لا وصية لوارث. رواه الدارقطني
"Not valid wills for his heirs." (History Daruqutni)
2. Weeping for the dead with a loud, wail, slapping the cheeks, tearing clothes and dressed in black, as Rasululloh Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam said:
الميت يعذب في قبره بما نيح عليه (إذا أوصاهم) رواه البخاري ومسلم.
"The dead man was tortured in his grave because lamented (if he
berwsiat)." (Muslim riwayatBukharidan)
3. Announcing the news of the death in the prayer, in newspapers, giving a bouquet of flowers, Because that include innovation and a waste of money and resembles the behavior of the idolaters and non-Muslims. Shallallahu'alaihi Prophet SAW:
من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم
"Baragsiapa resembles a class he belonged to it." (Narrated by Abu Daud).
4. Arrival of the kiai in the house of the deceased to read the Al-Quran. Rasululloh Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam said:
اقرءوا القرآن ولا تأكلوا به ولا تستكثروا به (من متاع الدنيا).
"Read the Qur'an and amalkanlah, nor the Qur'an that you make a living and do not multiply the treasures of the world to him." (Ahmad history).
Forbidden to give or receive some money as payment for reading the Qur'an.
If we gave the money to the poor then the reward to the person who has died and for him.
5. May not make a meal or gather to taziya either at home, in the mosque or elsewhere. Radhiallahu'anhu Jarir said:
كنا نرى الإجتماع إلى أهل الميت وصنيعة الطعام بعد دفنه لغيرهم من النياحة (المحرمة). رواه أحمد.
"We found that the collection held together go to the families of the dead and making food to be served to the guests, including legal bodies lament." (History Ahmad)
The law does not hold taziya bolehnya gathered is confirmed by Imam Shafi'i and Imam Nawawi in his book "AL-ADZKAR" taziya chapter. As Ibn Abidin who bermazhab Hanafi, has insisted that there must be for the families of the dead to serve dinner. As religion banquet was held in the happy situation, not in a state of grief. In the book "AL-BAZAZIYAH"-followers of hanafi-mentioned that making meals on the first and third, and after one week should not be legal. Similarly, bring food to the tomb of the great day, also made an invitation to read the Qur'an, as well as gather righteous people and experts read the Qur'an to hold everything Khataman Qur'an should not be legal.
6. It should not be reading the Qur'an, and the Prophet's Birthday remembrance read over the grave because Rasululloh Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam and his companions never did.
7. Make a mound of earth, stone spread and others over the grave, paint and make writing on it, everything is haraam. The evidence:
نهى النبي أن يجصص القبر وأن يبنى عليه وأن يكتب عليه. رواه مسلم
"Rasululloh Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam forbade whitewashed tombs, built or writeable." (Narrated by Muslim)
Simply by putting an inch high rock, so that it can recognize the grave, as done by Rasululloh Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam when laying stone on the grave of Uthman bin Mazh'un, and he said:
"I mark the grave my brother." (Narrated by Abu Dauddengansanadhasan)
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