Introducing early religious education, it should be done by parents to their children. This is done so that the child has a morality and noble character when he was growing up. Thus, he could avoid the things that are negative on the growth of personality. And most importantly, he can respect and honor their parents, and friends to socialize while living in their communities.
The introduction of religious education for the baby, can be started from the first family. When he telahir to toddler, it's good at teaching things about religion. For example, when he was just starting to learn to speak, teach language or sentences related to islam (if Islam as a religion), like the habit of saying hello when he was coming in the house or when he met relatives or friends.
Although the teaching of things like this is not easy, however, if the parents have get used to since childhood, then, is guaranteed to be able to do it easily. A simple example is the child get used to reading the prayer when he was about to eat or going to bed. Furthermore, he would get used alone.
If parents want a more Islamic character created within the baby, put him into kindergarten Islami. In the school environment such as this, the child's religious education is guaranteed to be more established. Because, in the Islamic kindergarten available a variety of scientific and educational materials, start-directed curriculum, tutors or qualified kindergarten teachers, to the means and pre means available will support the effectiveness of the development of Islamic personality baby nan.
If it were deemed too expensive kindergarten, parents can involve their children in early childhood programs (Early Childhood Education) are usually made specifically for those who are less fortunate. However, from the material taught in common. Have the same vision to teach, promote, create a personality for the better baby from all sides, one side of their religion.
After his education in kindergarten is completed, it helps the parents to think carefully the next child's education. Would like educated in elementary school (elementary school) in general, international school, or a special place that teaches Islamic sciences commonly called the pesantren. All the Shah-Shah, depending on the desire of the parents to provide a decent education for their children. And of course, adapted to the economic level of the family concerned.
All the educational institutions, the involvement of role set out in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System stated that the national development in education aimed at educating the nation and improve the quality of Indonesian believers, pious and noble as well as master science, technology and art in creating an advanced society, just and prosperous and civilized based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
Thus, the school as an element in education that organizes the learning process should be directed to nurture, guide, direct and develop all potential learners to achieve the goals and objectives of the national education.
In other words, the school is not only to develop the potential of students who are science and technology alone, but must also be able to guide and direct the learners to have morals and character in accordance with the guidance of religious values.
Religious Education in Ramadan
As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, it was natural that the month of Ramadan has a distinctive feature. Starting companies repatriating employees earlier, to educational institutions such as schools that reproduce the type of teaching Islamic theology to be a series of programs provided to the students in the school bench.
Typically, in education, especially in the month of Ramadan are effective facultative day, namely the use of a particular day for learning religious values of Islam through the pesantren lightning, cottage Ramadan or other activities related to the religion of Islam, better known by the term-based learning IMTAQ (iman and taqwa).
One task IMTAQ based schools in the month of Ramadan, no less useful that every student is required to fill out a complete fasting with prayer 5 time. If you carry all, students are required menyontrengnya. At night the day, students are required to summarize the lecture tarawih prayers complete with signature preacher.
The goal, in addition to further enhancing the value of faith and devotion to the Deity, as well as to harmonize the concepts of science and technology with the values of faith and devotion, and increase confidence and trust in each event that occurred on his power
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