Dr. Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin said:
"Yes, there is no demonstration who agree with malignant. People are expected to come out into the road safely as a sign of denial over their tyranny regimes. He is one of menzahirkan rebuttal against munkar. In the tradition of a man came to complain to the Prophet, he said:
"Indeed jiranku hurt". Prophet's saying: "Remove baranganmu and place it on the road". Then he took barangannya and location of the road. Then, everyone who passed asked: "what applies to you? '. He replied: "Jiranku hurt". So they say: "O Allah laknatilah him, O God hinalah him". With reason, neighbors to say: "Go back to your house, I will not sakitimu again". (Reported by al-Bazzar and al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak. Ahmad Shakir vote as valid).
Similarly, the Prophet taught that free sometimes with how to resolve tyranny backed by crowded on the street. Rebuttal be intimidating crowd wrongdoers. If mere tyranny we must not act in such a neighbor, apatahlagi tyranny regime much larger and difficult to be removed. Definitely bigger endorsement and denial on the greater need. What is important, demonstrator should not shed the blood of fellow Muslims and the people, nor pervert the treasure lay, and they were not guilty.
Arab and Islamic world must change. Europe has long been rid of their leaders were corrupt and iron nails. Occasional animal rights enjoyed by Western human rights better than living under the ruling regimes in the Arab world and Islam. Falling! Falling! Fell down all the regime! "
Elsewhere, he helped affirm hadith halal street demonstrations such as in the following video, http://youtu.be/QOKenlEKAbo
Comments and rebuttal:
[First] Hadith is as follows:
قال رجل يا رسول الله, إن لي جارا يؤذيني, فقال: "انطلق. فأخرج متاعك إلى الطريق". فانطلق فأخرج متاعه, فاجتمع الناس عليه, فقالوا: ما شأنك? قال: لي جار يؤذيني, فذكرت للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: "انطلق. فاخرج متاعك إلى الطريق" فجعلوا يقولون: اللهم! العنه, اللهم أخزه. فبلغه, فأتاه فقال: ارجع إلى منزلك, فوالله لا أوذيك.
A man came to complain to the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, verily jiranku hurt me." Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Go home and remove your stuff and place it on the street." So the man went home and took his belongings and put it on the road. So the crowd was gathered around him, asking, "What applies to you?" He replied, "then I ceritakannya Jiranku hurt the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He said, "Go home and remove your stuff and place it on the street." "So they (the people there) said," O Allah laknatilah and hinalah him. "Apparently in the same period by the case didengari neighbors to them. So he immediately him and said, "Go back to your house, for God's sake I will not hurt anymore."
This hadith narrated by Imam al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-simplex, no. 124 in chapter neighbor neighbor complaints. Musnad al-Bazzar, no. 8344. And the imam al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak, no. 7302. Hadith is considered authentic by al-Hakim them, Shaykh Ahmad Shakir and al-Albani)
[Both] How schools are taken by Dr. Asri to include the party of tradition forms qiyas very far away. Hadith is touching manners and relationships among people, but Dr. Asri use it to issues of government relations.
[Third] Using this hadith to diqiyaskan with street demonstrations against the government's actions are not at all appropriate and outrageous. His attitude was included partly from takalluf forms the arguments, namely to impose his will nash to follow. While tradition might be talking about something else that did not touch the issue of street demonstrations to protest government mahupun. Which is what is understood from the hadith the Prophet ordered the complainant was issued his belongings into the street. That's sake only! Nothing at all in order to demonstrate command mahupun demonstration.
[Fourth] One thing that needs to be understood that free bermu'amalah about the government's existing support their arguments that are particularly distinctive. This distinguished kaedah mu'amalah or relationships between neighboring with the government. Or relationships in general layman and the government in particular.
If we put forward this Hadith refers to the general situation of the relationship among the neighbor, so where are we going to throw specificity mu'amalah traditions related to the government? Are kerana general nature of the hadith that has no connection with the government was able to become a much more powerful texts so as to turn a bunch of other traditions that are special?
Is not this going to cause various forms pertembungan among a set of traditions with other traditions? Well, is not this clearly a kaedah a false? Raising a hadith that supports a large set of hujahannya and silencing opposing traditions handle?
[Fifth] kaedah ideology taken Dr. Asri bertembung with many other arguments. This will be explained in the next points.
[Sixth] Contrary to the manners and practices recommended by the government advising Nabawi. Islam never educate his people to come out to demonstrate against the government, even a heathen government. Street protests were never valid in the time of Prophet mahupun friends. Was never told or exemplified by them.
Even criticize the government or ugliness mencanang pulpits have been strictly prohibited by the Salaf, inikan also make a rebuttal and demonstrations in the streets?
[Seven] What is taught by the Prophet and his companions were advising, guiding, and assisting the government in matters of kindness. Advise and admonish berdepan mistakes. Not the demonstration and demonstration on the streets.
Although the government is despotic though, the Prophet had never confirmed that held street demonstrations. Had counsel and backup is not acceptable, then we have actually delivered, and general counsels continue to benefit the Muslims. It has been the authors describe in particular detail in the following text, http://fiqh-sunnah.blogspot.com/2010/05/174-fiqh-menasihati-para-pemimpin.html
[Kelapan] How to understand Dr. Asri contrary to the traditions which orders to obey the government in matters kindness. In fact it includes kaedah who have become experts advised on the sunnah wal-worshipers. These include as affirmed imam Muhammad Abdurrahman al-Mubarakfuri rahimahullah:
الإمام إذا أمر بمندوب أو مباح وجب
"If one leader ordered something sunnah or permissible (to be), then the law becomes mandatory." (Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 5/298)
Moreover, the law is not a highway, traffic laws, the laws ban demonstrations in the streets and highways for instance including kindness matters. If it was not mandatory though kerana not come exclusively from revelation, then is not it included things permissible (should) have maslahah general and must be obeyed. As kaedah and principles of Sunnah experts said, any orders from the government or permissible longer have maslahah and goodness lay, it must be obeyed.
[Ninth] How to understand Dr. Asri contrary to the traditions that assert rights relating to the road. This has been explained in the article the author typical here, http://an-nawawi.blogspot.com/2010/10/amalan-demonstrasi-bukan-ajaran-islam.html
[Tenth] Hadith used by Dr. Asri is simply not teaching demonstration, demonstrations, gather mahupun gathered in the streets to make a protest against the government's rebuttal mahupun.
Even the hadith is a clear gesture, when dealing with problems among the community (neighbor neighbor) to get advice to berautoriti groups, namely those who are in power.
Gathering of people in the hadith is not a designed and deliberate mahupun ordered by the Prophet. But he applies his deep accidentally saw one of his neighbors put stuff on the streets.
Actually this is almost the same as when applicable misfortune on the highway, then people will memperlahankan ramailah vehicle for looking at events that lead to congested roads.
On this day, to put stuff on the streets, then it should not be done arbitrarily his authority, his deep roads we have laws and no rights for the common good. To install khemah kahwin feast itself also needs to get the truth from some parties, as well inikan Want a demonstration?!
If it were, everyone desires the right melaungkan respectively, nescaya later each person will exult in the middle of the highway on the right grounds assemble and protest! So it is not impossible that there will be no lay Want lying in the street, playing football in the street, sitting on the streets, begging for alms in the streets, eating, there might even want to trade on the streets? ! The reason: "We have the right to assemble is safe!"
From here our other features have clearly demonstrated how to understand Dr. Asri is huge opposition to waqi 'and the state during the day. Is not Dr. Asri always urge people not to follow the old-fashioned reality and literal in understanding the texts! So, prove it!
By that, do not just think the rights themselves, Think equal rights of others as well as other users. Do not Want kerana reason to protest or impose tyrannical government, then you also do wrong to the others! Even despotic up religious arguments for diversion pens you!
Remember, corruption is much more dangerous tradition of corruption money, even corruption is much more despotic tradition versus corruption treasure!
So here I advise, do not be pemanipulasi hadith just got his Dr. kerana themselves. And PhD.!
[Eleventh] More kaedah opposite schools of hadith, many other traditions that teach how we should guard against the Islamic government relations.
Islam teaches to obey the government in matters that kindness and disobey the unjust things. And Islam also teaches us not to seize or overthrow the government leadership kerusi that shaded us as where they (the government) are still Muslims and establish prayer. This principle does not only apply to government ages Khulafa al-Rashidun, Umayyads, 'Abbasids, mahupun era of democracy today, even so the whole time while they Islamic government. The details of this case have been the author laid here, http://aqidah-wa-manhaj.blogspot.com/2010/08/125-bagaimana-ahlus-sunnah-wal-jamaah.html
[Twelve] lookups and semakkan Until now, these were no group salaf use or understand this tradition in order to postulate street demonstrations as understood Dr. Asri. So is not this included things new again smelled heresy?
"Yes, there is no demonstration who agree with malignant. People are expected to come out into the road safely as a sign of denial over their tyranny regimes. He is one of menzahirkan rebuttal against munkar. In the tradition of a man came to complain to the Prophet, he said:
"Indeed jiranku hurt". Prophet's saying: "Remove baranganmu and place it on the road". Then he took barangannya and location of the road. Then, everyone who passed asked: "what applies to you? '. He replied: "Jiranku hurt". So they say: "O Allah laknatilah him, O God hinalah him". With reason, neighbors to say: "Go back to your house, I will not sakitimu again". (Reported by al-Bazzar and al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak. Ahmad Shakir vote as valid).
Similarly, the Prophet taught that free sometimes with how to resolve tyranny backed by crowded on the street. Rebuttal be intimidating crowd wrongdoers. If mere tyranny we must not act in such a neighbor, apatahlagi tyranny regime much larger and difficult to be removed. Definitely bigger endorsement and denial on the greater need. What is important, demonstrator should not shed the blood of fellow Muslims and the people, nor pervert the treasure lay, and they were not guilty.
Arab and Islamic world must change. Europe has long been rid of their leaders were corrupt and iron nails. Occasional animal rights enjoyed by Western human rights better than living under the ruling regimes in the Arab world and Islam. Falling! Falling! Fell down all the regime! "
Elsewhere, he helped affirm hadith halal street demonstrations such as in the following video, http://youtu.be/QOKenlEKAbo
Comments and rebuttal:
[First] Hadith is as follows:
قال رجل يا رسول الله, إن لي جارا يؤذيني, فقال: "انطلق. فأخرج متاعك إلى الطريق". فانطلق فأخرج متاعه, فاجتمع الناس عليه, فقالوا: ما شأنك? قال: لي جار يؤذيني, فذكرت للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: "انطلق. فاخرج متاعك إلى الطريق" فجعلوا يقولون: اللهم! العنه, اللهم أخزه. فبلغه, فأتاه فقال: ارجع إلى منزلك, فوالله لا أوذيك.
A man came to complain to the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, verily jiranku hurt me." Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Go home and remove your stuff and place it on the street." So the man went home and took his belongings and put it on the road. So the crowd was gathered around him, asking, "What applies to you?" He replied, "then I ceritakannya Jiranku hurt the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He said, "Go home and remove your stuff and place it on the street." "So they (the people there) said," O Allah laknatilah and hinalah him. "Apparently in the same period by the case didengari neighbors to them. So he immediately him and said, "Go back to your house, for God's sake I will not hurt anymore."
This hadith narrated by Imam al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-simplex, no. 124 in chapter neighbor neighbor complaints. Musnad al-Bazzar, no. 8344. And the imam al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak, no. 7302. Hadith is considered authentic by al-Hakim them, Shaykh Ahmad Shakir and al-Albani)
[Both] How schools are taken by Dr. Asri to include the party of tradition forms qiyas very far away. Hadith is touching manners and relationships among people, but Dr. Asri use it to issues of government relations.
[Third] Using this hadith to diqiyaskan with street demonstrations against the government's actions are not at all appropriate and outrageous. His attitude was included partly from takalluf forms the arguments, namely to impose his will nash to follow. While tradition might be talking about something else that did not touch the issue of street demonstrations to protest government mahupun. Which is what is understood from the hadith the Prophet ordered the complainant was issued his belongings into the street. That's sake only! Nothing at all in order to demonstrate command mahupun demonstration.
[Fourth] One thing that needs to be understood that free bermu'amalah about the government's existing support their arguments that are particularly distinctive. This distinguished kaedah mu'amalah or relationships between neighboring with the government. Or relationships in general layman and the government in particular.
If we put forward this Hadith refers to the general situation of the relationship among the neighbor, so where are we going to throw specificity mu'amalah traditions related to the government? Are kerana general nature of the hadith that has no connection with the government was able to become a much more powerful texts so as to turn a bunch of other traditions that are special?
Is not this going to cause various forms pertembungan among a set of traditions with other traditions? Well, is not this clearly a kaedah a false? Raising a hadith that supports a large set of hujahannya and silencing opposing traditions handle?
[Fifth] kaedah ideology taken Dr. Asri bertembung with many other arguments. This will be explained in the next points.
[Sixth] Contrary to the manners and practices recommended by the government advising Nabawi. Islam never educate his people to come out to demonstrate against the government, even a heathen government. Street protests were never valid in the time of Prophet mahupun friends. Was never told or exemplified by them.
Even criticize the government or ugliness mencanang pulpits have been strictly prohibited by the Salaf, inikan also make a rebuttal and demonstrations in the streets?
[Seven] What is taught by the Prophet and his companions were advising, guiding, and assisting the government in matters of kindness. Advise and admonish berdepan mistakes. Not the demonstration and demonstration on the streets.
Although the government is despotic though, the Prophet had never confirmed that held street demonstrations. Had counsel and backup is not acceptable, then we have actually delivered, and general counsels continue to benefit the Muslims. It has been the authors describe in particular detail in the following text, http://fiqh-sunnah.blogspot.com/2010/05/174-fiqh-menasihati-para-pemimpin.html
[Kelapan] How to understand Dr. Asri contrary to the traditions which orders to obey the government in matters kindness. In fact it includes kaedah who have become experts advised on the sunnah wal-worshipers. These include as affirmed imam Muhammad Abdurrahman al-Mubarakfuri rahimahullah:
الإمام إذا أمر بمندوب أو مباح وجب
"If one leader ordered something sunnah or permissible (to be), then the law becomes mandatory." (Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 5/298)
Moreover, the law is not a highway, traffic laws, the laws ban demonstrations in the streets and highways for instance including kindness matters. If it was not mandatory though kerana not come exclusively from revelation, then is not it included things permissible (should) have maslahah general and must be obeyed. As kaedah and principles of Sunnah experts said, any orders from the government or permissible longer have maslahah and goodness lay, it must be obeyed.
[Ninth] How to understand Dr. Asri contrary to the traditions that assert rights relating to the road. This has been explained in the article the author typical here, http://an-nawawi.blogspot.com/2010/10/amalan-demonstrasi-bukan-ajaran-islam.html
[Tenth] Hadith used by Dr. Asri is simply not teaching demonstration, demonstrations, gather mahupun gathered in the streets to make a protest against the government's rebuttal mahupun.
Even the hadith is a clear gesture, when dealing with problems among the community (neighbor neighbor) to get advice to berautoriti groups, namely those who are in power.
Gathering of people in the hadith is not a designed and deliberate mahupun ordered by the Prophet. But he applies his deep accidentally saw one of his neighbors put stuff on the streets.
Actually this is almost the same as when applicable misfortune on the highway, then people will memperlahankan ramailah vehicle for looking at events that lead to congested roads.
On this day, to put stuff on the streets, then it should not be done arbitrarily his authority, his deep roads we have laws and no rights for the common good. To install khemah kahwin feast itself also needs to get the truth from some parties, as well inikan Want a demonstration?!
If it were, everyone desires the right melaungkan respectively, nescaya later each person will exult in the middle of the highway on the right grounds assemble and protest! So it is not impossible that there will be no lay Want lying in the street, playing football in the street, sitting on the streets, begging for alms in the streets, eating, there might even want to trade on the streets? ! The reason: "We have the right to assemble is safe!"
From here our other features have clearly demonstrated how to understand Dr. Asri is huge opposition to waqi 'and the state during the day. Is not Dr. Asri always urge people not to follow the old-fashioned reality and literal in understanding the texts! So, prove it!
By that, do not just think the rights themselves, Think equal rights of others as well as other users. Do not Want kerana reason to protest or impose tyrannical government, then you also do wrong to the others! Even despotic up religious arguments for diversion pens you!
Remember, corruption is much more dangerous tradition of corruption money, even corruption is much more despotic tradition versus corruption treasure!
So here I advise, do not be pemanipulasi hadith just got his Dr. kerana themselves. And PhD.!
[Eleventh] More kaedah opposite schools of hadith, many other traditions that teach how we should guard against the Islamic government relations.
Islam teaches to obey the government in matters that kindness and disobey the unjust things. And Islam also teaches us not to seize or overthrow the government leadership kerusi that shaded us as where they (the government) are still Muslims and establish prayer. This principle does not only apply to government ages Khulafa al-Rashidun, Umayyads, 'Abbasids, mahupun era of democracy today, even so the whole time while they Islamic government. The details of this case have been the author laid here, http://aqidah-wa-manhaj.blogspot.com/2010/08/125-bagaimana-ahlus-sunnah-wal-jamaah.html
[Twelve] lookups and semakkan Until now, these were no group salaf use or understand this tradition in order to postulate street demonstrations as understood Dr. Asri. So is not this included things new again smelled heresy?
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