of Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, the month of August. [1]From here we can see that the new year celebration starts from the infidels and absolutely not from Islam. The new year celebration occurred at the turn of the Gregorian calendar year which has always been celebrated by the pagans.Here are some of the damage caused by a Muslim celebrate the new year.Damage First: Celebrating New Year Means Celebrating 'Eid (celebration) is HaramPlease note that the celebration ('ied) there are two, namely the Muslims' Eid ul-Fitr and' Eid al-Adha. Anas bin Malik said,
كان لأهل الجاهلية يومان في كل سنة يلعبون فيهما فلما قدم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المدينة قال كان لكم يومان تلعبون فيهما وقد أبدلكم الله بهما خيرا منهما يوم الفطر ويوم الأضحى
"Ignorance People used to have two days (days Nairuz and Mihrojan) in each year that they were having fun at the time. When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam arrived in Medina, he said,' First you have two days to have fun in it. Now God has replaced for you two better days of the day of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. '"[2]But after that there were many celebrations ('ied) in the middle of the Muslims. There is a celebration that is meant to worship or simply imitating the infidels. Among the celebrations that we mean here is a celebration of new year AD. The celebration of this kind is beyond the means of celebration of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam intended as a celebration of God's better to replace. Since the celebration of the Muslims are said to be good just two of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.Note the explanation of Al-Da Lajnah Ad imah Buhuts lil 'wal Ilmiyyah Ifta', commissions fatwas in Saudi Arabia following:Al Lajnah Ad-imah Da said, "The so-called 'ied or a day of celebration as the term is all forms of association which may be periodically repeated yearly, monthly, weekly or semisalnya. So in ied collected a few things:Repeated day like Eid and Friday.Gathering of many people that day.The various activities undertaken on that day either in the form of worship or non-religious rituals.Ied law (celebration) is divided into two:Ied whose purpose is to worship, to draw close to God and glorify this day in order to get a reward, orIed contain elements resembling those ignorant or heathen factions other then the law is an innovation that is forbidden because it is covered in the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,من أحدث فى أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد"Any person who forges a charity in our religion but religion is not part of the charity is rejected." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)Example is the Prophet's birthday anniversary, mothers day and independence day. Warning maulid prophet is forbidden because it includes forges a ritual that God never let the side like the Christians and unbelievers another class. While mothers day and independence day forbidden because it resembles the infidels. "[3]-So-Lajnah explanationSimilarly, new year celebration, including the celebration of banned because it resembles the pagan celebration.Both of damage: Celebrating New Year Means Tasyabbuh (Mimic-stereotyped) kaafirCelebrating the new year including imitating the infidels. And since the first of our Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has cautioned that these people will indeed follow in the footsteps of the Persians, Romans, Jews and Christians. The Muslims follow them either in dress or even days and holidays.From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
«لا تقوم الساعة حتى تأخذ أمتى بأخذ القرون قبلها, شبرا بشبر وذراعا بذراع». فقيل يا رسول الله كفارس والروم. فقال «ومن الناس إلا أولئك»
"Doomsday will not happen until my people follow the path of previous generations inch by span, cubit by cubit." Then there are asking the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa-sallam, "Did they follow it like the Persians and Romans?" He replied, "In addition tothem, then who else? "[4]From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
لتتبعن سنن الذين من قبلكم شبرا بشبر وذراعا بذراع حتى لو دخلوا فى جحر ضب لاتبعتموهم. قلنا يا رسول الله آليهود والنصارى قال فمن
"Really you will follow the path of those before you inch by inch and cubit by cubit until if the people who you follow it into the hole dhob (a devious, pen), you definitely will follow." We (the the Companions) said, "O Messenger of Allah, What followed was the Jews and Christians?" He replied, "Then who else? [5]An-Nawawi, may Allaah have mercy when explaining the above hadith explains, "What is meant by syibr (inch) and dziro '(cubits) and dhob hole (hole land animals devious), is permisalan that the behavior of the Muslims are very similar at all with Jewish behavior and Nashroni. Namely the Muslims mencocoki them in disobedience and various irregularities, not in terms of infidelity.The words he is a miracle for him because what he said had occurred at these times."[6]Look at what was said by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. What he said really happened today. Various models of western clothing, followed by the Muslims, until even the half-naked. Similarly, various celebrations were followed, including the celebration of this new year.Remember, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has expressly forbidden us imitate the disbelievers (tasyabbuh).He said,
من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم
"Whoever imitates a people, then he is part of them." [7]Resembling the disbelievers (tasyabbuh) this happens in terms of clothing, appearance and habits. Tasyabbuh argument here is forbidden by the Qur'an, As Sunnah and the consensus of the scholars (ijma '). [8]Damage to Third: to engineer a Without Practice Guidance on New Year's EveWe already know that this new year celebration comes from the unbelievers and their tradition. But unfortunately in between there are ignorant people who mensyari'atkan practice-specific practice on New Year's Eve. "Rather than the time of the Muslims in vain, mending New Year's Eve we are content with the dhikr in congregation at the mosque. That's certainly more benefits than waiting the turn of the year without any benefit ", as the expression of some. It was weird. Such Pensyariatan means doing a deed that without guidance. New year celebration itself is not a celebration or ritual of the Muslims, then why should disyari'atkan certain practices when it? Moreover, waiting for the turn of the year would have resulted in leaving many obligations as we would later say.If someone says, "Instead of waiting for the new year be filled with things that are not useful, mending filled with dhikr. The important thing is not our good intentions. "So we protested enough good intentions of this kind with the words of Ibn Mas'ud, when he saw people who dhikr, but not according to the guidance of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. People who do dhikr which no guidance is said to Ibn Mas'ud,
والله يا أبا عبد الرحمن ما أردنا إلا الخير.
"By Allah, O Abu 'Abd (Ibn Mas'ud), we are not wanted but good."Ibn Mas'ud then said,
وكم من مريد للخير لن يصيبه
"How many people who want a good, but they do not get it." [9]So in doing the deeds, good will alone is not enough. We must also follow the example of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the new practice is acceptable in the sight of Allah.Fourth damage: fell in with the prohibition Saying Happy New YearWe already know that the new year are the symbols of the unbelievers and not the symbols of the Muslims. So, do not deserve a Muslim to congratulate the symbols of the unbelievers like this. Even this is not permissible under the agreement of the scholars (ijma ').Ibn Qoyyim in Ahkam dhimma Experts say, "As for congratulating on syi'ar-syi'ar infidelity specifically for those who disbelieve (like say good Christmas, pen) is something that is forbidden by ijma '(consensus) of the scholars. An example is congratulated at the feast and fasting they like to say, 'I hope today is a blessing for you', or with congratulations on their big day and stuff. 'If it's people who say it can survive infidelity, but he will not get away from things which are forbidden. Congratulations feast like this to them is tantamount to congratulate our prostrations they do on the cross, and even act like it a greater sin in the sight of Allah. Such greeting is more hated by God than someone congratulated the people who drink alcohol, kill the soul, adultery, or congratulations on the other immoral.Many people who lack understanding of the religion falls within it.Such people do not know the ugliness of the deeds they do.Therefore, whoever gave congratulations to someone who commits immoral, heretical or kufr, then he deserves the hatred and wrath of Almighty God. "[10]Damage Fifth: The Case of Mandatory Leave of Prayer Five TimesHow much we see, from staying up all night to wait for the seconds turn of the year, even staying up like this forwarded again to hour 1, hour 2 night or even until morning, most people who stay up like this escape from the prayers which we have agreed Shubuh is obligatory. Among them are some who do not pray Shubuh at all because it was exhausted in the morning.Finally, they slept until mid afternoon and had no redeemable berlalulah obligation at all. Na'udzu billahi forbid min.Know that leave a single one of the five daily prayers is not a trivial matter. Even meningalkannya the scholars agree that it includes a great sin.Ibn al-rahimahullah Qoyyim-said, "The Muslims are not disagree (agree) that leave the compulsory prayer (praying five times) intentionally includes the greatest of sins and the sin is greater than sin to kill, seize property of others, adultery, stealing, and drinking. People who leave will receive the punishment and the wrath of God and get the humiliation in this world and hereafter. "[11]Adh-rahimahullah Dzahabi-also said, "People who pray to the exit time mengakhirkan including commit major sins. And that the prayer is a prayer-it-is considered as one who committed adultery and stealing. Since leaving the prayer, or escape from it including a great sin. Therefore, the person who left it up to many times including the perpetrators of grave sin until he repent.Those who abandon prayers, including the losers, injuries and property including the mujrim (a sin). "[12]The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was threatened with paganism for people who deliberately left the five daily prayers.Buraidah bin Al Al Hushoib Aslamiy said, "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
العهد الذى بيننا وبينهم الصلاة فمن تركها فقد كفر
"The agreement between us and them (the disbelievers) is a prayers. Whoever left it then he has disbelieved. "[13] Therefore, a Muslim should not celebrate the new year so as to make him fall into major sin.By celebrating the new year, one can also escaped from the main practice of prayer at night. From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
أفضل الصلاة بعد الفريضة صلاة الليل
"The best prayer after the obligatory prayers is the night prayer." [14] Prayer is the best night of prayer and common prayer loved by the people sholih. A person can get a virtue because it met with an efficacious time to pray is when a third last night. What a waste if someone finds the night but he wasted it. Night prayers due to neglect to follow the western culture, it is a very big loss.Damage Sixth: There are sleepless Without urinationStay up without any interest syar'i hated by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Included here are waiting for the seconds turn of the year with no benefits at all. It was narrated from Abi Barzah, he said,
أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - كان يكره النوم قبل العشاء والحديث بعدها
"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam hate sleep before praying' Isha and chat afterwards." [15]Ibn Baththol explained, "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not like staying up after praying' Isha because he really wanted to perform prayers night and not worry if to escape from the morning prayer in congregation. 'Umar bin Al Khottob to the extent that ever hit people who stay up after evening prayers, he said, "Are you now stay up in the early evening, then at the end of the night was sound asleep!" [16] Moreover, by staying up late, is to neglect of something More mandatory (ie prayer Shubuh)?!Damage Seventh: mired in AdulteryIf we look at the behavior of young people today, the celebration of the new year on they are not separated from ikhtilath (mixed up between men and women) and berkholwat (two-duan), maybe even worse than it is to fall into adultery with pubic . This is what often happens at night by crashing the various restrictions of God in dealing with the opposite sex. This is what happens on New Year's Eve and this is the real place among young people. And with such views, hands and even pubic has committed adultery.This means doing something unlawful.From Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
كتب على ابن آدم نصيبه من الزنى مدرك ذلك لا محالة فالعينان زناهما النظر والأذنان زناهما الاستماع واللسان زناه الكلام واليد زناها البطش والرجل زناها الخطا والقلب يهوى ويتمنى ويصدق ذلك الفرج ويكذبه
"Every son of Adam had been destined for the adultery and this one is definitely happening, can not help. Zina both eyes is to look at. Zina both ears to hear. Oral adultery is by talking. Zina hand is by palpating (touching). Adultery is the stepping leg. Zina heart is with the desire and daydream. Then kemaluanlah who later would confirm or deny the case. "[17]Damage Eight: Disturbing the MuslimsCelebrating the new year much enlivened by the sound firecrackers, fireworks, horns or other noise. Know it all is a munkar because they interfere with other Muslims, even the very annoying people who need a break like that again ill. Another disturbing fact Muslims are forbidden as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
المسلم من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده
"A Muslim is someone who is verbally and hands do not disturb others." [18]Ibn Baththol said, "The meaning of this hadith is the impetus for a Muslim does not harm other Muslims with oral, hands and all other forms of harm. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "People who are good are the people that do not hurt even if it only hurt an ant". "[19] Consider the words of the very good from Al Hasan Al Basri.A small ant prohibited hurt, then what about the man who had sense and feeling hurt by loud noises or maybe more than that?!Damage Ninth: Imitating Actions to Perform Waste SatanNew Year's Eve celebration is a massive waste in just one night.If we expect everyone to spend money on New Year's Eve for Rp.1000 to buy firecrackers and everything that enliven the festivities, which celebrated the new year and about 10 million population of Indonesia, then calculate how much money was being squandered in a night? That new estimate each person spends Rp. 1000, what if more than that?! My God is very much at the amount of money wasted. That treasure is squandered in vain overnight to buy firecrackers, fireworks, firecrackers, or to organize musical performances, etc.. And Allah the Exalted has said,
ولا تبذر تبذيرا إن المبذرين كانوا إخوان الشياطين
"And do not squander (your wealth) is wasteful. Lo-spender spender's what the devil are brothers. "(Surat Al Isro ': 26-27)Ibn Kathir said, "God wants to make people stay away wasteful attitude by saying:" And do not squander (your wealth) is wasteful.Lo-spender spender's what the devil are brothers. "It was said, because people are being wasteful like the devil in this case.Ibn Mas'ud and Ibn 'Abbas said, "Tabdzir (waste) is menginfakkan something not on the right path." Mujahid said, "If someone menginfakkan entire estate in the right way, it is not tabdzir (waste). But if someone menginfakkan one mud alone (palm size) on the wrong path, that is what is called tabdzir (waste). "Qotadah said," Whose name tabdzir (waste) is issuing a living in the sinner to God, on the wrong path and on the way to do mischief. [20]Damage Tenth: Wasting Valuable Time OnceCelebrating the new year including a waste of time. And time is all we need for things that are useful and not for the vain things.The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave good advice on the sign of one's Islam,
من حسن إسلام المرء تركه ما لا يعنيه
"Among the signs of Islamic goodness someone is to leave things that are not beneficial to him." [21]Remember that wasting time was almost equal to death they both have something missing. But actually a waste of time is still worse than death.May we reflect on the words of Ibn al Qoyyim, "(Know that) a waste of time worse than death. Wasting time going to dump (make you negligent) of Allah and the Hereafter. While death was dumped from the world and its inhabitants. "[22]Someone should give thanks to God with pleasure the time which he has given. Being grateful is not the time to celebrate the new year. But ingratitude is the time to do obedience and worship to God. That is the essence of true gratitude. The people that enjoyable wasted time like this that God reproach. Allah the Exalted said,
أولم نعمركم ما يتذكر فيه من تذكر وجاءكم النذير
"And if we do not lengthen your age in a period sufficient to think for people who want to think, and (if not) come to you a warner?" (Qur'an Fathir: 37). Qotadah said, "Beramallah for long life as it will postulate that can bring you down. Let us seek refuge in Allah from wasting long life to a futile thing. "[23]This is among the few flaws in the new year celebration. Actually there are a lot of other damage that we can not mention one by one in this paper because of so many. A Muslim would think a thousand times before moving because of the futility of celebrating the new year. If you want to be good in the coming year is not to celebrate. Surely be a good person with a lot of time thankful for the blessings that God gives. Thankful that actually is to do with obedience to God, not the sinner and not to waste time in vain. Then we have to consider is whether we are better today than yesterday? Think about whether this day we have ever increasing faith or getting dropped! That's what a Muslim should be contemplated whenever the passing of time.O Allah, fix the current state of the Muslims. Improve state of our brothers are far from the Islamic Aqeedah. Give them instructions on the Islamic religion in order to recognize this correctly."I do not intend to unless (bring) the improvement as long as I still berkesanggupan. And no taufik for me but with the (help of) Allah.Only to God I'm sole trust and unto Him I return. "(Surat Hud: 88)Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihat. Allaah wa 'ala Muhammad wa nabiyyina' ala alihi shohbihi wa wa sallam.
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