Alhamdulillah. Evidence in the Qur'aan and Sunnah indicates that the celebration of the anniversary, including innovations in religion diada inventions that have no basis in Shari'a is sacred and must not meet the invitation because it is meant to support and encourage the kebid'ahan and Allah Ta'ala says:
"Or do they have allies are set for them in the form of sharia that are not allowed by the religion of Allah."
And the word of God:
"Then We made you in the Shari'a of affairs was so follow the Shari'a it and do not follow the desires of people who do not know. Surely they will not be able to refuse you from the punishment of God at all. And verily, those who were partially dhalim them to be helpers of one another. And Allah is the Protector of those who fear Him. " (Q.S Al Jathiyah: 18).
And God said:
"Follow ye what is revealed unto thee from Rabbmu. And do not follow the other helper besides Him. Few of you who take heed."
There is a saheeh hadeeth from the Messenger of Allaah that he actually said:
"Those who practice the deed that no orders from us so he rejected."
Issued by a Muslim in the shahihnya.
In another hadith he said:
"The best of speech is as good as the book of Allah and Muhammad both instructions are instructions Allaah. And the ugly, ugly thing that matters is diada-held and each kebid'ahan is misguided."
Hadiths which are very much to convey the same.
Then the celebration is in addition to heresy munkaroh that have no basis of Shari'a also it contains tasyabbuh (like) with Jewish and Nassara about birth anniversary. Messenger of Allaah has said warned of the sunnah and the way they live:
"You surely will follow the sunnah of those before you inch by inch, so if they get into the hole lizard was definitely you will enter it." They asked: "O Messenger of Allah, whether they were Jewish and Nassara?" He replied: "Who else?" Issued by Bukhari Muslim daalam Shahihain.
And meaning "Who else?" means they are the ones who meant by the words of the Prophet Allaah is. He Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam also said:
"Who is like a people then he is of that."
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